It's ABOUT TIME!! Somebody is noticing that families WANT and need good programing! The sponsors: Proctor & Gamble and Walmart, of Family Movie Night are bringing family friendly viewing~movies fit for families that will inspire, encourage, and inform! I am thrilled with the concept. I got to preview A Walk In My Shoes, and it's a little unexpected in its plot~no real religion, but some spiritualism~and well, a story for an older child, an older child or preteen would like it a lot.. teens and of course parents!...For young children, it's really not suited because it has ideas and concepts such as people switching identities that would be hard for them to follow~but I wholeheartedly applaud this effort and encourage you to pop some popcorn and gather up the kiddos...
THIS FRI~8PM/7 Central on NBC...
Check out my earlier post HERE ~WATCH THE TRAILOR! woot!
Enter my GiveAway~HERE!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Holiday Bliss 2010~COMING December 1-Jan 1~woot!

You can come by here each day to see JUST WHAT SisterT is up to and/or you can join in the fun~
Come on~it's soo much fun!
Don't forget I'm hosting a contest for two Lip Moisture Tint sticks form Carmex~Peach and Pink...HERE!
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 30: Project Completed!! Whoot!!
I started this blanket last year for my son for his got too hot to work on it any longer, so I saved it for this season of cold weather~IT IS FINISHED! Yaaaaaay!! AND I just laid it over him as he lay sleeping!! Whoohoo! I am so thankful it's done...and so is this year's Gratitude Challenge! Thanks ladies for your giving of gratitude to me each day from your lives...I've not gotten by everyday, but I did try on most...and to Brenda~THANKS so much for your creativity and blessings each day~YOU ROCK!
Head over to ck out the other grateful HERE! AND tomorrow we begin a new theme~Holiday Bliss...I'm beginning early...LOL..SEE YOU tomorrow~hugs!
Carmex GiveAway going on~Join in!!
Head over to ck out the other grateful HERE! AND tomorrow we begin a new theme~Holiday Bliss...I'm beginning early...LOL..SEE YOU tomorrow~hugs!
Carmex GiveAway going on~Join in!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Blog Cruise: SisterT's Talking About Extra Curriculars....
Busy, busy, busy is what we seem to be especially when DRAMA season is on us~BUT, we LOVE IT! Drama has provided so many cool things with my kiddos~speaking experience, monologue experience, theater experience, set, hair, makeup, publicity, concessions experiences...FUN and FRIENDS~All this~wrapped into just a few months twice a year~whoot!
Also we are heavily involved in our church. My kiddos are choir members, youth group members and attenders of every service and activity of our church. Before the church decided to do away with youth AWANA~we did that too~my daughter is completing her work for her Citation Award~the last of the series of awards offered by AWANA. She has the Timothy and Meritorious already...I am so proud of her!
In the past, she volunteered for our local library. Where we live now, there's little she can do there besides dusting books or helping with story was really dealing with patrons and searches that she enjoyed so she's not doing this right now~
HOWEVER, she's learning to drive...(yikes!)...and so she's driving everywhere one of us is going...LOL...and will soon be taking her driver's course as required by law here in our state. Okay, so for right NOW, you all are safe, okay?? LOL...
My son is a huge gamer so even when he heads to the library~it's about the computer for him...but he has a fish tank in his room and pond in the yard with little gold fish he loves...dunno how extra curricular it is...but he's the sound man at the church now...
We're busy, but also trying to learn to live right here at home...and HOME is what it's all about anyway...
Head to read about other's extra curricular activities...whoot!
Enter my contest for Carmex Lip Tint Moisture!!
Also we are heavily involved in our church. My kiddos are choir members, youth group members and attenders of every service and activity of our church. Before the church decided to do away with youth AWANA~we did that too~my daughter is completing her work for her Citation Award~the last of the series of awards offered by AWANA. She has the Timothy and Meritorious already...I am so proud of her!
In the past, she volunteered for our local library. Where we live now, there's little she can do there besides dusting books or helping with story was really dealing with patrons and searches that she enjoyed so she's not doing this right now~
HOWEVER, she's learning to drive...(yikes!)...and so she's driving everywhere one of us is going...LOL...and will soon be taking her driver's course as required by law here in our state. Okay, so for right NOW, you all are safe, okay?? LOL...
My son is a huge gamer so even when he heads to the library~it's about the computer for him...but he has a fish tank in his room and pond in the yard with little gold fish he loves...dunno how extra curricular it is...but he's the sound man at the church now...
We're busy, but also trying to learn to live right here at home...and HOME is what it's all about anyway...
Head to read about other's extra curricular activities...whoot!
Enter my contest for Carmex Lip Tint Moisture!!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 29: Beautiful Daughter
Seems like yesterday she was a bright eyed little tyke running and playing...I remember her first birthday party~Pocahontas~baby blue iced cupcakes...balloons and fun~Today she's a young woman...driving and an author~I am so proud of her and love her dearly~she's MY girl!
I am so thankful to be her Mom~
Read more from friendsHERE!
I am so thankful to be her Mom~
Read more from friendsHERE!
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 28: FOUND Treasures...
front view shoulder bag |
I am so thankful too that hub hauled that box up AND I FOUND my purse! LOL!!
Head over to read these others on the last leg of our thankful journey !
side view. |
Saturday, November 27, 2010
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 27: REVIEW STUFF/FUN

It's not just about the stuff for me~in fact, it's a very small part. What I love most is the connectedness between us all as we sail these waters together! LOVE YOU all! AND YOU TOO, my dear readers~HUGS!
Head HERE for mo~It's almost sweet it's been!
Want some BLING for your lips?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Review & GiveAway: Carmex Moisture Plus Lip Tint Sheer PINK and SheerPEACH~whoot!!
![]() |
READ about Lip Tints HERE |
Winds are whipping around here~today the windchill is 10 degrees~and WE ARE FREEZING around here with a high of thrity-two. What's it like around you? IS IT COLD YET? Most of the US is experiencing cool temps now that Autumn is well underway and Winter is fast approaching! Do you or your kiddos experience chapped lips? My children when they were littles were always suffering with dry cracked lips...until I learned to carry around Carmex in my pockets just for them! In fact, I even put a tube in their pocket once they were old enough to keep up with it! You won't believe the number of lip balms I've WASHED and DRIED over the years LOL!! But seriously, it's great stuff to prevent and heal chapped lips...chapped upper lips for the licker kiddo...and even a raw nose (designated tube or pot LOL!!) and apply~a little unconventional, I admit! But it really works!
I've been blessed to have been shared the new line of Carmex Moisture Plus Lip Balm Tint in Sheer Pink and Sheer Peach along with a set for a blessed reader! This is some great stuff~soft and silky, smooth going on~but the nicest thing is the feel...oooh la lah! Not greasy or oily, but really nice! Carmex is a name we trust to keep us all healed and comfortable in the blistery winds of WC Ohio...It can help you too~and provide a little 'zinzer' to your look with the tint part. I'm a brunet (wannabe blonde) who likes the daughter likes the peach...she's a red head! Either way the colors are not overbearing like a balm that isn't's very light and nice!
Wanna try a sample?
HERE ya go!
Okay, for our contest...
We'll take a week...ENDS Dec. 3 11:59PM EST...And you can enter by:1. Leave me a comment telling me which color for who at your house~
2. Leave me a comment telling me the temp in your neck of the woods~
3. Leave me a comment with a link to my post with a link back to yours for three entries (hey, leave it three times, OKay??)
4. Grab my button for 5 HUGE entries (be sure to link back telling me five times, okay?)
5. Facebook/Tweet or share in some way this contest and tell me 3 times...
6. Like Carmex on Facebook for an extra entry...tell me about it ;-))
Okay, folks! Let's have fun with this one~Thanks for coming by and BE BLESSED!
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 26: ThanksGIVING and a Novelist is BORN!
SisterT has two...okay~more than two..but mentioning two things I'm really grateful for TODAY~
My daughter has completed her National Novel Writing Month novel~LAST NIGHT! Well, really 1AM this morning! WTG Girl Thing One! whooot!!
The second has to do with my eating plan~in order to become healthy and do well in life...I was able to maintain my plan of no sugar/white flour..yesterday making 7 weeks! WHOOT! This was a huge challenge for a gal who likes to eat~AND EAT FOOD...not cookies/pies/candy/cakes..but FOOD...and a holiday known as GOBBLE GOBBLE Day, did I have a chance? Ha!! LOL! YES, with some planning and prayer...yes, God got me through and the focus wasn't the fact, it was just a meal...but the blessings were so grand...the reward of feeling GREAT afterwards...thank you, God!
With less than a week til this THANKING challenge is done, I'm a little misty eyed...but believe me, dear reader..SisterT has been really blessed reading all the other grateful posts..there's something transforming about gratitude in our lives. Do we need to continue? Huh?? Whaddaya think? RING ON IN with your thoughts~AND...head on over HERE to read my friends who are grateful too!
My daughter has completed her National Novel Writing Month novel~LAST NIGHT! Well, really 1AM this morning! WTG Girl Thing One! whooot!!
The second has to do with my eating plan~in order to become healthy and do well in life...I was able to maintain my plan of no sugar/white flour..yesterday making 7 weeks! WHOOT! This was a huge challenge for a gal who likes to eat~AND EAT FOOD...not cookies/pies/candy/cakes..but FOOD...and a holiday known as GOBBLE GOBBLE Day, did I have a chance? Ha!! LOL! YES, with some planning and prayer...yes, God got me through and the focus wasn't the fact, it was just a meal...but the blessings were so grand...the reward of feeling GREAT afterwards...thank you, God!
With less than a week til this THANKING challenge is done, I'm a little misty eyed...but believe me, dear reader..SisterT has been really blessed reading all the other grateful posts..there's something transforming about gratitude in our lives. Do we need to continue? Huh?? Whaddaya think? RING ON IN with your thoughts~AND...head on over HERE to read my friends who are grateful too!
Fit Mommy Friday: WK 5: Lead Us NOT Into Tempation, BUT Deliver...
SisterT has made some serious changes since joining up with Fit Mommy just five weeks ago. In fact, my changes are just a tad longer in duration~seven weeks today (Thursday) where I have found myself controlling my compulsive over eating habits through a rigorous 12 step program, prayer, food plan and all the tools available to help me. On Saturday, I celebrate 7 weeks without sugar and white flour. Since that time, my energy has increased multi-fold! I am running around a little crazier than normal doing our errands and shopping as needed. Life had gotten pretty tough for me~health issues were really keeping me down. It's a long story, but severe obesity has it's challenges~and I'm feeling great. I began in ONE size of jeans and now I am able to zip and wear 3 sizes smaller!~I think I have this correctly. I began at size a and now wear a,b,c,...D! IS this four or three? Either way it's a bunch! My wedding rings are falling off to the point I've hunted them in the bed where they had fallen now I'm wearing a band that's much smaller to hold them onto my finger! My shirts are bagging...well, to be HONEST~I'm bagging! LOL...but this is sooooooooo good! I'm feeling so pumped!
One day I will share my story of my journey with you all. There is so much shame associated with obesity, and if you don't live like I have... then, well...something about the truth of walking in another's shoes applies here...but...I am not ready to tell you all just please understand...HOWEVER, I am praising God! Really this IS HIS victory in my life!
So my week went something like this:
Water and eating 2-2200 K each day.
No processed boxed/canned kinds of foods.
Increased exercise and movement.
Water~although I did drink a few diet sodas this week. I am PURPOSELY keeping these on an occasional basis!
NOTE about ThanksGIVING: My day was not about food, but about having a good restful day. We did have a nice meal that consisted of traditional foods that were prepared with whole~good ingredients of which I measured and watched portion wise.
I had:
Dressing measured and lower cal (if you wanna know, you can ask me ;-))
Gravy (broth with mushrooms)
small amount of sweet potato (just potato~no sugar or other stuff)
Fresh prepared greenbeans.
Fresh prepared collard greens (about 1/4 cup)
Betty's Holiday Fruit (freshly prepared cranberries/applesauce/pineapple with sugar free jello)
Pear relish (3 TBS) (sugar free)
Pumpkin stuff (sugar free pumpkin pie w/o crust)
I had been really concerned about over eating today~of course: Today is GOBBLE GOBBLE DAY for so many of us~and since I've left that life behind, I needed to plan, which I did. Also I negotiated with the family what they would need/like for this day~they had stuff available to them I didn't touch, like mashed potatoes and gravy made with flour. All in all it was a beautiful day~no STUFFING!! me~or the kind of food ;-)) I am really grateful to God for being able to have such a blessed day!
Sooo this next week: I AM~
Planning to add walking my dog daily. Let's see how this's supposed to know tomorrow afternoon~uh...maybe not~we'll see!
and keep on my plan of eating...
~so far so good!
Check out the other Fit Mommys HERE!
One day I will share my story of my journey with you all. There is so much shame associated with obesity, and if you don't live like I have... then, well...something about the truth of walking in another's shoes applies here...but...I am not ready to tell you all just please understand...HOWEVER, I am praising God! Really this IS HIS victory in my life!
So my week went something like this:
Water and eating 2-2200 K each day.
No processed boxed/canned kinds of foods.
Increased exercise and movement.
Water~although I did drink a few diet sodas this week. I am PURPOSELY keeping these on an occasional basis!
NOTE about ThanksGIVING: My day was not about food, but about having a good restful day. We did have a nice meal that consisted of traditional foods that were prepared with whole~good ingredients of which I measured and watched portion wise.
I had:
Dressing measured and lower cal (if you wanna know, you can ask me ;-))
Gravy (broth with mushrooms)
small amount of sweet potato (just potato~no sugar or other stuff)
Fresh prepared greenbeans.
Fresh prepared collard greens (about 1/4 cup)
Betty's Holiday Fruit (freshly prepared cranberries/applesauce/pineapple with sugar free jello)
Pear relish (3 TBS) (sugar free)
Pumpkin stuff (sugar free pumpkin pie w/o crust)
I had been really concerned about over eating today~of course: Today is GOBBLE GOBBLE DAY for so many of us~and since I've left that life behind, I needed to plan, which I did. Also I negotiated with the family what they would need/like for this day~they had stuff available to them I didn't touch, like mashed potatoes and gravy made with flour. All in all it was a beautiful day~no STUFFING!! me~or the kind of food ;-)) I am really grateful to God for being able to have such a blessed day!
Sooo this next week: I AM~
Planning to add walking my dog daily. Let's see how this's supposed to know tomorrow afternoon~uh...maybe not~we'll see!
and keep on my plan of eating...
~so far so good!
Check out the other Fit Mommys HERE!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 25: Family
I'm truly Thankful today for my people. My hub and I've been married over twenty years~our children who are quickly becoming adults, and my Mother who has been the most important person to me throughout the years~ALL OF US will sit down together~TOGETHER today and Praise God over a nice meal~not too much and very healthy!
Happy ThanksGIVING!
Thank You, God!
Head over HERE to read more!
Happy ThanksGIVING!
Thank You, God!
Head over HERE to read more!
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 24: Shopping DEALS
Another silly gratitude: I'm thankful for the sales and deals. I shop in some unusual places and ways. I look for great finds at prices I can afford. One of my fave stores in the Grocery Warehouse. It's a one store business where they are only open certain days of the week~have LOADS of fresh fruit and veggies for a song~and the very very best deal they have is packaged ends of delux quality roasted turkey and smoked ham...for a song~no joke! We buy and eat it about 5-10 packs a week...for this price~$1.39 for 20 can't beat it! This stuff is low calorie too~2 ounces is 35 calories! Today I got out there and purchased our weekly fare. We just love the fresh veggies and fruit! Sooo got that stuff. Yesterday I ran to another thrift type grocery and purchased whole grain oat nut bread~you know, that $4 a loaf stuff for FIFTY CENTS a loaf~omgoodness! AMAZING! With bagels large and small!! I am so blessed that at this time, I don't have to bake my own bread (which I've done as cost saving measure!) each day or several times a week! Good healthy inexpensive food is such a blessing.
I'm sorry that I didn't get this up on the 24th~I truly passed out early last night~PRAISE GOD! Wonder what the others are thankful for? Head HERE!
Happy Thanksgiving to ALL! HUGS!
I'm sorry that I didn't get this up on the 24th~I truly passed out early last night~PRAISE GOD! Wonder what the others are thankful for? Head HERE!
Happy Thanksgiving to ALL! HUGS!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Black Friday TOS Sale Whoot!
You don't want to miss this one~If you haven't gotten a subscription or renewal~there's cool prizes. I've subscribed for several years and love it! Here's the details:
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is extending an extraordinary
subscription offer to homeschool families. U.S. and Canadian residents
can receive a one-year print subscription and a FREE Homeschooling
with Heat tote bag, FREE Schoolhouse Planner of your choice, and FREE
E-Book: Cranberry Christmas for just $19.95. One-year subscriptions
start with the winter issue. It makes a perfect gift for yourself and
a friend. There are a limited number of tote bags available from
November 24 through midnight on November 29-once they're gone, they're
gone! Hurry and grab this tremendous value today! It's over $80 in
free gifts--one of them the gorgeous Cranberries & Cream tote bag.
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is extending an extraordinary
subscription offer to homeschool families. U.S. and Canadian residents
can receive a one-year print subscription and a FREE Homeschooling
with Heat tote bag, FREE Schoolhouse Planner of your choice, and FREE
E-Book: Cranberry Christmas for just $19.95. One-year subscriptions
start with the winter issue. It makes a perfect gift for yourself and
a friend. There are a limited number of tote bags available from
November 24 through midnight on November 29-once they're gone, they're
gone! Hurry and grab this tremendous value today! It's over $80 in
free gifts--one of them the gorgeous Cranberries & Cream tote bag.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 23: Trivial Gratitudes!
Didn't match the dog, tho..LOL! |
Thanks so much for gracing my bloggy world~YOU mean so much! God bless you, dear reader! Please head over HERE for some more blessings from my fellow grateful challenger friends! ;-))
Monday, November 22, 2010
Family Movie Night~Coming Dec 3rd 8PM/7 Central NBC: A Walk in MY Shoes
It's coming~television promised to be FAMILY FRIENDLY~
Head HERE for more info~
Show your support for Family Movie Night on Facebook by joining the fan page HERE!
"No one is left unchanged..."
I'm in~Check this one out!
A Walk In My Shoes - 2:33 TRLR from on Vimeo.
Head HERE for more info~
Show your support for Family Movie Night on Facebook by joining the fan page HERE!
"No one is left unchanged..."
I'm in~Check this one out!
A Walk In My Shoes - 2:33 TRLR from on Vimeo.
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 22: Cozy Snuggly BED~HA!
SisterT likes her warm, cozy bed. There was a time in the not too distant past that our box spring wouldn't go up the stairs so we slept on the floor, and I just about tore my shoulder from climbing out of it each day...Today, we have a king size made with two twins (YEAH, they definitely went up those stairs! LOL) and are strapped together! Just a few weeks ago they weren't strapped~talk about a hoot trying to sleep and ending up in the grand canyon~LOL!! Well, it's allllllllllll good now! FINALLY!
I am so thankful for my bed which I just crawled out of and had my breakfast.
It's a simple thing, I know~but the creature comforts are so essential!
Head on over to read what the other GRATEFUL are thankful for at the challenge!
I am so thankful for my bed which I just crawled out of and had my breakfast.
It's a simple thing, I know~but the creature comforts are so essential!
Head on over to read what the other GRATEFUL are thankful for at the challenge!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Blog Cruise: SisterT's Talking About Holiday Traditions
It's definitely THAT time of year again~twinkling lights and searching for Christmas activities~uh...all ALL all kinds of busyness that can just make SisterT cross, I'm afraid. I get all stressed, despite my best intentions of taking this slow and easy. We seem to go from over booked and stressed to almost repelling the holidays without much effort or planning. I'd like to see some balance~and so this year IS my chance to try that...BALANCE!
Seeking balance has looked different each year. A few years ago I got one of those pencil trees that can fit most anywhere~we have traditionally liked to decorate it~put out some nativities~and ALWAYS put candy canes on the tree...for a few years, we had no lights. God has blessed us with lights this year~but I promise you, that trees look kinda cool and old fashioned without lights~A pretty paper chain works wonders for young children...our tree has children's toys and my kiddos handmade ornaments from when they were little. Come to hear from my daughter this year that she LOVES this part. I've begun putting some up for her for when she is grown, but she still likes seeing her memories each year.

In the past, when my kids were littles, we gave a gift each week in Dec preceding Christmas. This reduced the shell shock of way too much on Christmas day AND they really enjoyed what they were given. The last few years as we were in a debt reduction mode, gifts were limited so it was only a few~but they still enjoyed that too...this year, I've tucked a few things away for some Dec. fun!! Shhhh...don't tell 'em, okay?
One year, we went camping in a state park over the holiday. We took two weeks there and for Christmas we were one of two families in the park besides the hosts during those days...what a fun time when Santa brought gifts UNDER the camper! LOL!! They had such a blast riding their new scooters over the paved narrow roads of the park~it was awesome!
Last year we made a trip leaving Christmas Eve after the candlelight service to drive 14 hours HOME...this year, Mama lives with us~no trip needed. Ha~it was a hoot and definitely different!
For this year, we will be home and laid back. In our early marriage~pre kiddos, hub and I would get a movie and relax in the den on an air mattress~how sweet it wasssssssss! LOL!!
So you see, SisterT's family has few traditions~BUT~WE DO CELEBRATE, but it could end up looking like anything~well, maybe not ANYTHING...I'm not ready to...uh... (wait. I just might be...LOL) Give me a double helping of BALANCE and can I leave the STRESS OUT please!!
Merry Christmas!! XXOO
Head on over to ck out the other holiday traditions with the Crew HERE!
Seeking balance has looked different each year. A few years ago I got one of those pencil trees that can fit most anywhere~we have traditionally liked to decorate it~put out some nativities~and ALWAYS put candy canes on the tree...for a few years, we had no lights. God has blessed us with lights this year~but I promise you, that trees look kinda cool and old fashioned without lights~A pretty paper chain works wonders for young children...our tree has children's toys and my kiddos handmade ornaments from when they were little. Come to hear from my daughter this year that she LOVES this part. I've begun putting some up for her for when she is grown, but she still likes seeing her memories each year.
In the past, when my kids were littles, we gave a gift each week in Dec preceding Christmas. This reduced the shell shock of way too much on Christmas day AND they really enjoyed what they were given. The last few years as we were in a debt reduction mode, gifts were limited so it was only a few~but they still enjoyed that too...this year, I've tucked a few things away for some Dec. fun!! Shhhh...don't tell 'em, okay?
One year, we went camping in a state park over the holiday. We took two weeks there and for Christmas we were one of two families in the park besides the hosts during those days...what a fun time when Santa brought gifts UNDER the camper! LOL!! They had such a blast riding their new scooters over the paved narrow roads of the park~it was awesome!
Last year we made a trip leaving Christmas Eve after the candlelight service to drive 14 hours HOME...this year, Mama lives with us~no trip needed. Ha~it was a hoot and definitely different!
For this year, we will be home and laid back. In our early marriage~pre kiddos, hub and I would get a movie and relax in the den on an air mattress~how sweet it wasssssssss! LOL!!
tree going outside. |
Merry Christmas!! XXOO
Head on over to ck out the other holiday traditions with the Crew HERE!
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 21: Bountiful WRAP UP~Delish Recipe!
SisterT's been busy! all began last spring with the garden hub and the kiddos planted in the back yard. I told them to plant a larger one than last year, and that's what they did by almost double. We were amazed at what we got from it. More important, though was the wonderful things my mother and I made to eat fresh and preserve. I've canned a little before, but mostly I've frozen in the chest freezer we were blessed by from friends at church when they shared with us their older one. WOOT!
WOW~this was loads of work, but soooooooo worth it! No wonder I'm WORN OUT lol~not really! It's such a kick to see how much we accomplished! AND the taste can not be compared. I've posted some more info on canning the pears HERE and did quite a bit of research figuring out how to get this done. I really used my freezer more in the past, but now I see how easy waterbath canning/preserving can be! I also think that canned food has less potential of spoilage~not worrying about power outages or mechanical failure of an old freezer!! So I am going to save the freezer for bread and other deals we find at the store. I am soo blessed to have a store where I can purchase whole grain~nut grain bread for FIFTY CENTS a loaf~we stock up frequently!! Also we purchase yogurt this way...a 4 or 6 pk will often be 89cents! NO JOKE! I also purchase my meats this way~in bulk at rock bottom pricing. Did you know about Thriving With No Green$? Head over and ck it out~
My mother has an original recipe she came up with years ago we just love! We use applesauce with fresh cranberries which I can only get this time of year~bought 10 bags for the freezer~
Betty's Holiday Fruit
Take the juice from the pineapple and put into sauce pot and make hot. Don't need much~about 2 tbs to 1/2 cup. Use water if don't have so much juice or from the canned pineapple. Use a lid on low heat.
Sort and wash cranberries then put into juice and stew them with a lid on. LOW heat.
When hot, add jello with NO water. Add Splenda if you want it now. Mix well. Don't break up the cranberries~they will do this as they cook.
When the cranberries are popped and stewed, add pineapple tidbits~turn off heat.
Add applesauce stir well.
Cool and then chill for DIVINE eats!
BEST cold.
I am so thankful to God for first making our garden grow. Without His blessing, we'd not have had this bounty! Thankful for the friends who shared the freezer and the fruit: Karen/Cliff, Terry/Carol and Steve...also my Mama for her recipe and talents in teaching this ole war horse (ME~ lol) HOW to can and do...oh yeah...this is great! AND for HUB and the KIDDOS for their willingness to work that plot of land we're so blessed with~
With all my bless-ed bragging, LOL~you have to know how much you all mean to me~the other grateful offer-ers who are taking this Gratitude Challenge right along with me~love you all dearly, and feel the bonds of friendship forming tightly and strong~YOU ROCK! God bless~have a beautiful day! HUGS!
Check out those friends HERE!
Here's what was put up for winter or made and we ate~
- Tomatoes~stewed and frozen in qt bags~didn't count and ate our weight in fresh ones too!
- Green tomato sweet and sour pickes~pint jars~didn't count...2 or 3 batches, though!
- Red tomato ketchup~used Mrs. Wages mix and Splenda~1 batch.
- Salsa~didn't can this, but ate it fresh.
- Dill Pickles from Cucumbers
- Bread and Butter Pickles from Cucumbers (few yellow crook necks thrown in for color...) Splenda used.
- Yellow Crook Neck Squash Pickles (Splenda used.)
- Pickle Relish (cucumber and with sugar~given to a friend who requested.)
- Pears packed in juice
- Pear Relish
- Applesauce (no sweetner) in freezer
- Pickled beets (didn't can, we ate these LOL!)
- Pickled cauliflower (didn't can, but ate this too.)
WOW~this was loads of work, but soooooooo worth it! No wonder I'm WORN OUT lol~not really! It's such a kick to see how much we accomplished! AND the taste can not be compared. I've posted some more info on canning the pears HERE and did quite a bit of research figuring out how to get this done. I really used my freezer more in the past, but now I see how easy waterbath canning/preserving can be! I also think that canned food has less potential of spoilage~not worrying about power outages or mechanical failure of an old freezer!! So I am going to save the freezer for bread and other deals we find at the store. I am soo blessed to have a store where I can purchase whole grain~nut grain bread for FIFTY CENTS a loaf~we stock up frequently!! Also we purchase yogurt this way...a 4 or 6 pk will often be 89cents! NO JOKE! I also purchase my meats this way~in bulk at rock bottom pricing. Did you know about Thriving With No Green$? Head over and ck it out~
My mother has an original recipe she came up with years ago we just love! We use applesauce with fresh cranberries which I can only get this time of year~bought 10 bags for the freezer~
Betty's Holiday Fruit
- 1 bag cranberries (fresh from the fruits/veggies aisle)
- 1 qt applesauce (unsweetened)
- 1 large fresh pineapple trimmed and chopped into tidbits (if bought~1 can tidbits in juice)
- 1 Jello Sugar Free (cherry, cranberry or strawberry work best!~to your taste)
- Splenda IF you want it. I like it without.
Take the juice from the pineapple and put into sauce pot and make hot. Don't need much~about 2 tbs to 1/2 cup. Use water if don't have so much juice or from the canned pineapple. Use a lid on low heat.
Sort and wash cranberries then put into juice and stew them with a lid on. LOW heat.
When hot, add jello with NO water. Add Splenda if you want it now. Mix well. Don't break up the cranberries~they will do this as they cook.
When the cranberries are popped and stewed, add pineapple tidbits~turn off heat.
Add applesauce stir well.
Cool and then chill for DIVINE eats!
BEST cold.
I am so thankful to God for first making our garden grow. Without His blessing, we'd not have had this bounty! Thankful for the friends who shared the freezer and the fruit: Karen/Cliff, Terry/Carol and Steve...also my Mama for her recipe and talents in teaching this ole war horse (ME~ lol) HOW to can and do...oh yeah...this is great! AND for HUB and the KIDDOS for their willingness to work that plot of land we're so blessed with~
With all my bless-ed bragging, LOL~you have to know how much you all mean to me~the other grateful offer-ers who are taking this Gratitude Challenge right along with me~love you all dearly, and feel the bonds of friendship forming tightly and strong~YOU ROCK! God bless~have a beautiful day! HUGS!
Check out those friends HERE!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 20: Christmas!
In the kitchen... |
This one's going outside on the porch. |
Daughter decorated it this yr! |
Angels on high~ |
FREEbie: Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Movie on Hulu
You won't want to miss this cute (43 minute) Charlie Brown special on Thanksgiving HERE!
Gotta love the Peanuts! Happy Thanksgiving! HUGS!
Gotta love the Peanuts! Happy Thanksgiving! HUGS!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Review: KB Teachers (Web Learning Teacher's Resources!)
KB Teachers~Free and Premium Worksheets, Activities & Printable Pages
Ages: Preschool-10th gradesWeb: HERE!
Cost: FREE Trial then $29 yr or $49 two years
I say: Great resource for teachers! Love the FREEbies and Premium pages...
Did you know that today is Gettysburg Day and that tomorrow is...are you ready? Peanut Butter Fudge Day? Okay, seriously! Can't you just imagine a day LIKE THAT where you just *might* make some of that stuff and study the scientific process...uh...yeah, it's science, right? No, seriously! KB Teacher's has a monthly webquest for you to draw resources from to teach the kiddos~all kinds of topics~like: today's topic with a short narrative on the subject and some links~MINI-UNIT STUDIES of sorts or the bones to one~a little more creativity and there you go! The opportunities are endless to use this kind of compilation of information! I can really see that a family who does unit studies could draw from the monthly calendar area and really dig deep with what has been compiled.
There are over 10, 000 worksheet available on many subjects~On the left sidebar you will find the seasonal activities called For This Season. Underneath are categories of language arts, math, science, social studies and more~WHATEVER you are looking for, KB Teachers will more than likely have it! There are free resources, and you know SisterT loves FREE, but within the area of the Premium are loads more resources for you to use in teaching your children. What's even cooler is the FREE trial (10 days of unlimited access~whoohoo!)you can get when you sign up as well as a FREE newsletter! This is awesome!
I like the way the site is set up with categories, but I really wish it had a search engine. Call me old fashioned or just "trained" lol! I really like the vast age range that is presented with the materials and that the worksheets have the answer keys right with them~no hunting down answers by flipping to another page on the website or downloading more stuff!
I will be using KB Teachers to enhance our education especially the Medieval materials right away! I like to use worksheets on occasion as my kids are older and benefit from this experience.
You can go read the Crew to see what they think !
I received a membership from KB Teachers as part of the TOS Crew in order to do this review. My opinions are my own and there was no monetary compensation.
GiveAway: The Summit (book about the climb of Mt Everest
HERE! Footprints in the Butter is hosting a neat giveAway for The Summit by Eric Alexander. This sounds amazing! Ends 11/22
Of course, I wanna win~but you can enter too! woot!
Of course, I wanna win~but you can enter too! woot!
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 19~ Homeschooling 10th Year!
I am so thankful that I have been able to home school my children. It's been such a blessing in our family to build the bonds of closeness, and it seems that they have learned quite a bit~while I'm sure we're not perfect~it's been GREAT! Today this applies as I have a head ache, and they can take personal responsibility for their learning~they KNOW what to do! This is great! We'll be back at it tomorrow~probably will continue to school all but Thursday...drama takes its toll, but so worth it!
I invite you to ck out my Free/GivAway tab and sidebar where you can see a list of resources I've been able to find~whoot! I have a few giveAways coming too~
Check out the Thankful HERE!
I invite you to ck out my Free/GivAway tab and sidebar where you can see a list of resources I've been able to find~whoot! I have a few giveAways coming too~
Check out the Thankful HERE!
Fit Mommy Friday: Week 4~Rolln' Rolln' Rolln'
SisterT is experiencing NEW vitality and strength since making the needed changes to her lifestyle~I definitely continue with nothing white and sugar free, while continuing to measure all my food keeping totals to around 2k calories a day eating three meals/no snacks, drinking water (not the best), but balanced (6 weeks tomorrow!! whooot!!). I am generally eating something from every food group: protein, fat, carb, veg, milk EVERY meal...and it's working!! I am almost the energizer bunny~almost hyper! My outlook has changed to one of HOPE; my mind is clear and free of pervasive negative thoughts; and I am giving my life over to God OneDayAtaTime for His will and service in my life...and it's kept me quite busy. Busy, busy, busy! Sooo my recap today is that I've continued the plan~clothes are beginning to hang seriously~weigh in is Nov 30th and I feel peaceful. God is good!
One of the keys to success has been willingness to make the needed changes in my life. Desire doesn't do it all~I have to be willing to plan and then do that plan each and every time food is needed in my life. Talk about a mine field! Ha~so many things are wrapped in our food and the choices we make from the emotional to the relational~think how often food is tied to people and places~EVENTS! With willingness, I am in a constant state of "doing what it takes" to maintain my plan of eating. One thing I've done in this area is to view food in its proper place: as fuel~nothing else. I no longer allow food and my passions for it to dictate to me WHAT, WHERE, HOW or WHO I will eat with~meaning that while I do get involved with eating around others (certainly my family and some friends) and will eat at different places besides my spot at the kitchen table~the importance is not longer on those things, but rather I focus on food's healing, healthful, nourishing properties making sure that I am eating the WAY I am supposed to be, when I am supposed to...this is a whole different mindset...and about the celebrations with food thing~like the upcoming holiday of GRATEFULNESS~I've realized since food is a fuel~do I socialize at the GAS STATION? NO, so am not going to OVER emphasize the foods of this event. For me, this will take the focus off of creating a huge meal~over eating it~to making the focus really on my family and friends with the gratitude I feel in my heart. We are planning a healthy meal with proper proportions and balances AND activities that center around our family~no more coma eating and passing out for us~I am hoping to have enough good weather to ride my bike that day with my family AND maybe go to a movie~wanna play some board games too! THIS is going to be a fun day!
There are struggles with this kind of thinking. This past week, God was incredibly gracious to make a way for me to continue the plan~my children had an event where food was going to be central (cast party-Sat night 12 MN) where loads of food where present and encouraged. Also Sunday was our church's Thanksgiving meal~where ALL the great cooks do their thing annually! Okay, I was worried. I knew that without prior planning I'd be sunk. Soooo how I handled them? God took care of the longing and desire for foods not healthy for me~yes, A MIRACLE! A total and complete miracle! But here's what happened: I had my dinner at 6:30 prior to the performance on the Saturday night and then had nothing but a bottled water during the party. My nose and senses were presented with lovely smells of chocolate and other tempting things, but I had no desire for them~truly a miracle. I also refrained from going NEAR them as far as my power was concerned~I stayed from the buffet tables and just remained in the fellowshipping areas.
On the Sunday, I awoke much later than normal due to the time we got home from the party, but still needing to eat breakfast and get to church. I went a head and had my breakfast and then went to church with God letting me know that I didn't have to eat at noon with my church family~and I could fix a plate to bring home...okay, great plan..but then when I went to fix that plate~THERE WAS NOTHING THERE I could eat on my plan save what I had brought (veggie tray and fruit sauce)! I knew that left overs in my own dishes would come home with me, so i left the buffet line and began visiting our church family~it had only been two hours since I had had my breakfast~waaaaaaaay too early to eat~this worked beautifully! I was so blessed by focusing on the people~wow! AND such a miracle had occurred in that I had total peace~my lunch was eaten at 3PM...God is good!
Another struggle in eating in a healthful, sound way is the family expectations surrounding foods, events and all~ that while my family doesn't share my problems, they are affected by them. Family expectations will make doing Thanksgiving an interesting day~hence why I've negotiated the day's activities and food planning. It won't be Thanksgiving for my hub without certain foods~won't be for most of us...key here for ME is balance and love for them while making sure I have what I need too. I am responsible for this~really.
Okay, enough rambling. I am going to continue this plan~keep moving and praying for God's will in my life and asking HIM not only to bless what I eat~but to give me direction for what and when. He has plans for success and not of disaster~amen!
Go check out the inspiring stories HERE of folks on Fit Mommy Friday's challenge! whoot!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Winner WINNER chicken-dinner!! Whoohoo~HOOT! Carmex Skin Care Prize Pack
Heid over at Chatter and Clatter and Things That Matter won!! whoot!!
FREE Christmas PHOTO Cards~Shutterfly
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I chose this one...whaddaya think? |
There are many many design choices~and I'm excited we don't have to print these nor do I have to make cards~oh yeah!!! ;-))
The cards are here, but no prints...looks like I gotta call 'em...
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 18: Pears Canned and Pear Relish!
It all began on Sunday when our friend at church brought several bushels of pears (the hard cooking kind) that he'd gotten 'in the country' lol~What a sweet friend to bring and offer to everyone in the church family some pears~and WHAT a huge blessing for US that he sent the rest home with me...oh wowsy wow wow! AND then, they were not the "best" looking pears as some had been on the ground, spotted and definitely a golden yellow ripe...what to do with our blessing? Well, PRESERVE them~eat what we can right now and can the rest...
Off to find the proper instructions:
I felt a good need to review the process and wet my whistle for more kinds of canning in the future~
University of GA Preserving Site loads of recipes and procedures! Awesome site!
How to Can Fruit
Pickles! whoohoo!
No Sugar Jellies and Jams!
We've made pears as fruit in its own juice with Splenda. Here's our variety~about 1 cup of Splenda to the stewed pears and then hot packed per instructions. YUM! The Splenda makes a very light syrup and virtually adds no calories~this is sooo delish!
We've made pears as relish. You can see Aunt Edna's recipe in the graphic~we followed it EXCEPT we used Splenda (cup for cup) and some colored (red and yellow) bell peppers along with the green ones~soo pretty! Also she doesn't talk about grinding them up into a fine to medium coarse grind. OKay, don't laugh, but hub has this ole timey meat grinder thingy thingy that attaches to the table and you hand crank it~oh wow! NOW I know how the Col Sanders (KY Fried Chicken) made his cole slaw the texture it is~b/c my relish with the perfect consistency and texture! Grind it all up anyway you can~coarse chop in the food processor/blender or hand crank thingy if you have it~but grind it! This is almost like the texture of pickle relish you buy in the store...oh btw~SisterT is gonna make some of that divine cole slaw today!! yum! AND anyway, put all the veggies though it~HINT: do the onions last so you don't cry through the whole process! ;-)) THAT'S not fun~if you do them first b/c onion juice with burn you the whole say! LOL...well, I ended up with lovely lovely relish! And so you know~we got 7 quarts from this recipe. We added NOTHING to Aunt Edna's recipe so if you are on a low sodium or no sugar~use the Splenda and you are soo good!
Be sure to let it sit for a couple of weeks for all the flavors to really blend~wow! It's wonderful!!
I am so thankful on so many levels regarding my homemade goodness~first that I was given the pears, that I have what I need to can them, and then lastly that I have my mother and her knowledge to do the job (and borrowed her camera, LOL)~whoot!
Thanks for reading my ramblings too~if you will, head over and read my other THANKful friends HERE!
Off to find the proper instructions:
I felt a good need to review the process and wet my whistle for more kinds of canning in the future~
Almost done when I remembered to take a pic! |
University of GA Preserving Site loads of recipes and procedures! Awesome site!
How to Can Fruit
Pickles! whoohoo!
No Sugar Jellies and Jams!
We've made pears as fruit in its own juice with Splenda. Here's our variety~about 1 cup of Splenda to the stewed pears and then hot packed per instructions. YUM! The Splenda makes a very light syrup and virtually adds no calories~this is sooo delish!
![]() |
peeled and sliced for both kinds. |
Label with what it is and date. |
Beautiful canned pears! |
Be sure to let it sit for a couple of weeks for all the flavors to really blend~wow! It's wonderful!!
I am so thankful on so many levels regarding my homemade goodness~first that I was given the pears, that I have what I need to can them, and then lastly that I have my mother and her knowledge to do the job (and borrowed her camera, LOL)~whoot!
Thanks for reading my ramblings too~if you will, head over and read my other THANKful friends HERE!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
FREEBIES & GiveAways~Here's a SITE! whoohoo!
Nerd Family Money
There is a Linky with over 200 GiveAways! WHOOHOOOO!
Thanks so much Crewmate for sharing! Oh yes!!
There is a Linky with over 200 GiveAways! WHOOHOOOO!
Thanks so much Crewmate for sharing! Oh yes!!
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 17 A GOOD Day for Remembering
Today is a very special day. For eight and a half years, this day has particularly been hard, but even more special than it ever was in my life. Today is my brother's birthday who died in 2002. You see, it was an untimely death which was quite unnecessary. He was in a hospital receiving medical care and suffered a medical mistake that cost him his life as his providers didn't catch it~no one did, but the coroner's office. But not to 'go BACK there,' I prefer to remember him on his birthday as I've done each year since he became my little brother.
Russell was born Nov 17, 1966, and I am his big sister. There were only two of us, and I can't say that we always got along. In fact, it was a sweet and sour relationship in many ways, but one thing I knew for certain was that he was MY little brother~even as the hulking 6'3" huge man he was~he was smart: had a masters degree in education; he was funny~oh my goodness! He was wild~he had a side to him that defied gravity LOL; and HE WAS my brother. I miss him. I love him. And one day~the HOPE I have is to see him again.
Right after he died, so unexpectedly, I went into appreciable shock. But as grief set in~there was fear and doubt (in the wake of funeral and pastor wife duties..go figure!)...but the realization that OUR HOPE is IN GOD~it's really ALL anyone who's lost someone has got~HOPE in the hereafter and HOPE in the future. I remember saying to myself and sometimes I will even say it today, "Hope thou in God..." and "Lord, help Thou, mine unbelief..." knowing that HE IS ALL HOPE~of a day to come when death and sorrow will be wiped away~all joy in Jesus will defeat this enemy and God will reign! But until that day, the day of the Lord when we shall be with Him forever, I am HERE~left to do God's will and walk worthy of the calling He's called me to's my now ya know, HOW SisterT ticks a bit~and WHY I am grateful for my brother today~more than any, but always.
Have a very blessed day today...and remember to hug your brother...for me.
This is a very special meme of talking about our reasons for thanksGIVING each day this month~and you can join up OR just read~either way, you'll BE BLESSED...I know, I have! Go HERE!
This is another SHAMELESS plug~head over to my Carmex Skin Care GiveAway HERE ENDS 11/18 11:30 PM EST~whoot!
Russell was born Nov 17, 1966, and I am his big sister. There were only two of us, and I can't say that we always got along. In fact, it was a sweet and sour relationship in many ways, but one thing I knew for certain was that he was MY little brother~even as the hulking 6'3" huge man he was~he was smart: had a masters degree in education; he was funny~oh my goodness! He was wild~he had a side to him that defied gravity LOL; and HE WAS my brother. I miss him. I love him. And one day~the HOPE I have is to see him again.
Right after he died, so unexpectedly, I went into appreciable shock. But as grief set in~there was fear and doubt (in the wake of funeral and pastor wife duties..go figure!)...but the realization that OUR HOPE is IN GOD~it's really ALL anyone who's lost someone has got~HOPE in the hereafter and HOPE in the future. I remember saying to myself and sometimes I will even say it today, "Hope thou in God..." and "Lord, help Thou, mine unbelief..." knowing that HE IS ALL HOPE~of a day to come when death and sorrow will be wiped away~all joy in Jesus will defeat this enemy and God will reign! But until that day, the day of the Lord when we shall be with Him forever, I am HERE~left to do God's will and walk worthy of the calling He's called me to's my now ya know, HOW SisterT ticks a bit~and WHY I am grateful for my brother today~more than any, but always.
Have a very blessed day today...and remember to hug your brother...for me.
This is a very special meme of talking about our reasons for thanksGIVING each day this month~and you can join up OR just read~either way, you'll BE BLESSED...I know, I have! Go HERE!
This is another SHAMELESS plug~head over to my Carmex Skin Care GiveAway HERE ENDS 11/18 11:30 PM EST~whoot!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 16 PLAY Pics~
I am soo thankful for one of the moms who has a great camera and took these pics~head over to see these AWESOME homeschoolers~HERE!
Do they *look* weird to you? Some ppl say we are warping our kids b/c we homeschool~Read what I'm sayn' about it HERE!
It was really a good performance, and I am feeling very blessed to have a daughter in it, as well as have my kids be a part of this group!
Head on over here for more thanksGIVING HERE!
Did you KNOW I have a really cool GiveAway going on for Carmex Skin Care~$52 BUCKEROOS worth?? GiveAway! God bless and have a blessed day! I am making the pear relish today and will post up SOON! YUM!
Do they *look* weird to you? Some ppl say we are warping our kids b/c we homeschool~Read what I'm sayn' about it HERE!
It was really a good performance, and I am feeling very blessed to have a daughter in it, as well as have my kids be a part of this group!
Head on over here for more thanksGIVING HERE!
Did you KNOW I have a really cool GiveAway going on for Carmex Skin Care~$52 BUCKEROOS worth?? GiveAway! God bless and have a blessed day! I am making the pear relish today and will post up SOON! YUM!
Monday, November 15, 2010
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 15 OUR HOME
Welcome to our home. We live in a small town in small time America. There are only 1600 ppl in my town, and we have no red light, but if four way stops count we have two~one on each end of our little village. Yes, actually we are a village just one mile off of a major interstate. I feel so blessed to have this old house. This house was purchased two years ago last month and has been a total gut and remodel because it was so torn up. It was horrifically torn up because they left dog in here that had stayed three weeks before they were freed by realtors. It was a sad unappy story of people losing their house and leaving the dogs...while the pooches suffered, I know that it was anger that HAD to have motivated that action. NO one would harm an animal that way, much less practically demolish a house with their frightened and desperate clawing to get out...but they did..and so we were able to purchase our home for loads less...and such a blessing b/c we had..notice the word..HAD debt...we were still in the consumer credit counseling commitment to repay 30K..yes, you read that a hefty payment each month that was lasting 4 and 1/2 years..........OKAY~you HAVE to know, that last month was our LAST payment! Praise the Lord..but, but wait. I'm off topic...I am talking about the house we have...and well, not only did we have the consumer debt repayment to make each month, we also had a house in KY we couldn't sell...a gorgeous victorian 3k sq ft home...I loved,,,but not in the right city anymore much less had to goooooo..well, it sold in June of this year...SEE how GOOD GOD is to us? Well, He really rewarded us with this old dilapidated repo home...for a song. A song. We cannot rent for our mortgage!
But the damage was severe: ceilings down, plumbing toast, door facings and window casings chewed...floor a total waste~yeah-dog waste! And I could go on..but..BUT it had so many good things too...size~2250 sq ft on three levels which means it's easier to keep warm or cool...double insulation-somebody had been thinking! It has blown in insulation AND the foam under the vinyl siding~NEW double hung vinyl tilt in and out windows WITH STORMS...newish heat and air...newish roof on house and garage...3 car garage...full basement (included in the 2250~but has really made it possible to be comfortable in this house...oh well,,,it still has the funky paint on the outside..somebody got the "bright" idea to paint only a portion OF VINYL SIDING~go figure! But the house is rock solid and warm-huge qualities in this 30below windchill climate! Needless to say WE ARE A WORK in progress! My mother has recently this year moved in with us so we have added a bedroom in the basement and kitchen pantry~but we also added den space...the floor plan is open concept and the kitchen has been redone and the baths are being worked with...NOT a pretty sight where our flooring is concerned, but in time, GOD makes all things beautiful in HIS TIME~so I await further blessings! Last year we opened up a side front porch for a mud room. Can you imagine how nice it is to have one now instead of slushing in and out all the time? Oh just in case you wondered, my house no longer smells of reekishness..but often of the good cooked foods and a CLEAN home! whoot! Here's some pics..remember these were taken early~HERE and HERE! And they are a bit camera right now; CAN somebody call Santa for me?? I'm struggling and FRUSTRATED! LOL!
Head here for more grateful posts HERE!
FAST GiveAway: Carmex Skin Care Prize Pack $52 value~ENDS 11/18!!
But the damage was severe: ceilings down, plumbing toast, door facings and window casings chewed...floor a total waste~yeah-dog waste! And I could go on..but..BUT it had so many good things too...size~2250 sq ft on three levels which means it's easier to keep warm or cool...double insulation-somebody had been thinking! It has blown in insulation AND the foam under the vinyl siding~NEW double hung vinyl tilt in and out windows WITH STORMS...newish heat and air...newish roof on house and garage...3 car garage...full basement (included in the 2250~but has really made it possible to be comfortable in this house...oh well,,,it still has the funky paint on the outside..somebody got the "bright" idea to paint only a portion OF VINYL SIDING~go figure! But the house is rock solid and warm-huge qualities in this 30below windchill climate! Needless to say WE ARE A WORK in progress! My mother has recently this year moved in with us so we have added a bedroom in the basement and kitchen pantry~but we also added den space...the floor plan is open concept and the kitchen has been redone and the baths are being worked with...NOT a pretty sight where our flooring is concerned, but in time, GOD makes all things beautiful in HIS TIME~so I await further blessings! Last year we opened up a side front porch for a mud room. Can you imagine how nice it is to have one now instead of slushing in and out all the time? Oh just in case you wondered, my house no longer smells of reekishness..but often of the good cooked foods and a CLEAN home! whoot! Here's some pics..remember these were taken early~HERE and HERE! And they are a bit camera right now; CAN somebody call Santa for me?? I'm struggling and FRUSTRATED! LOL!
Head here for more grateful posts HERE!
FAST GiveAway: Carmex Skin Care Prize Pack $52 value~ENDS 11/18!!
Blog Cruise: SisterT's Talking About Homeschool MYTHS~DeBunking and DeJunking 'Em!

First, the statistics IF you believe in stats say that this is simply not the case. But look at the evidence~I thought this up myself a while back~HOW MANY homeschoolers soooooooooooooo maltreated and maladjusted are in prision or in the criminal justice system? Got a number? It's not too, it's not, if ANY...Have you ever heard of any of the homeschooled ending up there?~but you do hear of the prepschool pyschopaths...been quite a few of them over the past 30 who kill their parents with loads of "advantages" and public school EXPOSURE?! I am really cracking up~and my mind, however feeble isn't the part cracking~it's my humor! The evidence just isn't there that homeschooling is perpetuating some sort of weirdness gene in our kids! NO way!
Homeschooling gives advantages in so many areas to allow kids to pursue dreams and abilities~to do delight driven learning, where they can focus on a my daughter's love for Japanese and my son, the trumpet...oh yes!
Weirdness is subjective too..for what YOU think is weird, I may find normal..and vice versa...hey, I am weird, but homeschooling IS NOT what makes SisterT weird..LOL! Sooo rest your lil sweet mind on that one, okay? I am weird, but not for homeschooling my precious kiddos...and the extra large, superduper dose of Mama my kids get~will it make them weird too? Well, could happen, but IF I've done my job educating them to be THINKERS and DOers..I have no worries...
and neither should these folk who seem to worry. I happen to think they need to worry MORE about the ones in public school who the STATS DEFINITELY prove have a high percentage of criminal conviction and other malady...Oh yeah, I'd worry...worry a lot...
Sooo what do you think? ARE homeschoolers weird or are we normal and the rest is wack? (You can ck your opinion of SisterT at the door, thankyaverymuch! LOL!! ;-)) Head over to ck out everyone's Myth Busting HERE! Don't forget my CARMEX Skin Care contest for a $52 prize pack! ENDS on 11/18 HURRY! HERE!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 14 Pears, Plays and People!
Sorry to be posting so late. It was a late night or VERY early morning when we got done with the cast party with my kiddos and their drama group~but it's done and Sarah, Plain and Tall is now a wonderful memory! I am so thankful it's over~the last two weeks have been pretty intense for getting kids to the practices and crew meetings. But I am so proud of the wonderful job they did~AMAZING group of homeschool teens who do community theater level performances! whoot~ Go ck out their website HERE!
Here's a video they created about their mission~my kids aren't in it, but it's pretty good!
I am also thankful for the two bushes of pears that were given to us today by our church friend. What a blessing he is to share, and this is an added blessing to the 45 qts of applesauce we put up earlier this summer! whoot!! We plan to pickle them (TRUST me, this is good!) and to also make pear relish~it's absolutely delish! NO JOKE and it's going to be the Splenda variety! Oh yeah!!
I am incredibly thankful for my church family. We are a pastor family and our family goes out of their way to show that they love and care for us in so many ways...I have to be very careful not to mention a need or want...VERY careful...and I am just blown away by their love...why me? I will never understand such love or why God desired us to experience such...I never dreamed!
I know I'm way late in posting today's blessings~but trust me, I was out running the streets (LITERALLY!) when most folks were just turning over heading deeper into dreamland and then on with my day...I am really really blessed~3
Please head on over to read the others who are counting their blessings HERE! It's a Gratitude Challenge and you can participate~join on up~ it's fun! BTW~head over to my CARMEX Skin Care Prize Pack: $52 value: ends quick~in just a few days...11/18 11:30PM EST HERE!
Here's a video they created about their mission~my kids aren't in it, but it's pretty good!
I am also thankful for the two bushes of pears that were given to us today by our church friend. What a blessing he is to share, and this is an added blessing to the 45 qts of applesauce we put up earlier this summer! whoot!! We plan to pickle them (TRUST me, this is good!) and to also make pear relish~it's absolutely delish! NO JOKE and it's going to be the Splenda variety! Oh yeah!!
I am incredibly thankful for my church family. We are a pastor family and our family goes out of their way to show that they love and care for us in so many ways...I have to be very careful not to mention a need or want...VERY careful...and I am just blown away by their love...why me? I will never understand such love or why God desired us to experience such...I never dreamed!
I know I'm way late in posting today's blessings~but trust me, I was out running the streets (LITERALLY!) when most folks were just turning over heading deeper into dreamland and then on with my day...I am really really blessed~3
Please head on over to read the others who are counting their blessings HERE! It's a Gratitude Challenge and you can participate~join on up~ it's fun! BTW~head over to my CARMEX Skin Care Prize Pack: $52 value: ends quick~in just a few days...11/18 11:30PM EST HERE!
Review & GiveAway: Carmex Healing Skin Care Prize Pack THIS IS A QUICK ONE~HURRY!
It's that time of year when we're all cracking and drying up much like the autumn leaves~and who wants to feel like that? Our skin is so important for many reasons and keeping it moisturized is a challenge this time of year! My hands were purely chapped until I began using the Carmex line...whoohoo! I love the NEW Carmex Healing Cream and Healing Lotion! Carmex Skin Care is the newest line of Carmex products! It's no longer just lip balm, but they've taken their healing properties and formulated them for the skin. I received a beautiful travel bag (black polka dotted with the Carmex logo) and one each of the Carmex line. This is some wonderful stuff~ABSOLUTELY fantastic~I've been using it on my cracked dry heels and hands~Let me go over each product:
Carmex Healing Lotion~5.5 oz tube
1. How does it work? This is a lighter lotion with no greasy feeling. It's cool and clean feeling. You apply it to your skin WHEREVER you need some moisturizing: legs, arms, neck, trunk...anywhere you are wanting to apply some lotion to make and keep your skin nice!
2. The quality and feel of the products: This is very nice stuff~it doesn't feel or leave an oily residue at all! I would say Carmex Healing Lotion feels like very nice department store lotion with the convenience of the local pharmacy. You can purchase this at Walgreens, or! Here's a $2 off to try it all out!
3. Scents of the products: This is an area that I didn't really care for because to me it has a mediciney smell. I'd like to see a scent free product or something a little milder. This scent doesn't really compete with my perfumes, but I would sooo love to see something in a different scent!
4. Thoughts on the product packaging: The packaging is a nice tube with a dark red (one of my fave colors) pop lid. It has yellow overall on the tube and red/black writing with a green band telling me it has Aloe and Vitamin E~this is wonderful news because it's so healing and makes my skins feel wonderful. Often when I've used lotion on my legs in the past they would itch, but not with Carmex Healing Lotion! This is so exciting for me!
I also received:
Carmex Healing Cream~4 oz
1. How does it work? This is a heavier cream that will leave some oily feeling at first but within a few minutes will go away fast! It all dried quickly with no after residue leaving my driest, roughest and cracked areas~elbows and heels feeling soft and supple! I think dry crusty elbows and heels are areas we need to keep looking nice! When I rubbed Carmex Healing Cream on my areas they quickly began to improve looking much nicer! whoot!
2. The quality and feel of the products: This is another very nice product. It is heavier than the lotion so you will want to be sure to use it on your driest thickest roughest skin. It will compare to thicker creams designed for the driest of the dry areas on our bodies. Living in a blustery cold climate will definitely be a good cause for use of Carmex Healing Cream!
3. Scents of the products: I'd like to see a scent free product. I believe that the scent was a little stronger in the cream than the lotion, but about the same in smell...mediciney to me! It's not prohibitive to my taste as far as odor, but it is definitely a little stronger.
4. Thoughts on the product packaging: Carmex Healing Cream comes in a tube that is more slender than the lotion packaging but has purple instead of the green box which says: "9 healing ingredients." This is a comfort to know that quality ingredients grace this product as well as fine packaging!
Also included are 3 lip balms:
1. Strawberry
2. Cherry
3. Original
3 lip tubes:
1. Strawberry
2. Cherry
3. Original
3Moisture Plus Ultra Healing Lip Balms:
1. Sheer Pink Tint
2. Sheer Peach Tint
3. Clear Satin Gloss Finish
2 Carmex lip pots:
1. Cherry
2. Original
This is a very nice prize package that will be so useful for one of you and is for me! I get to give ONE Carmex Healing Skin Care Prize Pack to some fortunate reader~all you have to do is...
Ends Nov. 18th 11: 30PM EST...a little EARLY and a VERY fast GiveAway!! You will want this one!
1. Leave me a comment telling me WHICH Carmex product you love (1 entry.)
2. Leave me a comment telling me WHICH Carmex Healing Cream or Healing Lotion you want to try (1 entry.)
3. Leave me a comment each entry (worth 5 entries) with the link to your blog post telling your readers about my giveAway! (5 entries)
4. Leave me a comment each etnry (worth 5 entries) with the link to your blog where you've grabbed my button (worth 5 entries.)
Thanks so much for coming by, and HURRY~Contest is ending soon!! SPREAD THE WORD~this is really very nice~$52 value!
Carmex Healing Lotion~5.5 oz tube
1. How does it work? This is a lighter lotion with no greasy feeling. It's cool and clean feeling. You apply it to your skin WHEREVER you need some moisturizing: legs, arms, neck, trunk...anywhere you are wanting to apply some lotion to make and keep your skin nice!
2. The quality and feel of the products: This is very nice stuff~it doesn't feel or leave an oily residue at all! I would say Carmex Healing Lotion feels like very nice department store lotion with the convenience of the local pharmacy. You can purchase this at Walgreens, or! Here's a $2 off to try it all out!
3. Scents of the products: This is an area that I didn't really care for because to me it has a mediciney smell. I'd like to see a scent free product or something a little milder. This scent doesn't really compete with my perfumes, but I would sooo love to see something in a different scent!
4. Thoughts on the product packaging: The packaging is a nice tube with a dark red (one of my fave colors) pop lid. It has yellow overall on the tube and red/black writing with a green band telling me it has Aloe and Vitamin E~this is wonderful news because it's so healing and makes my skins feel wonderful. Often when I've used lotion on my legs in the past they would itch, but not with Carmex Healing Lotion! This is so exciting for me!
I also received:
Carmex Healing Cream~4 oz
1. How does it work? This is a heavier cream that will leave some oily feeling at first but within a few minutes will go away fast! It all dried quickly with no after residue leaving my driest, roughest and cracked areas~elbows and heels feeling soft and supple! I think dry crusty elbows and heels are areas we need to keep looking nice! When I rubbed Carmex Healing Cream on my areas they quickly began to improve looking much nicer! whoot!
2. The quality and feel of the products: This is another very nice product. It is heavier than the lotion so you will want to be sure to use it on your driest thickest roughest skin. It will compare to thicker creams designed for the driest of the dry areas on our bodies. Living in a blustery cold climate will definitely be a good cause for use of Carmex Healing Cream!
3. Scents of the products: I'd like to see a scent free product. I believe that the scent was a little stronger in the cream than the lotion, but about the same in smell...mediciney to me! It's not prohibitive to my taste as far as odor, but it is definitely a little stronger.
4. Thoughts on the product packaging: Carmex Healing Cream comes in a tube that is more slender than the lotion packaging but has purple instead of the green box which says: "9 healing ingredients." This is a comfort to know that quality ingredients grace this product as well as fine packaging!
Also included are 3 lip balms:
1. Strawberry
2. Cherry
3. Original
3 lip tubes:
1. Strawberry
2. Cherry
3. Original
3Moisture Plus Ultra Healing Lip Balms:
1. Sheer Pink Tint
2. Sheer Peach Tint
3. Clear Satin Gloss Finish
2 Carmex lip pots:
1. Cherry
2. Original
This is a very nice prize package that will be so useful for one of you and is for me! I get to give ONE Carmex Healing Skin Care Prize Pack to some fortunate reader~all you have to do is...
Ends Nov. 18th 11: 30PM EST...a little EARLY and a VERY fast GiveAway!! You will want this one!
1. Leave me a comment telling me WHICH Carmex product you love (1 entry.)
2. Leave me a comment telling me WHICH Carmex Healing Cream or Healing Lotion you want to try (1 entry.)
3. Leave me a comment each entry (worth 5 entries) with the link to your blog post telling your readers about my giveAway! (5 entries)
4. Leave me a comment each etnry (worth 5 entries) with the link to your blog where you've grabbed my button (worth 5 entries.)
Thanks so much for coming by, and HURRY~Contest is ending soon!! SPREAD THE WORD~this is really very nice~$52 value!
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