Being connected to God is the most rewarding position we can find ourselves in this life. Listening to His gentle voice through His word and inspiration can help us on our journey, and to make us the people God intends us to become. It's my prayer to offer my take on this life sometimes musing over current events and even the events of my own life, to see God's hand and His power. Join me and share yours too!
Click on the link to read these inspirations.
Gratitude Challenge 2010
Thankful Post 11/1/2010 ME
Thankful Post 11/2/2010 THEE
Thankful Post 11/3/2010 WE
Thankful Post 11/4/10 THREE
Thankful Post 11/5/2010 FREE
Thankful Post 11/6/2010 Jubilee
Thankful Post 11/7/2010 SEE
Thankful Post 11/8/2010 BE
Thankful Post 11/21/2010 Harvest Wrap Up!
Thankful Post 11/22/2010 Cozy Bed!
Thankful Post 11/23/2010 Trivial Gratitudes...
Homeschooler ROCKS and So Does Homeschooling!
Doc Discussion: Veeerry Interresting...
1670 Bible Found in WI
RowV.Wade Insights (The Norma McCorvey Story)
Chicken Soup Advice...On Homeschooling!
Parent Tips from AWANA (Christian Bible club for 3-HS ages)
Honoring Dads (Father's Day)
Too Much Church??
God's Responses
Psalm 23:4 Christian Writers Project
FREE AW Tozier, and MacArthur books
Where Do I Divide My Life?
Marriage Is Under Attack!
Curriculum Struggles: Can WORRY Be a Good Thing?
TOS Blog Cruise: Considering Homeschooling? I say, WHAT? (8/16/2010)
Blog Talk Radio: Felitz Gerwitz, Media Angles, Inc.
Standing Up For America (9/9-9/12 DC Rally)