Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 23: Trivial Gratitudes!

Didn't match the dog, tho..LOL!
This is going to sound really dumb~but I'm so grateful for the work my husband has done today~he has made to match some lighting for our kitchen and living room/dinning room.  I know this is trivial compared to so many things, but it's a dream for this ole house that was in such poor condition to finally be somewhat coming together~ANNNND to make the day even sweeter on the same trivial note (promise to do something actually profound tomorrow! LOL)...I found a matching rug runner to MATCH -completely and totally match the ones I found at a yard sale this summer~oh yeah!! AND soooo for a song, SONG, song I have matching gorgeous rugs! (If you only knew HOW LONG I've needed and wanted rugs...) GOD IS SO GOOD~even with my petty desires! I went looking for a runner and what did I find? THE MATCH! whoot! When hub has my chandelier rehung, I'll post some pics...some befores and currents~you are not going to believe the difference!

Thanks so much for gracing my bloggy world~YOU mean so much! God bless you, dear reader! Please head over HERE for some more blessings from my fellow grateful challenger friends! ;-))


Our Homeschool Reviews said...

That is not a dumb thing to be thankful for! Husbands are great, aren't they?

Jen U. said...

That is a wonderful blessing to be thankful for!

Jill said...

Profound or trivial, they are all gifts from God. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your new lighting!

Unknown said...

I love the "little" things like matching rugs!

Dawn said...

It NEVER ceases to amaze me...how He supplies even our SMALLEST desires. Congrats - can't wait to see pics! Blessings & hugs to you!

Catherine said...

These sound like great things to be thankful for, to me! Especially with how hard you've been working to make your house more comfy and homey. How lucky you are to have a man who can do things around the house, and now you have some lovely rugs for the light to shine onto!

the Mcclanahan 7 said...

God's plan for us to have husbands (and the work they do for us) is wonderful.

Unknown said...

Oh I love that you found a matching rug! That is so amazing. What a blessing!