Wednesday, November 10, 2010

FREEbie: Free Homeschooling Literary Ezine (Submissions Wanted!) Ages 8-18

I am on the lookout for freebies wherever I can spot them to give them to you~I KNOW how hard it is in this economy and on one income to get everything to make homeschooling our kiddos the best~it's pricey out there sometimes!!!~soo I have that cool little tab at the top of the header, and I invite you to ck out the FREEbie/GiveAways button!~


I am a member of Clickschooling who sends out a freebie everyday on various subjects~
Today she said,
Age Range: 8-18 (approximately)
The owner of this website contacted me and said:
"Our company,, is sponsoring a free, online literary magazine for homeschoolers, called the Homeschool Literary Quarterly. The magazine will showcase student work, and will celebrate homeschool writing.
At this point in the project, we're accepting student submissions for the Winter/Christmas edition. The deadline is November 15th. Might you be able to share this information with your readership?"
I'm always happy to share information that provides free educational content and opportunities for members of ClickSchooling. This is a new project and they need your participation to make it work.
When you get to the site, you'll see the foundation for what could be a terrific online resource with the potential to fulfill the stated purpose to:
  1. Promote the literary arts within the homeschool community.
  2. Provide a place where homeschool writers can showcase their work, and receive intelligent commentary from readers.
  3. Assist homeschoolers who are considering a career in publishing or writing.
The will accept a variety of writing content including:
  • Fiction - Short stories and excerpts from novels.
  • Poetry - Free verse, blank verse, sonnets, haiku, and prose-poems.
  • Non-Fiction - Memoirs, essays, book reviews, and interviews.
Again, there isn't any content yet - but your kids' work could be featured in the Christmas/Winter edition! (BRAND NEW Aug. 2010)  You'll find the guidelines for how to submit writing along with more information and details at the website.
Having an opportunity to get their work published, might be just the motivation some kids need to hone their writing skills!
Here's the link:
Homeschool Literary Quarterly

To recieve a FREE homeschooling curriculum idea DAILY~Clickschooling!
Now who doesn't LOVE a freebie??? Blessings!

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