Monday, November 15, 2010

Blog Cruise: SisterT's Talking About Homeschool MYTHS~DeBunking and DeJunking 'Em!

If you are a homeschooler, then you KNOW what I'm talking about~that some people think or believe we are weird.  Yeah, they do.  In fact, they worry that we are abusing our kids or mistreating them in some ways by our kids not attending the chaotic public schools of today.  Some think homeschooled kids are basically locked up repressed little folk with overbearing mean parents who prevent them freedom of choices...ha! Okay...and they see any conservatism as weird because sometimes we dance to our own tunes...okay...soo they see us as weird, social misfits...right!

First, the statistics IF you believe in stats say that this is simply not the case.  But look at the evidence~I thought this up myself a while back~HOW MANY homeschoolers soooooooooooooo maltreated and maladjusted are in prision or in the criminal justice system? Got a number? It's not too, it's not, if ANY...Have you ever heard of any of the homeschooled ending up there?~but you do hear of the prepschool pyschopaths...been quite a few of them over the past 30 who kill their parents with loads of "advantages" and public school EXPOSURE?! I am really cracking up~and my mind, however feeble isn't the part cracking~it's my humor! The evidence just isn't there that homeschooling is perpetuating some sort of weirdness gene in our kids! NO way!

Homeschooling gives advantages in so many areas to allow kids to pursue dreams and abilities~to do delight driven learning, where they can focus on a my daughter's love for Japanese and my son, the trumpet...oh yes!

Weirdness is subjective too..for what YOU think is weird, I may find normal..and vice versa...hey, I am weird, but homeschooling IS NOT what makes SisterT weird..LOL! Sooo rest your lil sweet mind on that one, okay?  I am weird, but not for homeschooling my precious kiddos...and the extra large, superduper dose of Mama my kids get~will it make them weird too? Well, could happen, but IF I've done my job educating them to be THINKERS and DOers..I have no worries...

and neither should these folk who seem to worry. I happen to think they need to worry MORE about the ones in public school who the STATS DEFINITELY prove have a high percentage of criminal conviction and other malady...Oh yeah, I'd worry...worry a lot...

Sooo what do you think? ARE homeschoolers weird or are we normal and the rest is wack? (You can ck your opinion of SisterT at the door, thankyaverymuch! LOL!! ;-))  Head over  to ck out everyone's Myth Busting HERE!  Don't forget my CARMEX Skin Care contest for a $52 prize pack! ENDS on 11/18 HURRY! HERE!


Jodi said...

Great post Sister Tipster! I think that we are all weird in our own right, but homeschooling is NOT what makes us that way. Thanks for participating in Blog Cruise this week!

Stacie said...

I'm over here LOL! Too funny. We are not a homeschooling family (yet, but soon to come, we will be!). And I am SO OVER the social misfit, they'll be "weird" argument (I don't buy it!). I agree with Jodi, everyone is "weird" is some way. That's what makes us interesting and different as people, homeschooling or not.

Laura O in AK said...

Funny that I only get the feeling I'm weird when talking with FAMILY members. Regular people on the street have never said anything about me be weird. But, then again, that different drummer I'm marching to at times may just be playing too loud for me to here comments :oP

Love the post...yep, weird has nothing to do with where you learn.

Vickie said...

Oh too funny!!! Just as I finished reading this my 14 year old son came up and said, "Mom, am I weird?" He's a funny kid and always making wise cracks and his sister called him weird LOL He's not weird because he is homeschooled, he's weird because he's....just weird. Nah, just kidding. Loved your sense of humor here though.

Mozi Esme said...

I say we're weird in a good way - supernormal... :)

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Anonymous said...

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