We have been pretty nomadic the past few years, having lived in KY for a while living in two houses there, then in temporary housing here for five months and now in this place. This is our fourth house, and it's not my favorite, but it's beginning to "grow on me" a bit.
When we moved here, the Lord had called my husband to pastor so it necessitated this move and he moved here first. We looked and looked, having had put our house on the market as soon as we knew we were moving, and then began looking here~the search was on! Our money was tight having just undergone a decrease in salary while he was job seeking, then having two house payments~ouch! If you'd like to see some of my farmgirl tates in the home we just sold~head
I told you all that so you'd know that we haven't been HERE for very long, and that there were hurdles we overcame in this move~one being the lack of money with which to do everything this house has needed. AND this house STILL needs!
You see, it was a repo with fallen ceilings and burst pipes and torn up woodwork. To make matters worse, the previous angry owner had left his poor innocent dogs in here with food and water and NO WAY OUT which I was told was a grand total of three week~ewww, is right! It was awful in here, and actually made my husband on first showing say, "no way!" But after four months of searching, looking at EVERYTHING in the market, we realized that this house had everything or potential for everything we would need...3 car garage, 1500 sq ft...newer roof/ac-heat/new double hung insulated windows/ GREAT insulation...oh but cosmetically it was a NIGHTMARE! Not only did it stink awfully, it was a mess as far as condition and well, to be honest~it was a dive! But I have Mr. Handy for a husband and I knew he could perform miracles! I've seen him do it before~so with a reduction in price, we made an offer WE could live with knowing just how much work and money it was going to take. Within a day we had an accepted offer and hub on his way from the closing came here to tare out the nasty flooring from all over this house AND open every window. After two and 1/2 mos work and 35 gallons of paint, we moved in. Oh it wasn't finished, and is still a work in progress today.
Ha! READY for winter?? LOL |
Our home was built in the 1920s as a duplex which somewhere in the 1950s was opened into a single family dwelling. There was no running water prior to this renovation and no plumbing~yeah, you guessed! I have a pink bathtub and awful vanity/sink...wallpaper yet! But amazing is that so much was accomplished by my hub, the wonderful men of our church~Baptist Builders and my kids! Almost everything was painted and/or refinished or sanded. Since our previous home had not sold until just a few weeks ago, our money remained tight, but God has been faithful and blessed us with many many things our home has needed. It took until this spring~almost a year and half to get curtain rods for every window. I got shades fairly soon after moving in...but the decor gave way to function.
Ceiling and wall behind cat was done. |
So in telling all this, since I am a farm girl at heart, I wanted to share our work in progress. I know last week I showed some of my kitchen. I still have sooo many decisions to make about our home.
Door that dogs had damaged... |
Sink, counter, cabinet, wall and ceiling... |
This house has a front porch where one side is enclosed. We are discussing enclosing the other for a mudroom/entry and using the existing enclosed side for an office for hub. I'd like to see us make window symmetrical in the front of our home. You can see the ramp that was built when my mother was in a wheelchair this winter after falling and shattering her leg. I like it so much, it's going to stay and become the main entrance. When the whole porch is enclosed, it will be more symmetrical and neat appearing.
Wall replaced and ceiling... |
OK, enough about needed renovations and upgrades to this house. We plan to finish the basement which is in progress~my mother has moved in with us and we need more room now! We are hoping to gain some family room space that is currently a library. The entire space will be gutted...oh my! But it's necessary for new sheet rock and mud. Anyway, it's going to be quite farm inspired.
Door and wall replaced. |
Well, I do think this ole house lends itself to a farmhouse look...whaddaya think?? Can you imagine a dinnerbell in the yard and a picket fence??
Head on over to
Plans For You to join in the FarmGirl fun! I'm off here to put up some more maters and to make some applesauce from apples shared with us~yum!
Kids with Dad! |
I just HAD to post this one...you can see my lace curtains! We are on our way!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness, I somehow missed this FFG post, and I think another one! I'm here looking for your tomato "procedure" to freeze them, so I'm going through your FFg things...so glad I saw this! Wow, what a story...!!! I'll come back in a while and link to the old house tales you provided, need to keep looking for tomato instructions now, LOL!
btw, I think since we're friends now, I can ask you...what is your name? :-D All I have is Sistertipster, LOL!!!
Love in Him,
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