So my week has turned out really well. It didn't start out all that great as hub and my girl were both sick, but then Sunday came and our church was really sweet and threw a surprise birthday dinner for my hub~Soo sweet! Everyone brought covered dishes of yummy stuff and they had a cake, icecream and cool ballons~EVEN some neat gifts! Well, hub WAS surprised! Everyone was amazed he didn't know...well~I was amazed he didn't find out...but God was good and it was really fun!
In My Life and In Our Homeschool This Week:
Today we went to a virtual academy homeschooling field trip and met some other kids! This was just amazing! Not only was a new friend made, but we even got to see an old one from the former hsing co-op we attended a few years ago~WOOT! IT really is a small world!
Places We're Going and Ppl We're Seeing:
Next week is Polishing Week in the Drama Club as performances are April 14-16th@the Holland Theater in Bellefontaine, OH! Check out this HS group!
Daughter is a gosling and baby spider~awwww...LOL!
My Favorite Thing This Week was...
A couple of things~I signed the intent for BOTH to take college credit "dual enrollment" classes next year!! YAY!! Daughter is OFFICIALLY on spring break and she came and reported that her math grade is NOW a B!!!WHOOOHOOO!!! I am littlerally DANCING!! HER GPA is 96 and HIS is 85!! YAY!!
AND I am doing pretty good on my eating plan. My body continues to shrink~having sustained almost 25 weeks w/o ANY white flour/sugar in my system~I am feeling GREAT! I am doing more and my health is improving! I also got to chat with a dear friend tonight who has had illness in her family~I love and miss her..and am soo sorry things are not so good~please pray for her and family...
I got to go out and CLEAN UP my yard this week~bushes trimmed/yard rakes/brush removed...cleaned sidewalk/porch~LOOKS sooo much better!!
What's Working/Not Working For Us...
THE DIRTY neighbors whose trash is blowing in my yard~I NO LIKE!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
Will it ever let up~just a little bit? Oh yeah...this week IS spring break! I am going to BREAK and rest! woot!
Here's a pic~Okay~A FEW...lol! (BUT HOW COULD I RESIST?? LOL)
Thanks for coming by~please leave me a comment~WHEN IS your spring break??
Sounds like you had a good week! We break when we want, spring or not, but we also school year round, so it all evens out in the end.
My 15YO attends public school and his Spring Break was last week. The girls and I did half days. I like to break when the weather is nice like we did today!
Sounds like a great week. Dual credit is an awsome opprotunity for both of your kids. :)
Great post--I really enjoyed reading it and am a new follower. Spring Break for us starts today! I can't wait to do some spring cleaning (who would have thought I'd ever say that!) and work outside getting my garden going! Sounds like you've made some awesome plans for next year and your kids are doing awesome.
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