The Question:
If you didn't homeschool, what would you DREAM of doing?The clock is ticking for us. In just a few short years, we will be DONE and all that this little 10 word question will take on a new meaning~I'd be LOST, first of all~totally. This is MY GUT response, but as I reflect other things come to mind...
Like the past... I am remembering that first year and how sweet my little children and eager they were. How I taught them sitting on each end of our piano bench with me in between in the recliner leaned forward and each in a little itty bitty plastic chair~waiting and working so hard...What sweetness! Eager learning characterized that first year! I'd take them to the kitchen table to play with water in all sorts of measuring items~cups, spoons, jars, bowls...we measured and poured BIG TIME to see how and what about measuring! So much fun!! Then when I taught phonics, I made flash cards for my son to hop on and say the sound as he went~WOOT! I had to have ACTION in our learning! I read to them and they listened and we worked in our curriculum~each working while I worked with and taught the next one...taking turns! It was really sweet...
The present...Today HSing has taken on new dimensions. I no longer teach every subject, but am here as a resource and essentially a monitor and encouragement! They are so independent now that they work to do without me~plan their own days and EVEN drive to events without me in the car...oh where DID that past of ours go?? But it's still sweet ~ SOMETIMES! Of course, it's not so mushy and huggy~some bigger kiddos just don't like that, but I still love huggn' on 'em so they know I care!
From the Center Stage Production of Charlotte's Web 4-15-11 |
My daughter~Charlotte's Baby Spider |
First UP~
college student
THEN school again for Legal Nurse Consulting~(oh yes!)
But in my life, I pray I am still married~still crafty~still in my church....but God does KNOW, right??
Thanks for stopping by~WHAT'S YOUR dream?
Click on that big ole button to read the rest of the crew~
THEN school again for Legal Nurse Consulting~(oh yes!)
But in my life, I pray I am still married~still crafty~still in my church....but God does KNOW, right??
Thanks for stopping by~WHAT'S YOUR dream?
Click on that big ole button to read the rest of the crew~
Sister T,
This is so sweet! Aww, it makes my heart ache, but smile at the same time.
Ache: because I know, as a mom, how hard it can be to watch them grow up so FAST!! And to remember the sweet little things they did when they were little. (Mine aren't as old as yours, but I still get it--even in my 8 short years of motherhood!)
Smile: becaues I know how proud you must be at all they've accomplished! How thankful you are that God has given you strength to teach them so well!
God bless you in your upcoming college endeavors! My mom's a nurse, so nurses have a special place in my heart!
God bless!
Gosh, for some reason your post really tugged at my heart. My son is only 11 and we still have so many precious years together in homeschooling. When I think of life after HS, a lump forms in my throat! How embarrassing LOL I know God is not finished with me now or after HSing. How exciting for your plans to return to school and pursue nursing. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing,
I already know what it is like to have my kids grown and gone. One reason why we adopted. I just wasn't ready for that empty nest. Will I be ready in 15 years....right now I think not, but come then...maybe so :)
Awwww, the memories. Gotta love 'em.
God's Blessings
Your daughter's picture was so cute! That's a wonderful story.
Great dream! I know you can do it. You can do anything you put your mind to and God will be there every step of the way.
Reading your post brings even closer the all too close time when we will no longer be homeschooling. It's a thought I've had since the beginning, I think. Kind of like a nursing care plan, planning the end from the beginning. But then, I never was a care plan kind of nurse. Probably why I prefer the Emergency Room, lol.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing. Since I'm just about half-way through my nearly 3 decade plan of homeschooling, it can be hard to envision the END of teaching my own kids at home. I hope that when I do near the end of my own homeschooling journey that I will have as much of a goal in mind, and initiative, too! :)
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