Happy Easter Everybody!
Today is a VERY important day for me. It's the 21st Anniversary of the time of year my hub and I met~not the actual day b/c Easter was on a different day that year~but it was 'Good Fri' 1990~Also this is my one year on my plan of action for a new healthy life~PTL on both accounts~also it's the 9th anniv of the day we buried my brother as well as the day before my birthday~oh what a day this is~It's God's day...and I will rejoice for all in my life on this day of the past and be expectant of His grace and mercy for today!
Thinking about a Healthy Home is not too far a stretch for me. Over the past 10 years we have made some huge changes in our eating and lifestyles. I am amazed at how people eat though. All that processed, prepackaged food with the preservatives, chemicals and SUGARS can't be so good for our bodies~and trust me when I tell you that as I've gotten older, the care of my carcass-this body has become more and more important to my health and OVERALL general happiness. It's NO FUN being ill or feeling bad~so why would we want to? Why when we realize stuff isn't good would we continue? I've had to address this insanity in my own life~just WHY have I allowed myself some of the choices I've made knowing full well the potential consequences of my actions.
It's almost the same as a little child who runs full tilt away from mommy towards ongoing traffic~and mama running even faster to avoid the disaster little tyke is about to unfold~innocently blindly running~of course, the child never audibly screams, 'I am powerful and can run to make MY OWN way...' or 'I'm free and you can't catch me!' But in the action, so innocent a little person is heading straight into DANGER~and mom catches little fella and brings him back. Brings the baby safely home...often unharmed..but sometimes that baby has fallen down in the escape. Sometimes there are consequences that mom didn't deliver~God did that part...a bounce on the bottom as he hits the ground, just before his little feet get into the street. PTL those little feet failed to reach the street~but the bounce is enough to cause a cry...pain...but he IS stopped from his own bent toward destruction in the form of FREEDOM that is bought by a will~a desire for something that should not be...rebellion. Such episodes in our littles is truly a form of rebellion, and I truly believe little people don't realize it and therefore anymore should they be 'disciplined' other that a rescue and few words of comfort and instruction. Remember baby has fallen down and is crying...the punishment is natural~and often painful already~but...you have to know that this very much mirrors our own histories of our attitudes toward our lives...our health and OUR homes...We THINK we CAN DO...anything without regard and with abandon ~that consequences won't surface~THAT WE ARE MORE powerful than the natural logical laws that our dear God has put into place...you know, IF I eat that...or do that...or fail to...THERE ARE consequences both good...and bad. But like baby~I RUN toward them~full tilt~denying that I will be affected...and in this pursuit, I am often harmed...but I'm too ignorant to see, to know and IF it goes on LONG ENOUGH I will have found myself in trouble...just like that baby who GETS TO THE STREET, with cars speeding and passing by, coming to a stop IF ...if the baby is seen...or... ... It's not pretty WHAT CAN happen...nor in my life~it's not pretty what complete disregard of consequences looks like..and so with me: a morbidly obese woman who has struggled all my life~and learning it was REBELLION all along~the sin...YES, SIN...of self. Not much different from the temptation of Eve and how she fell~a total distortion of reality and the TRUTH...God's truth. 'Don't EAT it lest YOU DIE!' But Eve didn't REMEMBER truth, but a distorted one and she fell~fell right into the Serpant's lie...and so do we when we IGNORE wisdom and truth for WHAT WE WANT...chocolate, ice cream, candy...oh my! AND sisters, we *think* we can have a 'little' but it's really just a taste that leads us and KEEPS US in bondage~some leads to MORE...and some more in the future~...our bodies THEN begin to crave it...it's a misplaced alliance. We were NEVER supposed to crave anything, but God, and yet..a little bit with the lie in our hearts of HOW we can handle it...oh just a taste...but you see, we can't. I am saying I can't. I am not wired to eat poorly and then NEVER eat poorly again. This past week I over-ate on one meal and my body by morning~THE NEXT redemptive morning was yelling out for MORE~to eat much earlier and more food than I EVER eat...EVER...so I realize that ONE~ONE episode off my plan of eating will throw me into a pattern of trying to satisfy that grinding, rumbling in my stomach~and my mouth waters, and my mind begins to think and desire............but not God. FOOD. It's HOW I GOT where I am ~and it began with rebellion and over time, it grew in the sweet arms of denial. Denial that I could be so big without EVER KNOWING IT...I honestly did NOT know that dreadful number on the scale~when it was....yes, very very very big...and I KNOW that by the Lord, without HIM~I'd be EVEN BIGGER as this body/mind/soul has NO LIMITS without Him...Okay, so my healthy home begins really after my love for God and my man~with me. If mama ain't...you know~ALLL KINDS OF STUFF...but is it all rooted in rebellion or submission to God and HIS WILL for my life? I must submit and die DIE daily...as my reasonable sacrifice to HIM...
So in giving up I am MORE FREE than I ever dreamed. 27 weeks without sugar~HIDDEN OR OTHERWISE does a body good to create clarity of mind...SANITY. I can praise God for this~and so HOW am I incorporating this into our home? I am LEADING THE WAY~in ways before impossible and unimagined~showing the POWER OF GOD to subdue the enemy that seeks to destroy...me, and MY family...eating addictions are as powerful and a kin to that drunk who we all look down on~or that crack sista who can't get a fix so she... WHAT WAS I willing to give UP in my life to HAVE WHAT I WANTED verses considering all the consequences of a big fat mom~who couldn't..... ...soo many things in my physical, mental and emotional and yes, spiritual condition~to HAVE WHAT I WANTED... I have learned I cannot, so totally cannot have what I 'want' and be in a fit spiritual condition. PERIOD. I must deny myself, TAKE UP MY CROSS daily (you have to know this equals second by second) AND FOLLOW HIM...It was the invitation Jesus gave to His disciples...taking up a cross~a symbol of such shame, humiliation, DEATH...think about what those disciples KNEW about crosses long long before their friend and leader, the Lord, Jesus hung on one~IT'S a strong and provoking thought...I don't think we understand much about WHAT THIS really means~WHAT A SYMBOL the cross IS to the ones who lived day in and day out with crucifixion in THEIR FACES~death and disgusting humanity~the cruelty and filth of humanity that orchestrated such but those poor victims dying...suffering...the anguish...WE JUST DON'T GET IT~I know I never will...but I am to die daily~to my flesh/desire(s) and this includes the kinds of and AMOUNTS of FOOD...anything~totally, ANYTHING that would rob me of an ability to clearly FOLLOW HIM...
And so...I press on toward the MARK OF THE HIGH CALLING of God in Christ Jesus~for I can do ALL THINGS~Through Christ who strengthens me...knowing that HE WILL COMPLETE just what HE HAS BEGUN IN ME~THAT good work...
27 weeks of no white garbage in my diet is just a beginning of a life long pursuit~but in the healing of my mind, soul and body~A MIRACLE is happening...one mili-second at a time...
God is calling US ALL to HIM~TO HIM...to deny ourselves...all that STUFF...and we're over stuffed...with food AND STUFF~God's working on me in this area too...but the call today dear friend is to lead the way in your own home~seeking God and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and ALL the things (peace, joy, meekness, mercy, love, gentleness, long suffering, faith....all the fruit of the spirit) ARE ADDED UNTO US...in HIS time...as God does make all things beautiful IN HIS TIME...God's will. EVER THOUGHT about food being something to offer to God? That coffee or chocolate addiction~portions~ice cream~??? WHAT IS your weakness regarding your health? Lord knows I'd be diving into the jelly beans this year, yet AGAIN were it not for HIM..and HIM alone...
WT LOSS is NOT my goal, but my goal IS giving my life to God~AS HE sees fit...so that I am healthy and HIS POWER IS made known. CAN YOU imagine my testimony as God is healing me??? Our testimony as we are healed before our families (folks who know us BEST) and the show of HIS awesome power??? Oh I get all excited when I know that what He is doing for me is the BEST, very best form of education I can teach my children and the world...by example. I can show them that Jesus Christ~the crucified, the risen Lord, God ~son of God IS IS IS IS IS enough...and MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO powerful than anything...including the lure...OF SOMETHING that seeks to destroy~food, substances...and rooted in pride and rebellion...riding on denial...
Thank you, Jesus! For He has unspeakable power!
Thanks for coming by this GOOD Friday~May we all know His power and submit to Him more each day~and truly celebrate His resurrection this year in a way we've never known~in our/with our very lives...taking up our crosses and following...FOLLOWING...Him. Him, alone.
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my most recent pic 2/11 |
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8/11 with a good friend.... |
Let me know your celebration plans~Thanks and love you.
Thank you so much for this reminder! I've started reading (again) Made to Crave and she talks about this very thing. Thanks again for this post.
For Resurrection Day we are of course going to church, then it's supper at my parents house. I'm looking forward to the day of celebration of Christ's resurrection!
Very real, that food addiction. It's a bit tricky too, because we need food to live, unlike other substances. But GOD gives more grace!!
Thank you so much for sharing this; it is encouraging and inspiring. God Bless you! Happy Easter!!
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