Tuesday, March 15, 2011

REVIEW: Apologia's What We Believe: Biblical Worldview of God and Truth Vol 1: Who Is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?)

Who Is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?)
by John Hay and David Webb
Hardcover 252 pages 
Ages:  Children 6-14 (possibly expanded ages)
Price: $39
I say: Fantastic beautiful resource!
I received What We Believe Biblical Worldview of God and Truth Vol 1: Who is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?) by John Hay and David Webb as part of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine CREW review program in exchange for my honest opinions without monetary compensation.  My views are my own.
 The Bible is one subject a family can't study enough~and having good resources are essential. I mean, the Bible is like a locked box ~a treasure chest full of wonderful things from and about God, but unless we can understand His Word, the benefits will illude us.  Since my kids were very small, we always undertook serious Bible study and memorization.  As they've grown that study has increased in depth and I love this study from Apologia.  You won't be disappointed with a solid study for your home~all your grade school through middle school children.  This study talks to the child, we like it for that and while are a bit older than the stated age, they were able to benefit from its pages.  I definitely think a family could use this resource for olders and younger children as well~with a few modifications.  Aren't we homeschoolers very versatile?

Here's the details:
Conversational easy to read text
Multiple age range
Learn at your own pace
Sequential and builds on ideas
10 Lessons~approx 2 wks each one!
Independent for older students and group with youngers
Primarily NIV but also NLT and International Children's Bible used
Notebooking segment presented in the lessons (Binder useful.)
Additional teaching resources: FREE on website! (AWESOME resources!!)

The 10 lessons are broken down into segments:
  • The Big Idea:  Intro and overview of what was previously covered~
  • What You Will Do:  Learning objectives~
  • Short Story:  Fictional story that makes the concepts come alive!
  • Think About It:  Questions to reinforce key ideas and truths~
  • Words You Need to Know:  Vocabulary words concerning the concepts~
  • Hide It in Your Heart: Memory verses~
  • Integrated Learning: Articles of interdisciplinary topics related to the short stories~
  • What Should I Do?  Highlights specific character traits/moral virtues taught~
  • Prayer:  A prayer to focus on the particular trait of God's attribute in the lesson~
  • Worldveiw Study:  Introduces worldviews as they relate to the study~
  • House of Truth:  A figurative construct of the nature of God built one step at a time throughout the studies~ based on an actual model that shows God's nature as a block by block to firmly put the person of God in a child's mind as offered @ www.summit.org. 

Included is a suggested Lesson Plan in order to use the study guide to the fullest along with a list of needed materials for additional activities as they are presented.  The study promises that nearly all of the materials are simple household items! whoot! I had no trouble, but just a flip through can keep you on target as you plan each week!

I could never say enough good things about Apologia products for homeschooling!  We have used quite a few over the years~LOVE the science and NOW the Bible curriculum as well~

Each lessons begins with a question that will center the lesson to be covered with large easy to read print and colorful but not kidsy graphics and pictures.  This study is definitely multi-aged and a good resource for the homeschool, home study purposes!  I also believe it would add to church studies for multiple age classes~I've taught many of these throughout the years.

Getting the extra resources and helps are easy. There is a website with a password listed in the text for additional resources~INVALUABLE!  I like that these helps are not downloaded to my computer. I recently LOST everything on my computer due to a virus, and I like that I can always access these resources from the web.  The graphics are in gray scale which saves me time when I print them from having to convert each one to save ink~GREAT MOVE! Also they are sophisticated looking. I suggest for the youngest in the home that this is really not appropriate for younger than first or second grade in most of the activities~but I will say that with a little bit of thinking, such as have the youngest illustrate the information for their notebook while older children are capable of doing these nice resources.  Young children has such a short attention span that too much will really be just that for them! Short and sweet~the story portions would appeal perhaps as well as the illustrations if this study is used for family study with all ages!

PLUG for Notebooking~If you haven't tried notebooking learning, this is really a great way to have a child compile information and have a tangible resource for review, study and even for concept reinforcement. This method of study teaches organization too~I have done this FOR YEARS with my kids and now that they are teens it's a natural habit...all you need is a three ring binder and either a whole punch or page protectors. I always invested in protectors as it kept their work very neat and orderly.  Page protectors would be one of my greatest expenses in addition to curriculum in homeschooling...but oh so worth it! We liked the 3 ring binders with clear front pocket so we could create our own cover depending upon the subject...Just sayn..Have you tried notebooking? What do you think? If not, what do you use?

Head HERE to read what the CREW says!
Let me know, do you love Apologia? Have you ever used it?? This is awesome!

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