It's been a crazy week! But I do wanna say that I just ck'd my kid's grades~WHAT a great job they are doing! It's amazing! ALL As...no. But loads of work, initiative and progress. I'm really liking virtual academy! The tech issues with online learning can be a pain as we have had to do some tech support on both kids computers as well as it got so extensive that my son needed a complete hard drive restore~but you know what? Tech support was there with me all the way! Yeah! I am not alone in this journey any longer...maybe you value your freedom so much that you don't want help or "interference." I can see that. When my kids were younger, I really felt that way...I mean: WHO loves them more than I do? Parental love and standards can not be equaled. But I had to acknowledge that I am imperfect~that I am limited as a human being and that my kids WANT a high school diploma. Don't tell me that a GED is equiv~it's not! GED generally mean there was some sort of 'issue' that prevented graduation in the traditional schooling...NOT FAIR for hard working kids who deserve EVERY advantage. I know! I know! I can issue them a diploma..a homeschool diploma~AND I planned to~even order a pricey one that looks authentic~BUT listen...COULD I adequately prep them for the SAT/ACT and RELIEVE their testing anxiety when I didn't teach the materials in the ORDER or scope as was taught to their peers? Sadly~no. This ~this very thing...not teaching or having the order/scope of what is taught or EXPECTED to be known has really hurt my kids right now...my daughter is finding in her math~oh my LORD! If you have read much on here, I talk about her math issues..it's been the BIGGEST thing in teaching her...and well~she's behind and DISADVANTAGED because her peers have had stuff she had yet to see...and compared our hsing curriculum~the very things she's doing now come at the END of that program...So was it a curriculum issue? A teacher~ME issue? Or a non issue? In all honesty is all of this~I mean, how could I know WHAT or HOW ..and wouldn't we eventually hit all the marks? I believe so...but really, how would I have known. I did plan according to state requirements, but I have little control over course content in the stuff I believe to be best~when I purchase curriculum. KWIM? Okay, so here's my week...think about this...I'm certainly NOT telling you to go to a virtual school...but what are your goals for your kids? Plan and proceed with these in mind~
In My Life and In Our Homeschool This Week:
Well, first off I'm still plugging at my eating plan of no white flour and sugar~no compulsive overeating and seeking God first in all things including my food. God is good and this Sat will be 24 weeks! I am shrinking and the once tight jeans are losening up~ordered some new ones too! whoohoo! I got the new Denise Austin book, Get Energy and have begun working through it~VERY GOOD! I danced all the way through a longg very very VERY cool song and while I got pretty breathless, it was such fun~oh yeah!
I'm planning on my canning this summer from our garden. When I go to the grocery I'm getting a dozen qt jars for this season of food preservation to come. I am also going to preserve (ferment) some onions for relishes/salads. They are awesome! I did notice that food prices are rising. While I don't like it, how can I avoid it any better than make what I am using go further and better~NO WASTE...so I'm planning all that! Maybe you'd like to ck out my thrifty living blog~THRIVING WITH NO GREEN$! Head on over~It's chocked full of all kinds of good ideas that I use~they work too! My strategies are KEEPING MONEY in my pocket so I can save and have what I need for the future! Today I also went and picked up some freecyle items. I got some houseplant starts of aloe vera, vines and spider plant. They are expensive in the plant stores, but I got quite a few and it was worth my while! Also I picked up a bag of fabric that a lady no longer needed. We make doll clothes and other fabric projects~CK'D out those prices lately for fabric? Whew! So anyway~my life has been kinda busy...HOW about you??
I am thrilled my the progress in our schooling. My kids are showing great independence! I am so proud. I
My Favorite Thing This Week was...
Checking their grades and it looks LIKE THIS:
Alg I C+
Alg C+
We began our seeds for our garden and they're in the greenhouse~WOOT!
What's Working/Not Working For Us...
Hub's been sick all week~AND he's breathing all over me~I am praying I don't get sick! t won't be fun if I do~
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
I'm working with a tutor for the kids on math and language~I worry about how to help them!
Also I've registered for next year~Got a call today saying they are sending next year's materials~SAY WHAT? AND IT'S ONLY MARCH???? HUH??? LOL
Here's a pic~
See our greenhouse? |
Thanks for coming by~Leave me a comment ;-))
Hi, I'm new to Homeschool Mother's Journal.
I went sugar free, processed food free a few months back. Its great. Hard habit to break. Kudos to you.
Hope hubby doesn't get you sick.
See you next Friday. Thanks for the peek into your week.
Good luck on your diet!! I am trying to switch our family to a healthier lifestyle also. Prices are getting higher. I just hope that I can plant enough to try and make a difference for us.
I just hopped over on Homeschool Mothers Journal, new follower now. I really life your blog and plan on checking out your other also.
If you get a chance, stop over and check out our mayheim! www.krazykuehnerdays.com
Have a restful weekend
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