Well, my week was definitely different. I didn't go swim ONCE so far~and not planning to today either...but..but...I did MOVE MORE~got out more~and even got my BIKE OUT and took a few spins~planning to go again TODAY~Received my Denise Austin book yesterday too~sooo I have a feeln' things are GONNA CHANGE...LOL! But my food continues to be good~I am eating a good many calories, still around the 2K mark, and so my wt loss is slow, but I am MOVN' and planning even more~
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Getting out and moving is the first step! That's what I love about spring, all I want to do is be outdoors. Especially after the winter we had here.
Have a great week!
I love swimming. We are thinking of getting a membership to the YMCA.
I think it is getting easier to get up and out now that it is getting warmer.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Good for you in getting out your bike! My dd got hers out last night, and that was after having worked out on the Wii for around 2 hours!
Great job to be out there moving! There's something about outside air that makes exercise even more effective, I think! :)
You're so wise not to eat less than 2000 calories. After all, you're in it for the long haul, and you need to set up your life so that you can maintain whatever you're doing.
Annie Kate
Great job! You know the experts say slow weight loss is better!
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