What's that saying, MODERATION in ALL things? I'm beginning to wonder if our lives are going to settle down any. We're been on a marathon for a few weeks now~over a month since coming into the decision to change our homeschooling methods to a virtual academy online school verses ME doing all the planning, prep and execution (TEACHING LOL) of everything. You can read about our progression
HERE where I've listed the links to the posts I made along our journey. You see, this all began with a poll I gave my kids back in December when I asked, ASKED them..WHAT they think about homeschooling and HOW we are doing~YIKES! Sometimes TRUTH HURTS and to have not addressed it would imho been criminal~sooo we have logged some SERIOUS changes and you can read about them: room gut and remodel, desk building and set ups, uh...revamp of the WHOLE deal...at the first link above...BUT~
We are NOW heading into week 3 of Virtual Academy and it's feeling pretty good except for the exhaustion. We've had to adapt to changes and new routines. Not entirely fun, but very rewarding.
We've learned some things~
My children are prepared.
I can praise God for this, and before, while I BELIEVED they were/are prepared, who wouldda known without putting them to the test? They didn't know, which was ONE of the big why to our change~they didn't have any confidence....NOW it's growing b/c they CAN...and DO...praise God!My children are prepared.
There IS quality education beyond what I can offer~AND they will partner WITH ME...
I would have never believed it before, and somehow I sunk down into the mindset that I had a handle on it all~which is the first step to becoming a fool I might add~The Bible talks a lot about fools...GOOD to have avoided being a fool~for NOW...LOL...opportunity is ALWAYS knocking, isn't it?? LOL....But back to the help we are receiving~my son struggles in one area and my daughter in another. Both are gifted in other completely different areas~but to have teachers who LOVE to teach~I'm telling you, that I CAN TELL these people LOVE kids and LOVE teaching~it's showing and this skeptical mama WOULD KNOW...and I'd tell you, too...remember the name of my little blog here...I am Telln' It! Sure am!! LOL....With the difficulties of a learning disability and being thrown into the academic arena that we have never been in before~my children are demonstrating incredible courage, strength, character and abilities~AND...these teachers are recognizing my wonderful children and stepping UP to help when needed joyfully so...I could not EVER ask for more. NO! I couldn't! I am praising God for wonderful teachers and advisers...
I know it's just week two completed, but we are learning about ourselves too. Our Daddy has stepped to the plate and is helping in my weaker areas, and together this whole family is doing the job of living and loving while learning! What a blessing! I'm figuring out, too that we can have some fun along the way~We're looking for moderation, as our days have been incredibly long thus far. It's taking THIS to accomplish the tasks and learn the information, but I am so well pleased by their tenacity. BTW~both children have said, "Mom, wish we had done this sooner!" WOW...WOW...and of course they know WHY we didn't, but that they wanted to despite this huge learning curve that has required LOADS of extra effort on their parts? I AM TRULY impressed...yeah, SisterT has GREAT KIDS~I am seeing and knowing this too!
As for me, I'm still working on ME~my health: mind, body and soul. I'm learning that my physical is so related to my mental and spiritual self. You can read about that HERE!
Places We're Going and People We're Seeing...
I made it out a few times this week and my kids and I got to go sledding and snowboarding on Wednesday at Youth Group~this is a hoot~We have a great group of kids my kids are apart of~WHAT A FUN TIME~also they went to the Y with me last night~this was fun too! Last Friday night my daughter and a friend went to a youth square dance with other homeschoolers~Woot! Otherwise, it was mostly a week of schoolwork dawn til dusk..but hopefully THIS WEEK will be better...here's hoping! BTW~there is a Spring Dance (square dances~VA Reel, ect....) coming in a few weeks~The pic is from last year:
My Favorite Thing This Week was...
Seeing how wonderful my children's tenacity and efforts are producing fruit. I also got testing results back that are very encouraging~I can only give God the credit and praise! Also right NOW our Daddy is running the electrical lines to all the equipment in the new schoolroom AND had installed a shelf~NEW pics coming...What a joy for it to be coming together!
What's Working/Not Working For Us...
How long it's taking to accomplish the days. I am worried that doc and dentist as well as extra curriculars will have to be on the back burner until Summer...not liking this~also our play, Charlotte's Web is in mid-April as well as Graduation Exams and so there are some scheduling/time challenges coming! NOT liking this at all~
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
I am wonder HOW we are going to keep up this pace...so I am looking for help. I've already secured professional tutoring services for them both to come here weekly to help in their weak areas, but wondering HOW this will all work...I am just having to give it to God b/c I just CAN'T fix any of this...it's in HIS capable hands...thank You, Lord!
Gotcha! |
Our iced in snowed in home....LOL... |
Girl's School desk~ |
Boys' approach to history... |
Girl's DNA model build... |
Grinning for GREAT grades 13/10~WOOT! |
Genius at work...go girl!! |
I love that in all of this you were able to see this: "my children are demonstrating incredible courage, strength, character and abilities."
You are doing a great job Mom! You can do all things through Him, and I see you ARE!
What an exciting change for your family. I am glad it is going well! I am stopping by from HHH.
What a big and wonderful transition your family is making. Good for you guys!
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