Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fit Mommy Friday~SisterT's Joining UP..and going down...down...down...

I've seen many of my bloggy friends joining Fit Mommy Fri over at Got Chai?  for some time now, and I'm just a skeptical soul~what can I say? But recently like April and continuing to today, I've joinedOA and begun a journey that is such a blessing in my life.  God has incredibly blessed me with this program, and today I am taking another point of encouragement and accountability in joining up with these buds for Fit Mommy Friday.

I HAVE SOOO FAR TO GO...however, my goals are progress, not perfection.

I have downloaded theFit Mommy 10 Week Program file and will begin with the rest of everyone tomorrow in answering HONESTLY question each day~RIGHT HERE~While my food plan has been on target (mostly) since April, I have needed an exercise leg to my program.  Well, thanks, God! Because You have provided~AGAIN in my life!!

My Goals for the 10 Weeks:

1. 6-8 oz glasses of good pure water each day~drunk at intervals throughout.
2. NO SUGAR whatsoever.  I am watching the carb/glycemic index of all foods, but no white sugary foods AT ALL.
3.  I will work my plan of eating as prescribed and do as my medical folks/oa folks encourage.
4.  With God's help, I will also continue to weigh and measure my food each day.
5.  I will work to remain completely HONEST in all my dealings with food.
6.  I will consciously get up and MOVE doing some sort of physical activity each day whether it's stair climbing (I have four staircases in our home, walking our dog to the corner and back, swimming at the indoor pool at the YMCA or otherwise hitting some other movement in my life.)
7.  Each day, I will pray to God to give me His acceptance for circumstances beyond my control, courage for circumstances that need change that I can do something with, and wisdom to KNOW what I need to leave alone and or fix...asking Him for a serene mind, heart, soul and spirit so that my body, mind and spirit will be healed.

Okay, Fit Mommy friends~I'm IN!
See you tommorrow~


i cant decide said...

All Right! Your goals sound really good. You can do it!

Dawn said...

I absolutely LOVE this post! I LOVE the way you have put God in the middle of it...and that you have "admitted" to being in OA...YOU GO GIRL!!! We are SO GLAD to have you in this with us, so we can encourage each other.Have a wonderfully blessed day my friend!