I do LOVE country stuff. One thing I enjoy is the farming that goes on in our area. We have loads of fields that depending upon the season can be dismal and unused, but if it's warm outside, the fields are usually full with crops!
So I sort of have a country thing going on in my kitchen. I love roosters so these are especially farm inspired! I like males and females~the hens aren 't as colorful, but if mama isn't happy! HENCE I added the hens! All but one of my chickens are packed safely away, but soon that storage space will be gone though and it will be necessary to open every box and space to see JUST WHAT is there!! I think everyone will be surprised how few chickens I have out compared to the number I have in the past. The rooster picture is a gift from a dear friend that she did for me~Isn't he beautiful?
I just realized that it's now Saturday, but I'm going on and posting anyway~today was really busy!
But mostly what I wanted to say is that not only do I love the country lifestyle, I love most things country. I found myself salivating over an old drop leaf table today at a thrift store for a song~yeah, I bought the thing!! My friend wanted to know if I was going to refinish it and I said I wasn't. I love the rustic look of things! So now it's off to post the OLD table (which is newer) on Freecycle! Somebody can use it, I'm sure!!
I love "found" stuff to decorate and use for functionality. I am planning to use baskets in some cabinetry my hub is going to build for our kitchen. Country decor is so much fun that these things make it all the more country!
This is the old table I am gifting to someone who can use it. See the back door? Today I have a different door with stained glass which is frosted and clear beveled glass.
Here is a newest addition to the kitchen~curtains that I made!
A country stove and pie safe storage~see the basket? I store onions in this one and tators in another you can't see!
The country is inside this gal's heart! What are your country ideas and tastes?
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
FREE: List of Samples from Deal Loving Mama
Deal Loving Mama hosts all kinds of freebies and coupons~head on over and bookmark her page ;-))
Here are yesterday's freebies:
Lanacane Anti Chaffing Cream
Sun Crystals sweetner
Redkin men's shampoo
Gas X
Nexus Shampoo and Conditioner
Here are yesterday's freebies:
Lanacane Anti Chaffing Cream
Sun Crystals sweetner
Redkin men's shampoo
Gas X
Nexus Shampoo and Conditioner
Thursday, July 29, 2010
FREE: handwriting worksheet maker
Thanks Homeschooling 101! Amazing, Incredible Handwriting Worksheet Maker Cursive, print, D'Nealian, dash-trace ...AWESOME!
GiveAway: Salem Ridge Book (book for children~you choose)
Homeschool Blogger Company Porch is hosting! THIS IS COOL...I know these kid's books and you will WANT them! (ENDS 8/11)
GiveAway: Creflo Dollars' Newest Book, Winning In Troubled Times
Adventures in McQuill Land is offering this one! (ENDS 8/3)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
GiveAway: Scavenger Hunt with the Homeschool Channel
Watch the program, find the answer and send to answers@thehomeschoolchannel.tv which is tonight at 10PM CST~Jim Weiss telling about King Arthur and other classical figures. WIN two bikes~ one for a kid and the other for an adult~yeah!!
Watch HERE!
Watch HERE!
FREE: Birthday Clubs from Various Places (KIDS AND ADULTS)
Thank you Queen of Free for the many FREE birthday club resources! You Go!
FREE: Curriculum and Study Guides from BBC
BBC Schools offers various subjects with areas for students, teachers and parents. Has great printables that are elementary and up.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
GiveAway: Total Pillow
Homeschooling Hearts and Minds is hosting. I COULD USE this great neck relief pillow! (ENDS 8/4)
Book Review: The Story of Mankind by Hendrick Van Loon (1922)
The Story of Mankind by Hendrick Van Loon (1922)
Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project or MainLessonDotComAges: advanced children (12 & up)
Price: Accepts donations/FREE
I found this book on Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project or MainLessonDotCom which interested me b/c I am always seeking resources for teaching world history to children and teens.
While working on our lesson plans I've been compiling a resource list for the Middle Ages: Rome to King James which I will use MOH 2 and TruthQuest History: Rome, Middle Ages and Renaissance/Reformation as the guides or spines.
I came across The Story of Mankind by Van Loon. At first glance, it was an excellent deal as it's on the public domain from Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project, but upon reading the sample pages, I saw that this book is full of error not only in its retelling of evolutionary beginnings of humanity but also in its retelling of the historical figure, Moses. Van Loon completely ignores Moses' faith in the God, Jehovah but tells the story as an outsider to faith citing that God was the god of Thunder and Lightening~uh??? yeah??? Ya think? This interpretation is in no way consistent with Biblical accounts of Moses that many know as the prince of Egypt who emancipates God's people after a show of God's amazing power in the plagues. Van Loon never bothers to share about the plagues or the Red Sea crossing, but he does retell the receiving of the Ten Commandments as one where Jehovah at the instruction of Moses dictates the laws to Moses who in essence, writes them down...AMAZING what twist this is to the narrative of the Bible!
Side NOTE: The Story of Mankind was a Newberry Medal winner for children' lit and has been updated most recently in 1999. Source.
SisterT's Take: NO LIKE! Aside from "error spotting!" RUN from this one! Definitely secular and anti-God. I do like the hand drawn illustrations that give the book charm. They aren't cutesy, but good pen and ink style, and I do love this site which has over 500 books in many genres. This is an excellent resource that is free and by donation only. AMAZING!
I received no compensation for reading this book other than its free use; my opinions are my own.
Monday, July 26, 2010
GiveAway: Hands On Bible for Kids NLT and FREE Devotional Resources
Footprints in the Butter is offering one copy giveAway of the NLT Hands On Bible (ENDS 7/31)
GiveAway: Speech Therapy Cards
Following Him Home is offering used speech therapy cards for a first comment of someone who can use them. If you do, leave her a comment. ;-))
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Homeschool TreasureTrove, yahoo group (SIGN UP FOR THIS ONE!) offers all kinds of freebie stuff~thanks Lora!
FREE lapbooking templates:
Homeschool Share
FREE lapbooking templates:
Homeschool Share
Family Matters: Marriage Rally 2010
There is a movement in our nation to redefine marriage. God BEGAN marriage as the institution of a man and a woman to come together in religious and civil ceremony to have a covenant of promise being commanded "to go forth and multiply" giving this institution the role of raising children. How sad that those who neither have reproductive powers within their relationships seek the status of being called MARRIED when clearly the role of marriage or at the very least, one of the roles of marriage cannot be done~when same-sex partners desire children they must look elsewhere for those reproductive powers. This alone is a reason that it's against what was originally intended as marriage's purpose. OK, with this said, those who are in favor of same sex marriage "civil rights" want all the benefits of those who have the powers of reproduction and responsibility to the children they produce~this is a warped interpretation of God's view. Further Scriptural reading shows that "unnatural affections" are an abomination. Sad fact, but what He said...and the translated word abomination is pretty strong language for this kind of affection. I'd not want to be on the receiving end of such criticism from God..no, not me!
In support of MARRIAGE and how God sees it is a group, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) who is conducting a several state tour to promote what God has ordained and put together for society's orderly formation of the family. NOM is not a "hate" group which is what it has been called by opponents, but rather a rallying force for MARRIAGE and the traditional standard since Genesis of ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN~period via any and all faith based groups who affirm this viewpoint. Well, obviously some religious organizations don't hold to the Biblical view, which makes me wonder just what business THEY are in, but must hold some kind of opposing viewpoint as demonstrated by the willingness to allow homosexuals to lead within their ranks. I am aware that there are "gender neutral" Biblical "translations" out there, so I've heard, but I definitely don't follow. I am a pure traditionalist and God-fearing, LOVING, and honoring follower of HIS WORD. I need no NEW modern interpretation. God spoke and I listen. Simple as that!
So with all said, I want to share with you some pictures of the NOM Marriage rally that I participated in today. I am a little dismayed by low turnout on both the marriage side AND the same-sex side...but I am going to say that with all the police presence and signage along with the past rabble rousing people could have felt intimidated. At this rally all were respectful of each other. I had prayed and even went so far as discussing with my son who is 14 what he should do it he were intimidated or bothered in some way or others as well. We had a plan that I'm thankful to say we did not need.
I was able to meet Louis Marinelli of the Facebook site, Protect Marriage: One Man, One Woman who I have known for over a year. I friended Louis at that time and have even become one of the ProtectMarriageSite.com writers, but we had never met in person. Amazing that he has been able to put such a strong PRO-MARRIAGE presence out there! You GO Louis!
I want to urge you to stand up for God and His values by supporting NOM and this Summer Marriage Tour events. You can go HERE to find the next stop~They will be traveling through August 15th and coming to a city near you!
Daniel Webster was quoted at this rally and he is so true:
Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. -- From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and they will apply the remedy.
Isn't homeschooling all about making our children intelligent and protecting our freedom? WE MUST ACT!
Same-sex protesters numbering 15. |
Maggie Gallagher, NOM Chairperson. |
I was able to meet Louis Marinelli of the Facebook site, Protect Marriage: One Man, One Woman who I have known for over a year. I friended Louis at that time and have even become one of the ProtectMarriageSite.com writers, but we had never met in person. Amazing that he has been able to put such a strong PRO-MARRIAGE presence out there! You GO Louis!
I want to urge you to stand up for God and His values by supporting NOM and this Summer Marriage Tour events. You can go HERE to find the next stop~They will be traveling through August 15th and coming to a city near you!
Daniel Webster was quoted at this rally and he is so true:
Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. -- From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and they will apply the remedy.
Isn't homeschooling all about making our children intelligent and protecting our freedom? WE MUST ACT!
FREE: Modesty Dress Patterns and Instructions
There are free sewing terms and info at Modesty Matters.
FREE: Homeschool Buzz eMail Newsletter
You will enjoy this eZine that comes every so often with book reviews and all kinds of homeschooling info. It's free!
Friday, July 23, 2010
FREE: Home School Enrichment Magazine (digital)
This is free with a sign up~HERE! (July/Aug 2010) Thank you Lewis Family!
GiveAway: Flour and Cookbook from King Arthur Flour
The Legacy of Home is offering this neat giveAway for 3#s of flour AND a King Arthur Flour cookbook (600 pages!) (ENDS 8/5)
I am a member of MOH 1 Yahoo Group and a member has posted this from HSLDA:
I've verified this to be authentic by calling the phone number.
You can join up for FREE eAlerts HERE!
From: Home School Legal Defense Association [mailto:hslda@hslda.org]
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 12:29 PM
To: Homeschool group
Subject: Warning: Home School Foundation Impersonator Calling Leaders
From the HSLDA e-lert service
Warning: Home School Foundation
Impersonator Calling Leaders
Dear Homeschool Group Leaders:
It has come to our attention that multiple homeschool leaders have received
phone calls from a person falsely saying he is from the Home School
This caller, who is believed to be male but identifies himself as a woman,
will often claim to be calling from the Home School Foundation and indicate
that you have been nominated for a grant or award of some sort. This
individual usually states that "she" has 10 children and a degree in
psychology, before proceeding to ask questions about your family's
homeschool practices to follow up on the grant/award that you have been
"nominated" for. The questions quickly get around to your disciplinary
methods and practices. Please note, HSF has no need to ask you about your
disciplinary methods with your children!
If you are ever on the phone with someone saying he or she is from HSF and
you become even slightly suspicious, or if the questions don't directly
relate to the work of the Foundation (i.e. helping families homeschool
through hard times), please ask for a name and number and offer to call
back. The Foundation's number is (540) 338-8688. If you are given a
different number and/or receive a call from an individual who fits the above
description, please alert us immediately!
We are trying our best to find out who this caller is and stop him from
harassing homeschoolers in our name. This is not actually a new issue; we
had a similar situation many years ago and came close to finding the caller
before he went underground. This may be the same person.
If you receive such a phone call, write down the date, time and as much
information as you can about the caller. Personal information disclosed by
the caller and the questions he asked would be helpful. Also collect any
information displayed on your caller ID or obtained from tracing the phone
number (often by dialing *69). Contact HSLDA or HSF with this information
and we will collect it to help authorities in their attempt to track this
individual down.
If you have any details that may help us find out more about this caller,
please email them to info@homeschoolfoundation.org with "impersonator" in
the subject line.
Also, please forward this email on to other homeschool leaders you know-if
people are aware of the issue ahead of time, we are more likely to stop it.
Thank you,
Mike Smith, President
The HSLDA E-lert Service is a service of:
Home School Legal Defense Association . P.O. Box 3000 . Purcellville,
Virginia 20134-9000
Phone: (540) 338-5600 . Fax: (540) 338-2733 . Email: info@hslda.org
Web: http://www.hslda.org
I've verified this to be authentic by calling the phone number.
You can join up for FREE eAlerts HERE!
From: Home School Legal Defense Association [mailto:hslda@hslda.org]
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 12:29 PM
To: Homeschool group
Subject: Warning: Home School Foundation Impersonator Calling Leaders
From the HSLDA e-lert service
Warning: Home School Foundation
Impersonator Calling Leaders
Dear Homeschool Group Leaders:
It has come to our attention that multiple homeschool leaders have received
phone calls from a person falsely saying he is from the Home School
This caller, who is believed to be male but identifies himself as a woman,
will often claim to be calling from the Home School Foundation and indicate
that you have been nominated for a grant or award of some sort. This
individual usually states that "she" has 10 children and a degree in
psychology, before proceeding to ask questions about your family's
homeschool practices to follow up on the grant/award that you have been
"nominated" for. The questions quickly get around to your disciplinary
methods and practices. Please note, HSF has no need to ask you about your
disciplinary methods with your children!
If you are ever on the phone with someone saying he or she is from HSF and
you become even slightly suspicious, or if the questions don't directly
relate to the work of the Foundation (i.e. helping families homeschool
through hard times), please ask for a name and number and offer to call
back. The Foundation's number is (540) 338-8688. If you are given a
different number and/or receive a call from an individual who fits the above
description, please alert us immediately!
We are trying our best to find out who this caller is and stop him from
harassing homeschoolers in our name. This is not actually a new issue; we
had a similar situation many years ago and came close to finding the caller
before he went underground. This may be the same person.
If you receive such a phone call, write down the date, time and as much
information as you can about the caller. Personal information disclosed by
the caller and the questions he asked would be helpful. Also collect any
information displayed on your caller ID or obtained from tracing the phone
number (often by dialing *69). Contact HSLDA or HSF with this information
and we will collect it to help authorities in their attempt to track this
individual down.
If you have any details that may help us find out more about this caller,
please email them to info@homeschoolfoundation.org with "impersonator" in
the subject line.
Also, please forward this email on to other homeschool leaders you know-if
people are aware of the issue ahead of time, we are more likely to stop it.
Thank you,
Mike Smith, President
The HSLDA E-lert Service is a service of:
Home School Legal Defense Association . P.O. Box 3000 . Purcellville,
Virginia 20134-9000
Phone: (540) 338-5600 . Fax: (540) 338-2733 . Email: info@hslda.org
Web: http://www.hslda.org
Friday Farmgirl: Food Preservation: Freezing Tomatos & HOWDY!

Yes, I do have a garden! Lettuce/celery is in the raised bed beside the garage. |
While I'm not a farmgirl in reality, I am ONE AT HEART! and I married a farmboy at heart too...and he has a GREEN THUMB~I don't! LOL...so I've learned to do stuff to complement his talents and labors like canning and food preservation! What true farmgirl at heart doesn't need to know how and to DO this kind of thing?
Today our garden has blessed us with quite a few fresh LOVELY red tomatos! While there are not as many as last year, we have been blessed. So how do you LOVE your fresh tomatos? We like a tomato sandwhich~
Here's how:
Mater Sandwhich
- Slices of fresh tomatos as thick or thin as you like.
- Mayo~I use Helman's Fat Free (loads less calories!)
- Black pepper (whatever grind you like~I use finely ground.)
- Fresh bread (The Southerner way is white bread, but my healthy eating equals whole grain bread choices instead...STILL GOOD!)
- Salt (I don't use it for health reasons, but if you do~go a head!)
For preservation, I like to freeze them instead of canning. There's little difference in the taste, texture, and quaility of a frozen tomato from a jar canned one, sooooo because it's sooo much easier, I say FREEZE away!
Here's HOW:
Freezing Tomatos
Before of after you wash them, be sure to cut the hulls out and any "bad" places.
Gather ALL your supplies together before you start.
Supplies BESIDES tomatos:
tongs 2collenders couple of dish towels paring knife
freezer bags large pot for boiling CLEAN kitchen ;-))
- Wash tomatos well...(You can use a vegitable brush if you have it, but the idea is to make sure they are very clean.)
- Bring to boil a pot of good quaility water. Our water is so hard that we use distilled in our cooking and processing.
While the water is coming to a boil, prepare a sink full of chilled water with ice cubes. This is used to stop the cooking process of the "scalding" so the skins can be removed. I used a pot.
- Freezer bags (I recommend ZipLoc because they WILL hold up and not come open (yeah, it's happened to me! AND they seems thicker grade. USE whatever size your family needs to prepare your meals. We use quart b/c gallon is too big, but when I prepare speghetti sauce or the like, we usually use two quarts (1/2 gal) which means we aren't cooking too much if we use gallon and I'm not wasting bags space either if I fill it just 1/2 way.
- When the water on the stove comes to a boil, drop each tomato in ONE AT A TIME and remove after about 1-2 minutes~no longer! This will scald them enough to remove the skins so they are better in cooking after being frozen. Frozen skins toughen as they are waiting for use. The tough skins don't hurt the flavor, but they sure hurt the texture, so I recomment the scalding and skin removal.
- After you remove each tomato from the boiling water, IMMEDIATELY place in the ice water which will stop the cooking process and cause the peel to lift from the tomato and make it easier to remove before bagging.
- Let them sit in the cool water long enough to cool the tomato and then place in a collender and drain.
- Use a seperate bowl and peel the skins which should come off easily and put into that bowl. This can get very messy. I like to have a dish towel on hand to keep the tomato juices from rolling down my arms and elbows and making ME yucky!
- Once they are all peeled, then you will have fresh tomatos you can either puree in the blender OR chop with a paring knife OR freeze whole. ALL are fine! In fact, last year, I froze homemade salsa because I didn't want to jar it! It turned out fine; just remember your spicing will become more intense with the freezing method of preservation and so you will want to be sure you don't overdo on the peppers!! OOOWWWEEEE how hot it can get if you're not careful!
Are you doing any food preservation from the garden this year?
If you didn't garden this year, you can get food from the farmer's markets or you-pick fields for preservation that is so good~remember FRESH IS BEST!
GiveAway: $35 to Crafty Mamas(handmade stuff)
The Handmaden is offering this giveAway in honor of her 400th post! (ENDS 7/29)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
FREEbie: Traveling Notebooking Page (Generic/Multi Use!)
The Traveling Praters has made this neat neat neat notebooking page~thanks soo much!!
GiveAway: $60 to CSN Gift Card
Homeschooling Hearts and Minds is offering this cool giveAway. (ENDS 8/1)
TOS Crew Blog Walk: WEEK 6
I'm walkn' yes indeed, I'm walkn' to visit my crewmates and won't you join me? Tell 'em SisterT sent ya!
First up is Deanna's Corner where she writes of her life with her family and does lots of book reviews! I envy anyone who loves books this much! She shared a great trip to Biltmore and some gorgeous pics of scenery in NC~wow!
Light, Liberty and Learning has some really pretty children, and she is a huge book fan! I think most of us are because you can see many of us on CREW talk about our books a LOT! I love the quotes she found on the bags~I like bags too!! I never carry a purse, but I almost always have a BAG!
I love a beautiful picture and Bunny Trails has drawn me in with her Wordless Wednesday posted picture. Oh such a pretty dandelion with it's delicate whispering self...what beauty in a weed! I can relate to her post about the unseen fruit in her child's life as she as well as I am navigating the torrid waters of the teenage years! God give us ALL the strength to hold tight to the stern and continue sailing...
Flowers 'N' Plaid has a set of gorgeous pictures of her daughter and finance' that are so sweet! I love great pictures!
I love the layout of Gadow Ohana with it's clean lines and unclutterd look...I think I need lessons! OK~I know ohana means family~LILO taught me this...
Father's day was a special family pic day for His Wonderful Works where she shares just how adorable her family is with such sweet pictures! She shares some of the amazing things God is doing in her life that she never thought would happen like homeschooling and being a stay at home mom~amazing that HIS plans are surprising aren't they?
When I think of the goal of homeschooling the word Expand easily comes to mind as something I definitely WANT for my children. I want their spirits and educations to expand into a full and wonderful life! This blogger has an IT guy for a hub~(LUCKY HER!)
I've been dying to learn digital scrapbooking b/c I love layout and design! I made my header but I'd love to learn to do more! Confessions of a Homeschooler offers some info on digi-scapbooking and loads of FREE printables! I love her generosity and talent~you go girl!! whoohoo! She's got a cool giveAway going on too
The Sojouner is a gal after my own heart with her jacuzi spa book reading and her THRIFT grocery shopping and food preservation! I'm lovn' it!
If you want a chuckle, check out A Full Heart for her wordless Wed pic...oh yeah...
Sailing on...NOPE, I'm walkn' on water! LOL!!
First up is Deanna's Corner where she writes of her life with her family and does lots of book reviews! I envy anyone who loves books this much! She shared a great trip to Biltmore and some gorgeous pics of scenery in NC~wow!
Light, Liberty and Learning has some really pretty children, and she is a huge book fan! I think most of us are because you can see many of us on CREW talk about our books a LOT! I love the quotes she found on the bags~I like bags too!! I never carry a purse, but I almost always have a BAG!
I love a beautiful picture and Bunny Trails has drawn me in with her Wordless Wednesday posted picture. Oh such a pretty dandelion with it's delicate whispering self...what beauty in a weed! I can relate to her post about the unseen fruit in her child's life as she as well as I am navigating the torrid waters of the teenage years! God give us ALL the strength to hold tight to the stern and continue sailing...
Flowers 'N' Plaid has a set of gorgeous pictures of her daughter and finance' that are so sweet! I love great pictures!
I love the layout of Gadow Ohana with it's clean lines and unclutterd look...I think I need lessons! OK~I know ohana means family~LILO taught me this...
Father's day was a special family pic day for His Wonderful Works where she shares just how adorable her family is with such sweet pictures! She shares some of the amazing things God is doing in her life that she never thought would happen like homeschooling and being a stay at home mom~amazing that HIS plans are surprising aren't they?
When I think of the goal of homeschooling the word Expand easily comes to mind as something I definitely WANT for my children. I want their spirits and educations to expand into a full and wonderful life! This blogger has an IT guy for a hub~(LUCKY HER!)
I've been dying to learn digital scrapbooking b/c I love layout and design! I made my header but I'd love to learn to do more! Confessions of a Homeschooler offers some info on digi-scapbooking and loads of FREE printables! I love her generosity and talent~you go girl!! whoohoo! She's got a cool giveAway going on too
The Sojouner is a gal after my own heart with her jacuzi spa book reading and her THRIFT grocery shopping and food preservation! I'm lovn' it!
If you want a chuckle, check out A Full Heart for her wordless Wed pic...oh yeah...
Sailing on...NOPE, I'm walkn' on water! LOL!!
GiveAway: $40 Gift Card to CSN
Confessions of a Homeschooler is hosting this cool giveAway. (ENDS 7/23)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
GiveAway: WII GAME ~Jump Start Get MOVING!
Our Best Daze is hosting this giveAway. (ENDS 8/1)
This game came out June 15, 2010 so you can be in on the FUN!
This game came out June 15, 2010 so you can be in on the FUN!
FREE: eBook: 101 Internet Safety Tips for Kids
Head over to Homeschool Freebie of the Day to get this nice eBook when you sign up for the RSS feed. When you do this you will receive an email each Monday morning outlining the week's FREE resources for educating your child so you can plan to download them as you will. HOW COOL IS THIS?? WOW!
FREEbie: Homeschool FREEbie of the Day... (VARIOUS STUFF)
If you don't know about Homeschool Freebie of the Day, it's well worth checking out! Usually these are downloads...wonderful STUFF to enrich our children!! whooohhooo!!
GiveAway: GIRLS ONLY~Dot Girls First Period Kit
For the girls in our lives:Marine Corps NomadsMarine Nomads (ENDS 8/2)
GiveAway: Healthy Snack Sample
The Legacy of Home has some healthy cheddar fries to giveAway! (ENDS 7/29)
GiveAway: Foldable PURSE HANGER
Audrey's GiveAways is hosting this giveaway and you can chose your fave color from 5! (ENDS 8/14)
FREE: Latina Christiana Worsheets (Printables)
Joy in Our Journey has some wonderful worksheets for Latina Christiana I that you can print out! Thanks JoyfullyJulieanne!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
FREEbie: Answers in Genesis Babel Printable Chart
Answers in Genesis is offering this free download. (ENDS 7/27)
You can join their email list for freebies ;-))
You can join their email list for freebies ;-))
A Terrific START Towards a FANTASTIC Finish!
Year 10 in our homeschooling adventure is soon to begin...I am in SUCH need of making our plans, but in a way they've already been made. I KNOW some of the subjects we need to tackle while others I am not YET wrapping my mind around them...sooo it's just about "that time" again for the next installment of our process towards the finish line...
For the Girl
FINISHING Alg 1 and heading into Alg 2
History: The Middle Ages(Early Church -1700: MOH2, The Middle Ages by Susan Wise-Bauer and Truth Quest History by Michelle Miller.
Bible: Acts and Epistles, Revelation.
Language Arts: Essays and research paper (GRAMMAR REVIEW), One Month Novel~November 2010
Science: Apologia~Biology
Foreign Language: Japanese~Tell Me More (possibly moving to Rosetta Stone once done with TMM)
Music: Double Bass, bass guitar, and piano
Drama: Drama Club-Fall: Sarah Plain and Tall/Winter: Charlotte's Webb
The boy:
Algebra I
History: The Middle Ages(Early Church -1700: MOH2, The Middle Ages by Susan Wise-Bauer and Truth Quest History by Michelle Miller.
Bible: Acts and Epistles, Revelation.
Language Arts: Essays and research paper (GRAMMAR REVIEW), One Month Novel~November 2010
Science: Apologia~Biology
Foreign Language: Spanish (Tell Me More)
Music: trumpet and piano
Drama: Drama Club-Fall: Sarah Plain and Tall/Winter: Charlotte's Webb
LOOKS LIKE I have but a few things to get and a FEW DECISIONS to make...just a few...and I bet I have some good suggestions for these...let's see...
How is it going with your plans? Do you make a master list by the day with goals for each subject or just HOW do you get organized?
Since mine are high schoolers, I am going to let them make out the schedule...and help them do it...
For the Girl
FINISHING Alg 1 and heading into Alg 2
History: The Middle Ages(Early Church -1700: MOH2, The Middle Ages by Susan Wise-Bauer and Truth Quest History by Michelle Miller.
Bible: Acts and Epistles, Revelation.
Language Arts: Essays and research paper (GRAMMAR REVIEW), One Month Novel~November 2010
Science: Apologia~Biology
Foreign Language: Japanese~Tell Me More (possibly moving to Rosetta Stone once done with TMM)
Music: Double Bass, bass guitar, and piano
Drama: Drama Club-Fall: Sarah Plain and Tall/Winter: Charlotte's Webb
The boy:
Algebra I
History: The Middle Ages(Early Church -1700: MOH2, The Middle Ages by Susan Wise-Bauer and Truth Quest History by Michelle Miller.
Bible: Acts and Epistles, Revelation.
Language Arts: Essays and research paper (GRAMMAR REVIEW), One Month Novel~November 2010
Science: Apologia~Biology
Foreign Language: Spanish (Tell Me More)
Music: trumpet and piano
Drama: Drama Club-Fall: Sarah Plain and Tall/Winter: Charlotte's Webb
LOOKS LIKE I have but a few things to get and a FEW DECISIONS to make...just a few...and I bet I have some good suggestions for these...let's see...
How is it going with your plans? Do you make a master list by the day with goals for each subject or just HOW do you get organized?
Since mine are high schoolers, I am going to let them make out the schedule...and help them do it...
GiveAway: $25 Gift Card and Essay Contest...
OK, here's a huge opportunity for someone who loves two huge loves, baseball AND country music...READ
Ramblings From the Crazy House to get all the info. You can enter too for the gift card CASH! HOW COOL IS THIS?? (ENDS 7/23)
Ramblings From the Crazy House to get all the info. You can enter too for the gift card CASH! HOW COOL IS THIS?? (ENDS 7/23)
Thursday Talkn' About Teens: VBS Workings...
We are in the trenches of VBS this week, and some of my best memories of VBS were when we did a western theme like this year! I just love the cowboy thing! When my kids were littles, I dressed them in cowboy garb complete with boots and vests, but this year, they've dressed themselves! My teenagers are working as a teacher of missions and the sound man. Oh, it's not been that many years since they were little cowpokes and such! Head over to Plans 4 You to read about other GREAT TEENS!
Monday, July 19, 2010
FREEbie: Homeschool Radio Shows (free eStreaming radio programs from the past)
Homeschool Radio Shows
You can sign up for a weekly listen!
This week there are two on the US Constitution!
You can sign up for a weekly listen!
This week there are two on the US Constitution!
Marriage, God's Way NOT Man's Way
Marriage began in the garden with God performing the FIRST marriage ceremony. While humanistic political worldly idealists seek to change what God BEGAN, there are efforts to maintain the rights of the family in our nation. Others want their 'unions' recognized by the government and God, but it's not as it was in the beginning, but rather an interpretation to gain rights legitimizing alternatives to the plan of God. NO! NO! NO, This must not be done! Of course, I cannot tell people who to love, but I know who can, and HE did not ordain homosexual relationship or condone them, but rather He condemns them in His Word, the Bible...
The National Organization for Marriage is hosting the Summer For Marriage Tour in our nation and you can get out to support God's Way and MARRIAGE HERE looking up where in your area and praying for those who will be attending! God will not be mocked and whatever we sow we will reap. We must stand for God and His ways which are higher than ours!
The National Organization for Marriage is hosting the Summer For Marriage Tour in our nation and you can get out to support God's Way and MARRIAGE HERE looking up where in your area and praying for those who will be attending! God will not be mocked and whatever we sow we will reap. We must stand for God and His ways which are higher than ours!
Crafter's Pay It Forward GiveAway WINNERS!!
Winners Cirlce~
Thank you to Mrs. Mandy's Musings and McQuill Land for entering HERE! for my giveAway...Here's a pic of what I made for them~whoohoo! ;-))
You can see that they are different!
I am a beader who loves earrings! The wires of plated and some are glass while others are of different materials like wood. It's so relaxing to work these kinds of materials, and I've been doing this about five years.
I got these out in the mail today so hopefully my winners will get them by the end of this week. Congratulations and Enjoy!
GiveAway: School Supplies (BOX OF 'EM!)
My Journey is giving away some cool school supplies. (ENDS 7/26)
Finding GiveAways and FREEbies...easily...on the web...oh yeah!
To simply hunt down giveAways join up GiveAway Scout and read on in your emails...whoohoo!! HOW EASY is this??
GiveAway: $25 and CHERIOS...whoohoo!
Faith, Family and Fun is offering this neat giveAway! (ENDS 7/21)
GiveAway: Bible Study on Phillipians
Some of my fave Scripture is Phillipians 2~ Until the Day Dawn is hosting a giveAway for Living Out the Word Study: Phillipians. (ENDS 7/30)
GiveAway: Hands On Bible and FREE RESOURCES
This is so cool because I own the older version of this Bible and love it! My Hands On Bible has loads of resources FREE to use. You must login which I've done and the resources are pdf downloads.
Canadian Ladybug Reviews is givingAway a copy! Go enter~your children will love this Bible! (ENDS 7/30)
Canadian Ladybug Reviews is givingAway a copy! Go enter~your children will love this Bible! (ENDS 7/30)
Review: Around the World With a Unit Study, The Old Schoolhouse Planner Module: Tavel the World

The Old Schoolhouse Planner Module: Travel the World
Digital download/58 pages
Price: $7.95
Price: $7.95
Get it HERE: The Old Schoolhouse Store
My Take: Multi-age and good value!
The Crew's Take: HERE!
I received The Old Schoolhouse Planner module for June 2010, Travel the World without monetary compensation in return for my opinions regarding this unit study.
Having teenagers is a challenge in more than one way, and finding curriculum that they don't see as childish is crucial! Travel the World is a download module that comes with high school extensions and many of the resources you will need. The details of this world geography study are amazing! I have learned so much, myself and I recommend that you will find good use and appreciation for Travel the World.
You will find:
study guide
activity pages
coloring pages
high school extensions
links for a fun internet geography study
and more!! The planner modules stand alone as unit study options for your child's learning experience. You can add this study as part of a world history course for older kids like mine (9th & 10th grades) or introduce world geography to younger children with coloring and lapbooking options. This is a versatile product for multiple ages!
Think about it this way~consider the costs of ink, storage and using pre-printed materials. I am using an 8GB jump drive to store my digital products this year.Jump drives are cost effective because if and when my hard drive crashes all will not be lost~ my little jump drive that fits on my key chain will have all my goodies stored safely for my use~I can take it to the library and print or use it straight on the screen, and I can also take anything I want printed to a print shop for some inexpensive copies! I am a curriculum junkie, and the challenge of book shelf space looms large at my house, and digital is a great solution!
It's ALL good, but I am most excited about the high school extensions! A product that reaches all our children in their ages/stages is awesome!! It just makes sense in this economy to have a product that will expand this way! I find that things I can go back to or use over time makes good CENT$ (pun intended!!) to me!! I am keeping it so being able to use it again later is smart!
You will need:
print capabilities
printer paper
coloring pencils, marker or crayons
glue stick
file folder (per child for lapbook)
optional Items: cardstock, globe, mapsAge/Grades: If you have a young child who is not a strong reader, you will want to work with him to make sure he navigates the links and finds all the great online resources listed. If your child is older, you may want to monitor so that he won't get into something that you prefer he not as the internet changes all the time! The high school extensions can be modified for a younger child, and I find that the worksheets can be used for olders. I happen to like coloring, but my kids don't. If your older child needs penmanship practice they can do the copywork OR if not they can type the copywork for a keyboarding extension! This really is a versatile product!
MY KIDS: I used Travel the World with them in our world history studies using particularly the maps and geography definitions. We reviewed the continents and oceans. They liked the online games, and I had them do the worksheets both youngers and h.s. extensions.
Remember GEOGRAPHY studies for your children this year: Travel the World is great!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
FREEbie: HSE Magazine FREE Digital
You will enjoy this FREEbie!Home School Enrichment Magazine Digital is awesome! This is the July/Aug 2010 issue! Enjoy!!
Struggling in ALMOST Everything...kwim?
It's a hot and miserable summer! Several changes have overtaken me this summer and I am not handling them as well as I'd like! First my mother has moved in with us. I love her dearly, but the emotional overlay that can occur at times is quite frustrating! I won't go much further than that, but if you have a parent living with you, you probably understand some of what I'm going through...THEN take the UNPERFECT family that we are and how hard homeschooling teenagers can be! I love my children and so much is hard with this stage of their lives AND MINE~won't say much more, but we are clicking and grooving...we'll make it, I'm sure!
Then take on the homeschooling CHOICES for this coming year! I have some decisions to make, but but but IT'S STILL SUMMER~
however, we need to get busy~light's burning and the fall with drama is sooo busy!
So I'm off here to get going...
Then take on the homeschooling CHOICES for this coming year! I have some decisions to make, but but but IT'S STILL SUMMER~
however, we need to get busy~light's burning and the fall with drama is sooo busy!
So I'm off here to get going...
GiveAway: SunMate (Measure the Sun's rays to STAY SAFE!)
The SunMate is a very helpful tool for families, as it helps you to measure the sun’s ultraviolet strength in a flash. It’s a small, very compact tool that lights up to let you know how dangerous the sun’s rays are . All you have to do is push the button on the top. Just visit Visit Purely Products, and tell me which product interests you the most. Contest is open to US and Canadian Residents. (from Angela's Reviews)
You can enter TWICE: Angela's Reviews (ENDS 7/21) and Homeschooling Hearts and Minds (ENDS 7/23)
You can enter TWICE: Angela's Reviews (ENDS 7/21) and Homeschooling Hearts and Minds (ENDS 7/23)
FREE: Answers in Genesis Film Download
Answers in Genesis is is a Christian apologetic organization that affirms a literal view of the Bible and God as Creator. Until July 19th they are offering a 47 minute video download "Distant Starlight." Head over to get it HERE! Go check out their FREE resources! Whooohoo!
From the MIND OF BRENT~Modern Language Dec of Indpendance AND Bill of Rights Along with Originals
If you don't know Brent Riggs, you are missing a treat! Brent is the creator of LinkyTools which many use on a frequent basis for blogging lists and Serious Life Magazine as well as other endeavors such as blog critiques and photo editing contests. He hosts:
Build A Better Blog
Serious Faith
On Building A Better Life
Riggs Family Blog
along with The Mind of Brent on BlogTalk Radiowhich is a live streaming talk radio program which is awesome! You will LOVE Brent for offering us a modern language rendition of two of the most famous US documents Brent's Declaration of Independence and Brent's Bill of Rights!! I can see these being so useful in our homeschool pursuits and goals. People today in the general have difficulty with the original language of the era in which these documents were penned. Brent has solved this for all! Enjoy and share!
God BLESS America and Thank You Brent for all you do! We are praying for Abby!
Build A Better Blog
Serious Faith
On Building A Better Life
Riggs Family Blog
along with The Mind of Brent on BlogTalk Radiowhich is a live streaming talk radio program which is awesome! You will LOVE Brent for offering us a modern language rendition of two of the most famous US documents Brent's Declaration of Independence and Brent's Bill of Rights!! I can see these being so useful in our homeschool pursuits and goals. People today in the general have difficulty with the original language of the era in which these documents were penned. Brent has solved this for all! Enjoy and share!
God BLESS America and Thank You Brent for all you do! We are praying for Abby!
Thrifty Thursday~Homemade Swiffer Mop Pads AND MO
SisterT LOVES thrift and spendlessness! Ha~A CrewMate is hosting Our Homeschool Reviews that has loads of FREEbies each week~~While visiting I ran across Keen Inspirations who showed me how to make a cool thrifty item~those Swiffer pads! I have been reluctant to purchase a Swiffer b/c of the cost of replacement pads, but this is an economical option!
MY TAKE: I'm going to use an old/used washcloth or towel instead of something new! Thanks Ladies!
MY TAKE: I'm going to use an old/used washcloth or towel instead of something new! Thanks Ladies!
Thursday Talkn' About Teens: Driving Dad...
So our teenager is driving! CLEAR the roads, folks!! She's off and going~not so fast and not soo furious! Her Daddy is in the bucket seat next to her and off they goooo...I'm GLAD it isn't me...oh yeah, I am! She's not sure and she is slow moving....
But she is learning! She loves it!
All the dreams of the open road are hers, and she's gaining confidence that NOW she's correcting MY driving~by the book~HA! Guess I'll have to walk or ride in the back. BACK of the pickup that is..cause my girl is D R I V I N G!!
WATCH OUT! lol!!
But she is learning! She loves it!
All the dreams of the open road are hers, and she's gaining confidence that NOW she's correcting MY driving~by the book~HA! Guess I'll have to walk or ride in the back. BACK of the pickup that is..cause my girl is D R I V I N G!!
WATCH OUT! lol!!
How To Use This Website~
I've tried to categorize my posts by content for you in the tabs under my header so it will be easier to find what you are looking for. If you like giveAways, I am ALWAYS looking for FREEbie stuff and giveAways to post so we can all get in on the fun! When you check out by sidebars, I have a section called good reads which highlights blogs and websites I find interesting, but also I have a second of FREE educational links from the web. Check these out~loads of GREAT info and fun there!
Please join me as Google Friend Connect AND Networked Blogs. I facebook and this will keep you in the know!
I hope that you will find Telln' It a blessing and you will find just what you need for yourself and family! Come back by and often~it's nice to see you!
Please join me as Google Friend Connect AND Networked Blogs. I facebook and this will keep you in the know!
I hope that you will find Telln' It a blessing and you will find just what you need for yourself and family! Come back by and often~it's nice to see you!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
FREEbie: Elementary Printables/Mommy Uses Printables
Confessions of a Homeschooler has NEAT NEAT NEAT printables for curriculum for young children AND Mommy organizational stuff~Head on over! Thanks for making such cool stuff Confessions of a Homeschooler!!
GiveAway: Game (Shake UP!) Find It Game
Confessions of a Homeschooler is offering a cool game for kiddos! (ENDS 7/16)
GiveAway: Little Debbie Back Yard Makeover! 10K PLUS Prizes
Head over here! You can enter once a week! (ENDS )
GiveAway: Gorgous Stone Necklace
You have to see this to appreciate it Audrey's Giveaways! (ENDS 8/6)
GiveAway: 2-3.5 oz Bars of Vitamin E Soap
North Laurel Home & School is giving these away! Enter to win! (ENDS 7/ 25)
GiveAway: Child's Toy: Zhu Zhu Pets Giant Battle Arena
This little guy is a Zhu Zhu pet and he is what is HOT for kids and there is a
giveAway for the arena Here!! (ENDS 7/19)
giveAway for the arena Here!! (ENDS 7/19)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
FREE: Writing Fix (Thanks Yahoo Group: HS Treasuretrove!)
Writing Fix has lesson plans and writing prompts along with traits of good writing and more! Whoohoo!
GiveAway: $25 to Critical Thinking Co (Curriculum)
What is better than trying something for FREE OR getting something you know and LOVE for FREE??
The Old Schoolhouse Crew is offering this giveAway! (ENDS 7/18)
The Old Schoolhouse Crew is offering this giveAway! (ENDS 7/18)
Monday, July 12, 2010
FREE: Homeschooling Resources Ebooks Go CK Them Out!!
You will want to check out The Old Schoolhouse's ebook selection
Titles include:
The New School Year: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps
Are Public Schools an Option for Christian Kids?
Titles include:
The New School Year: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps
Are Public Schools an Option for Christian Kids?
How to Plan Menus for a Month and Enjoy It!
Homeschooling the Rebel, Part 1
Homeschooling the Rebel, Part 2
How to Beat Curriculum Boredom
I Was Raised By Wolves by Gena Suarez
Living in a Castle or Life as a Single?
Molly Binder Cover
WeBooks Binder Cover
Download N Go Binder Cover
Get two WeBooks with the Special Offers listings...Sign up! It's fun!
FREEbie: Goodnights Sample (disposable kid training pants!)
Head over to HERE to collect your sample! Thanks Deal Loving Mama!
Award Recieved~thank you!
I was given a beautiful award by fellow blogger, All American Family X5
who I thank very much!
I am to give this award to 15 fellow bloggers who I think are interesting, most versatile and are myfavorite bloggers. I am to also share 7 things about ME..ha! HERE goes:
Homeschooling Hearts and Minds
Our Busy Homeschool
1 of 100 TOS Crew Reviews
Through the Calm and Through the Storm
Our Homeschool Reviews
Buckaroo Days
Ramblings From the Crazy House
If Mama Ain't
Reviews and Reflections
Live the Adventure
A Heart For Home
Adventures in McQuill Land
Walking Home
Until the Day Dawn
who I thank very much!
I am to give this award to 15 fellow bloggers who I think are interesting, most versatile and are myfavorite bloggers. I am to also share 7 things about ME..ha! HERE goes:
- I am a Michael Jackson fan. (OK, I know, it's overdone!)
- I am a crafter mostly loving to make jewlery, crochet and sewing. But I can do other stuff too, I just like these best.
- My favorite thing in the whole world is people. I like people and find them all interesting.
- I love to read liking especially non fiction/history/biography stuff.
- I am a deep south southerner~love love love the south and miss it!
- I am a wife, mother and pastor's wife who likes to teach children. It's probably my "gift."
- I drive a truck and LOVE it!
Homeschooling Hearts and Minds
Our Busy Homeschool
1 of 100 TOS Crew Reviews
Through the Calm and Through the Storm
Our Homeschool Reviews
Buckaroo Days
Ramblings From the Crazy House
If Mama Ain't
Reviews and Reflections
Live the Adventure
A Heart For Home
Adventures in McQuill Land
Walking Home
Until the Day Dawn
GiveAway: $50 Gift Card for Handmade Jewelery! Whoohoo!
Menopausal Mom is offering this giveAway! (ENDS 7/16)
FREE: Reading Lesson Plans
If you're not familiar with Yahoo Group, HS Treasure Trove, go check them out for loads of FREE ideas. They have posted Read Kiddo Read which gives a great reading list to encourage reluctant readers as well as those who love books along with FREE LESSON PLANS! How cool is this?! Whoohoo!
GiveAway: Alpha Omega Publishers (LOTS of PRIZES)
Enter HERE to win curriculum, books and more! (ENDS 7/25)
Blog Walk Week 5 (FREEbie for FREE LAPBOOK!) FREE Dolch Sight Words
I'm having a blast getting to know these fellow TOS CREW blogs~Go check them out yourself...tell 'em SisterT sent ya! ;-))
Alrightly, here's my roundup~
I think that prayer is so important, and I love the prayer that I read on Buckeroo Days which was so inspiring to me!
Our Homeschool Reviews has a meme she does called Thrifty Thursday which I like a lot. In this economy all savings is a GREAT thing!
I have enjoyed looking at all the family pictures in her header! Go check out Reed Party of 6!!
Training Hearts at Home has sucked me right in with her quilt she's making of the squares representing books they're read~I think this is soo neat! Also she has a cool freebie HERE on 17th Century History~oh yeah!! I LOOOOOOVE history! Go check this out!!
OK, I admit to being "simple" but I just LOVE the colors and design of Along the Way along with the graphic of a mother owl and two owlets(ha, this might be WRONG!) LOL! But it's soo cute! Also I am going to go check out some other features such as PRINTABLES~Preschool-1 or 2nd gr COOL STUFF on her site! whoohoo!
I Love Science has me intrigued just by the title! WHO would love science(I am not a techno sci person, but my hubby is LOL), but apparently these folks do..and I love her summary of herself and homeschool. It's always an inspiration to meet other homeschoolers who share this calling and vision!
Telling a story about their camping trip with gorgeous pics Through the Calm and Through the Storm kept me reading!
Created for Home has a neat header and blog. I love her anniversary post to her husband. It's not everyday you read about lasting love!
Rural GA is home to Tractors and Tire Swings! When I saw the pics of the boys with snow calling down...well, in GA this would be a rarity! I know, I'm a Georgian! I like this quote on her blog,
I homeschool because I've seen the village and I don't want it raising my children.~unknown Yep, this is ANOTHER reason why I homeschool! She shares Dolch Sight Words reading cards and how they used them!
When I saw the title to this blog Guiding Light Homeschool I immediately remembered the soap opera by that same name, but I am sure that she means the Lord's guiding light~Ohhhh I have such wicked humor! (FORGIVE ME!) I love her humor and thrift she shares.
Alrightly, here's my roundup~
I think that prayer is so important, and I love the prayer that I read on Buckeroo Days which was so inspiring to me!
Our Homeschool Reviews has a meme she does called Thrifty Thursday which I like a lot. In this economy all savings is a GREAT thing!
I have enjoyed looking at all the family pictures in her header! Go check out Reed Party of 6!!
Training Hearts at Home has sucked me right in with her quilt she's making of the squares representing books they're read~I think this is soo neat! Also she has a cool freebie HERE on 17th Century History~oh yeah!! I LOOOOOOVE history! Go check this out!!
OK, I admit to being "simple" but I just LOVE the colors and design of Along the Way along with the graphic of a mother owl and two owlets(ha, this might be WRONG!) LOL! But it's soo cute! Also I am going to go check out some other features such as PRINTABLES~Preschool-1 or 2nd gr COOL STUFF on her site! whoohoo!
I Love Science has me intrigued just by the title! WHO would love science(I am not a techno sci person, but my hubby is LOL), but apparently these folks do..and I love her summary of herself and homeschool. It's always an inspiration to meet other homeschoolers who share this calling and vision!
Telling a story about their camping trip with gorgeous pics Through the Calm and Through the Storm kept me reading!
Created for Home has a neat header and blog. I love her anniversary post to her husband. It's not everyday you read about lasting love!
Rural GA is home to Tractors and Tire Swings! When I saw the pics of the boys with snow calling down...well, in GA this would be a rarity! I know, I'm a Georgian! I like this quote on her blog,
I homeschool because I've seen the village and I don't want it raising my children.~unknown Yep, this is ANOTHER reason why I homeschool! She shares Dolch Sight Words reading cards and how they used them!
When I saw the title to this blog Guiding Light Homeschool I immediately remembered the soap opera by that same name, but I am sure that she means the Lord's guiding light~Ohhhh I have such wicked humor! (FORGIVE ME!) I love her humor and thrift she shares.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
GiveAway: Almond Milk from Silk Pure Almond Milk
Marine Corps Nomads is offering this giveAway. (ENDS 7/16)
There will be two winners~whoohoo!
There will be two winners~whoohoo!
GiveAway: Children's Books on Nature ages 4-7
Living Sola Gratia is offering this giveAway for four children's book on nature. (ENDS 7/14)
GiveAway: God's Word A-Z CD for Children (Young Child: Preschool-1st)
Hearthside Homeschool Reviews and More is offering this giveAway. (ENDS 7/16)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Fox News POLL
I am amazed at the things ppl want to know from me...But if they are wondering IF I believe our flag should be taken down for someone who's here illegally~uh..... IF you want to ring in on this head over HERE!
Friday, July 9, 2010
FREE: Math Newsletters and More
Head over to meet MathMammoth~She sends out a FREE newsletter with helpful tips :AND More!
Photo Sharing Website~FAMILY FRIENDLY

Pixosphere is the web's newest family friendly Christian photo hosting site~It's about being safe and having a great place to share photos! Check it OUT!!
Marriage IS Under Attack
Everyday it seems the moral fiber of our nation is eroding faster and faster! Traditional marriage, the marriage ordained by God of one man and one woman isn't popular anymore in case you didn't know~ack! AND it's NOT politically correct either, as the battle ground is within the states between the people who are voting and the judicial system. A judge in MA has ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional leaving the state within legal bounds for legalizing gay marriages . As a Christian this disheartens me. Oh, it's not because I am one of the so called, "haters" as gay rights proponents calls people with my viewpoint, but because I know that homosexuality is wrong according to the Bible~the document that ordained the first marriage, the law that actually CREATED marriage. In the history of the world, marriage began when God created Eve for Adam, to be his helpmate. God performed that first marriage ceremony in the Garden, and the two became ONE...
Marriage is upheld by a moral code found in the Bible, and to erode marriage in our society is to shake society at its foundation~MORALITY! Without morals, our society is destined for all sorts of destruction. It's a shame that today marriage isn't viewed by many favorably~as the institution God created. "You can't tell me (or others) WHO or HOW to love..." I can't? You are sooo right! I cannot, but God can! He's the ultimate authority in this world, and faithlessness will not leave a person innocent. What's that about "ignorance of the law is no excuse!" If we are ignorant or unbelieving and we fail to recognize God as Who He is, does not mean that we will avoid His righteous judgment for failing to live by His standards...we are accountable despite our ignorance!
For the record, sin is sin.....mine or anybody's...and all of us fall under His judgment. But God offers GRACE to us all~praise Him! I can be free of this awful penalty for my inability to be "perfect" and holy as HE IS holy...
The question of homosexual rights is being lauded as a civil rights issue. What? I suspect Dr. King might be a little upset, but I certainly can't speak for him. But if you look at his writings and life, did he even dream in his dreams that some 40 yrs later that his movement would serve such a purpose? I don't think...no..surely not! And what about homosexual rights to be civilly recognized in a ceremony that affirms the relationship and values it? If people want marriage then don't they need to meet the standards set by God since God set marriage UP? OK, so people WANT something for a special ceremony~pick on the religions that might be OK without a moral stand, that do not absolutely condemn homosexuality~any one will do,,,just leave God's business, the marriage vow and institution ALONE! But, noooooo...marriage is under attack!
I believe that marriage is God ordained for the institution of raising a family and is a covenant relationship between a man and a woman.
This summer, the National Organization for Marriage NOM is touring the nation hosting marriage rallies in support of maintaining traditional marriage and stopping gay marriage in the states.
About a year ago I had the opportunity to facebook get to know the Protect Marriage Site: One Man and One Woman's Louis Marinelli, who is the director and have helped write some for the site.
Here is the marriage rally schedule of stops around the nation so we can support this effort to support traditional marriage. You can join the facebook fanpage HERE!
Marriage is upheld by a moral code found in the Bible, and to erode marriage in our society is to shake society at its foundation~MORALITY! Without morals, our society is destined for all sorts of destruction. It's a shame that today marriage isn't viewed by many favorably~as the institution God created. "You can't tell me (or others) WHO or HOW to love..." I can't? You are sooo right! I cannot, but God can! He's the ultimate authority in this world, and faithlessness will not leave a person innocent. What's that about "ignorance of the law is no excuse!" If we are ignorant or unbelieving and we fail to recognize God as Who He is, does not mean that we will avoid His righteous judgment for failing to live by His standards...we are accountable despite our ignorance!
For the record, sin is sin.....mine or anybody's...and all of us fall under His judgment. But God offers GRACE to us all~praise Him! I can be free of this awful penalty for my inability to be "perfect" and holy as HE IS holy...
The question of homosexual rights is being lauded as a civil rights issue. What? I suspect Dr. King might be a little upset, but I certainly can't speak for him. But if you look at his writings and life, did he even dream in his dreams that some 40 yrs later that his movement would serve such a purpose? I don't think...no..surely not! And what about homosexual rights to be civilly recognized in a ceremony that affirms the relationship and values it? If people want marriage then don't they need to meet the standards set by God since God set marriage UP? OK, so people WANT something for a special ceremony~pick on the religions that might be OK without a moral stand, that do not absolutely condemn homosexuality~any one will do,,,just leave God's business, the marriage vow and institution ALONE! But, noooooo...marriage is under attack!
I believe that marriage is God ordained for the institution of raising a family and is a covenant relationship between a man and a woman.
This summer, the National Organization for Marriage NOM is touring the nation hosting marriage rallies in support of maintaining traditional marriage and stopping gay marriage in the states.
About a year ago I had the opportunity to facebook get to know the Protect Marriage Site: One Man and One Woman's Louis Marinelli, who is the director and have helped write some for the site.
Here is the marriage rally schedule of stops around the nation so we can support this effort to support traditional marriage. You can join the facebook fanpage HERE!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
FREE: Ebooks from Amazon.com
Saving Money Plan has several free eBooks from Amazon.com as well as the links to download the software to read them!
FREE Stuff: Check THIS Out~
Thrifty Thursday has some cool freebies, which includes FREE food~Go check it out! HERE!
Would you like to learn how to live on less while maintaining your home and lifestyle? Are you potentially facing a job loss or downsizing? My husband and I have weathered these tough economic times way before all the turn down, and you can read my thrift blog HERE!
I offer all kinds of tips for truly living on ONE income and making it~You won't find a lot of fluff and stuff
HERE, but you will find solid old time advise for making that money shortfall work. Some of my suggestions are pretty extreme, I admit, but they will get you by and preserve your home and well being helping you to trim unnecessary dollars or dollars you just may not have...Check out, Thriving With No Green$!
It's not a coupon or deals type blog, but rather offers solid methods for stretching your money to cover basic needs until things get better and wealth is established...all the while Thriving With No Green$
Would you like to learn how to live on less while maintaining your home and lifestyle? Are you potentially facing a job loss or downsizing? My husband and I have weathered these tough economic times way before all the turn down, and you can read my thrift blog HERE!
I offer all kinds of tips for truly living on ONE income and making it~You won't find a lot of fluff and stuff
HERE, but you will find solid old time advise for making that money shortfall work. Some of my suggestions are pretty extreme, I admit, but they will get you by and preserve your home and well being helping you to trim unnecessary dollars or dollars you just may not have...Check out, Thriving With No Green$!
It's not a coupon or deals type blog, but rather offers solid methods for stretching your money to cover basic needs until things get better and wealth is established...all the while Thriving With No Green$
Thursday Talkin' About Teens: Looking Ahead
This past week our daughter began her first job. It's a reminder that adulthood isn't all that far away for them. She is so excited and had such a positive experience. I am thrilled for her!
She has goals and dreams. As her teacher, I am concerned with MY ability to prepare her for this big ole bad world. Let's face it, I have limitations as well any human will~but I worry. I believe I am doing right. I believe that I am giving all that I can. I believe that homeschooling is the best possible education for her~and him!
But... ... ...
Do you ever have a nagging fear that your personal abilities will fail in the final analysis of how prepared your children will be in adulthood?
I think it goes beyond worry when we have to recognize that our children are gifts from God to BE who HE designed them to be. I mean, not only do I have limitations, but so do they. ALL children are not destined for a space ship or an operating room with scalpel in hand!! But all children can contribute something to this world, and well each should...
So I am looking a head, but I'm not the only one...no...
My children are looking ahead to their futures~it amazes me when they tell me about their dreams and goals...
"Yeah, Mom~how good will it look to be a published author on my resume'?" she asked me. THEN came the discussion of self publishing and that publishing didn't necessarily mean..blah. blah, blah...you get the idea..but HERE'S a dream~a goal...a desire!
Oh it doesn't stop with writing. "I want to live in Japan." "You can come see me. I will pay for your ticket," she proudly announces as she tells me further that, "I'm gonna get you a first class seat with..." and she dreams on with all sorts of (truthfully, unrealistic) amenities that would make this mama a queen!
My son has a different take on his future. "I just might make music for my job," he says as I hear and see him faithfully go up into his room to serenade us with his trumpet. My son just learned to play not quite two years ago, and it's amazing his level of proficiency that he has gained. But it's been desire that has lead the way! He had piano lessons which I am sure have helped him learn the trumpet, but he NEVER loved our piano the same~oh no! It was war and fight~argue, cajole... ... ... The trumpet was HIS IDEA...his passion...just like he has developed a love for his fish pond outside. Don't imagine a lake type pond filled with freshwater fish, but rather a black kidney shaped plastic in the ground kind with about $3 of feeder goldfish that he is training to hand feed and who are thriving! It's so cool to see those fish growing~they have already doubled in size, but like their more expensive variety, are now near size...The fish pond has bred a love of gardening too. He has rocks nicely landscaped around it with a few houseplants thrown in with a garden angel hovering on a small stick over the pond.
We are looking a head in perhaps one of the most nondeliberate ways. We are purposeful though. We are pursuing and planning...but it's happening in our everyday...each and every second and action of our day with the natural life we have...
Will my children achieve their goals? HONESTLY, I don't know...but I do know this: IF they don't have a goal they most certainly will never achieve one! So it's goals and aims... fueled by their passion, desire and abilities...Oh, let me not forget to say that God gives them and us all His power to be ABLE to do as He desire!
Today I am talkn' about teens who are looking ahead! What are your kids doing and thinking about their future(s)??
She has goals and dreams. As her teacher, I am concerned with MY ability to prepare her for this big ole bad world. Let's face it, I have limitations as well any human will~but I worry. I believe I am doing right. I believe that I am giving all that I can. I believe that homeschooling is the best possible education for her~and him!
But... ... ...
Do you ever have a nagging fear that your personal abilities will fail in the final analysis of how prepared your children will be in adulthood?
I think it goes beyond worry when we have to recognize that our children are gifts from God to BE who HE designed them to be. I mean, not only do I have limitations, but so do they. ALL children are not destined for a space ship or an operating room with scalpel in hand!! But all children can contribute something to this world, and well each should...
So I am looking a head, but I'm not the only one...no...
My children are looking ahead to their futures~it amazes me when they tell me about their dreams and goals...
"Yeah, Mom~how good will it look to be a published author on my resume'?" she asked me. THEN came the discussion of self publishing and that publishing didn't necessarily mean..blah. blah, blah...you get the idea..but HERE'S a dream~a goal...a desire!
Oh it doesn't stop with writing. "I want to live in Japan." "You can come see me. I will pay for your ticket," she proudly announces as she tells me further that, "I'm gonna get you a first class seat with..." and she dreams on with all sorts of (truthfully, unrealistic) amenities that would make this mama a queen!
My son has a different take on his future. "I just might make music for my job," he says as I hear and see him faithfully go up into his room to serenade us with his trumpet. My son just learned to play not quite two years ago, and it's amazing his level of proficiency that he has gained. But it's been desire that has lead the way! He had piano lessons which I am sure have helped him learn the trumpet, but he NEVER loved our piano the same~oh no! It was war and fight~argue, cajole... ... ... The trumpet was HIS IDEA...his passion...just like he has developed a love for his fish pond outside. Don't imagine a lake type pond filled with freshwater fish, but rather a black kidney shaped plastic in the ground kind with about $3 of feeder goldfish that he is training to hand feed and who are thriving! It's so cool to see those fish growing~they have already doubled in size, but like their more expensive variety, are now near size...The fish pond has bred a love of gardening too. He has rocks nicely landscaped around it with a few houseplants thrown in with a garden angel hovering on a small stick over the pond.
We are looking a head in perhaps one of the most nondeliberate ways. We are purposeful though. We are pursuing and planning...but it's happening in our everyday...each and every second and action of our day with the natural life we have...
Will my children achieve their goals? HONESTLY, I don't know...but I do know this: IF they don't have a goal they most certainly will never achieve one! So it's goals and aims... fueled by their passion, desire and abilities...Oh, let me not forget to say that God gives them and us all His power to be ABLE to do as He desire!
Today I am talkn' about teens who are looking ahead! What are your kids doing and thinking about their future(s)??
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