Tuesday, June 22, 2010

High School Homeschooling

Participating in the carnival seemed a good idea, and I want to wish you all a wonderful summer!

We are taking a few weeks off to get things rolling around here with finishing our basement for some new bedrooms as my mother is now living with us.  We hope to get back in the full swing in a month or so...and until then I am considering our next move in our educational line up~Since both kids are teenagers now, it's important to consider these last few years in their education with care.  I am going to have them tested and look at working to prepare for the ACT or SAT as well as career choices.  It's not too soon, I'm afraid. My daughter got her driving learners permit on Friday and took to the interstate just this afternoon... 

REALITY CHECK: homeschooling won't last forever! 

Soo with this said, looking at the coming year with an eye to the future...yeah!

Since we have three years with one child and four left with the other, I want to give my children some choices and hear their hearts about the future.  What do they want to pursue?  Where are they going? What are the interests, strengths and weaknesses?  Are they both or one or none college bound? What do they want to BE when they grow up? What are their desires?

I feel it's very important to hear them on these things as ultimately it will be their lives they are preparing for.  I know that I have some firm ideas of things I want them to know.  Many of these are skills related to homemaking and living on a frugal budget. Oh, I don't want them doomed to poverty, but ABLE to cope with it should tough economic times befall them.  Learning skills such as gardening, canning and food preservation, sewing~dress making and mending, and overall general thrift makes good sense.  I desire to teach them money management and saving/investment skills along with bargain hunting and negotiation. Maybe they shold open bank accounts of some kind this next year!

I also feel strongly about their academic skills.  We are a family that values education and have worked hard these past nine years to ensure that they know how to learn independently and are self starters.  I know we will continue to prepare in upper level math, writing, science, history and Bible. We also want an economics, civics, and philosophy emphasis.  These are not light weight I know! Along with these, we want to continue the social and spiritual aspects along with the drama group in the creative arts.  I am sure both will continue studying their chosen foreign language and music endeavors.  My son is interested in his trumpet while my daughter loves her double bass and the piano.  He is into Spanish, and she is REALLY into Japanese!!  Soo yeah, they are very different kids~different abilities and dreams too!

I guess with the remodeling project going on, their experiences should count for a shop credit.  It's amazing how wonderful the home environment lends itself to learning!

What are you doing about "next year" and the future? Got new plans??

Go see what everyone on the Homeschooling Carnival has to say!

So glad you stopped by~


Rodna Allman said...

I too have a daughter that will be in high school soon. Oh, how did we get here so fast? I can't believe we are only one year away from high school.
Yes, we do have to be more careful in what we choose for our older children.
I am also on the TOS crew, so I wanted to stop by and introduce myself.
See you in the forums!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and spreading the word about my Seventh Gen. giveaway. You have an awesome blog! I am going to be a frequent reader!

Thanks again for your nice comments!

Lisa C. from TOS Homeschool Crew
Heritage Homestead and Homeschool Academy