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Inside the Winter Edition you will find some really COOL information:
take a look at what's inside the crisp, cool cover of the
Winter 2009 issue:
• Speech & Debate by Chris Jeub
• The Fast Track to Memorization by Carol Barnier
• Conflict in a Homeschool Group by Carol Topp
• World War I: The War to End All Wars, a Unit Study by Jennifer Steward
• The Spiritual Instruction of Preschoolers by Mike and Carolyn Riggs
• Leadership Education for Followers: "Freedomship Education" Defined by Andrea Newitt
• Top 10 Tips for Teaching Writing by Fran Santoro Hamilton
• Support Groups: Cultivating a Garden of Friendship by Cheryl A. Bastian
• Three Keys to Teaching Writing by Danielle Olander
• The Three Flavors of Speech Communication by JoJo Tabares
• The Princess or the Pack Mule by Denise Mira
• Preschool: Start at the Very Beginning by Kendra Fletcher
• Helping the Reluctant Writer by Lee Roddy
• Homeschooling: Growing and Thriving in the 21st Century by Amelia Harper
• Mix It Up . . . From Scratch! by Lisa Barthuly
• When "No" Is Beautiful--And When God Changes It by Melissa Culver
• Contemporary Classical Education: It Really Can Work for You!
by Andrea Newitt
• Magnetic Books by Jan Bloom
• Ten Writing Tips by Ruth Beechick
• Seven Gifts to Give Yourself by Molly Green
Come ON!
NOW is the TIME!

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I am an affiliate for TOS, subscriber, former contributing writer, and fan. If you don't know TOS, now is the time! It's like being in a huge family~a family of homeschoolers from all over the world with the goal of educating our precious children!
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