Walmart and P&G (Proctor and Gamble) have once again teamed up for a great movie that is family friendly~Set in the mid west, Zach Taylor is a promising game designer who has won a chance to make it big...but his values are tested~HOW WILL Zach pull it all together? Will he be able to be true to his family AND his team??...This film will appeal to boys who are into computer games as well as girls. It's totally family friendly with a great plot and outcome. It's set to air Friday, Dec 2nd 8/7c on NBC~You will want to have the whole family gather for this one~
I really enjoyed Game of Your Life, but I couldn't get my almost 16 yr old boy interested. After viewing it, I believe he will really want to watch it b/c he's such a gamer. Maybe he'll tune in on the second~I think it's GREAT and most kids will like it.
I received a sneak peak in exchange for this review from Propeller for my honest opinions without monetary compensation. My opinions are my own.
Thanks so much~ENJOY the trailor and catch it on NBC, Friday Dec 2nd 8/7c~;-))
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
HURRY~LAST DAY to ENTER for Christmas Film: Christmas Lodge
This is ending 11-16-11 12MN and hey, looks like low entries..shhhh....I WANNA WIN!! WOOT!
Gotta LOVE the Cow Queen!
Gotta LOVE the Cow Queen!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
YEP, life is a continuum and it's always changing. And just when I'm thinking oh this is GREAT or this is ROTTEN, life throws something else and there I am...DIFFERENT from that former thought...oh yes! Sooo TODAY, DAY 3 I am thankful for CHANGE..yeah, I said that ugly~uncomfortable~almost nasty little word that represents mayhem and peace, wonder, excitement, pain and purpose...ALL of every little bit of life is propelled around in CHANGES...and One Day At a Time, which truly equals milliseconds for me~CHANGE IS HERE..permanently! Soo I will be grateful to God for bringing these to me~even in the sadness or gladness...ONE THING ISSSSSSSSS for sure..there is ALWAYS CHANGE!
I'm embracing this little word~Are you?? Got any good/bad changes happening you wanna share??
Link up and go ck out the Grat Challenge (CLICK the button below)~we're real THANK FULL!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

1. RENEWED sense of self. I feel so much better about me. I'm still a great big fat woman (no way to deny this any longer or cover it up~BUT I am looking but more importantly FEELING MO LIKE ME! WOOT!)
2. NEW vigor and energy. I'd like to say I'm ready to run the marathon I hope to at least power walk one day if not RUN~BUT no! It will be a while...however, it's amazing HOW BAD I felt and honestly I feel so good I really didn't KNOW HOW BAD I was kidding...(hey, and HOW MUCH better WILLL I feel??? Oh yeah! ;-)) THIS IS exciting!
3. I can BUY CLOTHES. For you gals out there who haven't been in the shape I've been in ~you won't 'get' this...but, I couldn't go in a store and pick out a thing even in the great big fat shops...NOPE. I couldn't. I don't wear tight clothing or other ill fitting duds, so I was relegated to catalog shopping or sewing my think THAT was fun? Oh, it did the job, and I was clothed and I looked as 'nice' as was possible...nothing WORSE imho than ill-fitting clothing on a person...but anyway, I am blessed! YOU SHOULD SEEEEE the 90 gal tub of clothes I can NO LONGER WEAR that are leaving my life~TY Lord! And then, there's the JOY~SHEER JOY of going into the local walmart and while it's not ideal~BEING ABLE to buy an article IF I WANT TO...PTL! I'm like a kid in a candy store and honestly don't know WHAT I WANT...options are a good thing! OH YES!
4. LESS MIND CLUTTER. I am looking with HOPE to my future. HOPE...ever been sick and tired and had no HOPE? Well, even in a faith based life~LIFE can seem difficult to reach...BEEN THERE-DONE THAT and thanks to the Lord, I'm on the up-swing! I'm cleaning out and clearing out...might even get rid of things I'd NEVER dreamed of with a renewed sense of 'less is definitely MO!'...
5. BUSY and MO busy. I'm not bored nor overwhelmed. LIFE IS feeling pretty right. I'm on a spiritual/mental and emotional journey that I won't graduate from~oh no! I'm here...FOR't ask me about my DIEt...this is NOT it at all..and never worked for me...I'm on the 12 step recovery~spiritual healing to fix what ails this mind and body kind of LIFER program One Day At a Time...and you know what? I'm working it daily and everyday~MULTIPLE times a day...So yep, I'm busy...but it's all good!
Thanks for stopping in to SEE MY PROGRESS~I'll post up a post of some of my changes IN me...I think all but a more recent pic~let's see....Yup, HERE it is...
Hey, join on up and count your blessings day by day this November and really DO some THANKS GIVING! CLICK that button up top! woot!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yeah, you read THAT RIGHT. I'm THANK FULLLLLLLLLLLLL for dirty dishes in my sink, on my counter, on the stove and STILLLLL on the table! Yup~b/c this means my ppl~my precious family have had plenty to eat/we had money to buy the food/and that I have a job (okay, just kidding bout that part! LOL) But seriously, I love that poem about the dirty dishes having a tale to tell~that our family eats so well...oh yeah! Well, it's not a bad bad thing when I see impoverished children from the world sipping out wooden hulled bowls with something that looks like gruel..NOT too appetizing I'm afraid, but I'm sure it's healthful~I HOPE...
So I'm thankful for DIRTY DISHES...
and then...ALL THE JUNK AND CLUTTER...OH MY! SisterT is just WAY TOO BLESSED...weeding out..and STILL toooooooooooo blessed...God has provided an abundance of everything I've needed and MOST of all I've wanted..yeah, sisters-BEWARE of WHAT YOU ASK FOR...for you may surely get it! HA! I'm praising God I got junk and dirty dishes...b/c NOW...
I gotta JUMP OFF HERE~and FLING myself to go spruce it all up for the next round of hungry participants who really enjoy this wonderful bounty God is providing!
Thanks for coming by and to Brenda for this THANKS GIVING opportunity!
SisterT ;-))
Friday, September 30, 2011
REVIEW: Alethia Writing Magazine for Christian Teens
Alethia Writing Magazine
Price: $26 year
Ages: 13-19
Website: HERE!
I say: Nice for writing teens!
Alethia Writing Magazine Fall 2011 edition was received for review without monetary compensation in exchange for my opinions as part of the TOS CREW. My opinions are my own.
We got a full color beautiful magazine of quality production from the USPS. I gave this magazine to my writing daughter who said, "This is nice!" And so we began pouring through it. Inside you will find well written short stories and poetry from teenagers who are writing with a Christian worldview point. This is so refreshing! There is encouragement for writing teens as well in a Writer's Challenge with a biblical proverb and a picture of which the teen can chose to write either a poem or a story that shows the proverb as true. This edition's proverb is Proverbs 11:8. Submission deadline is Oct 15, 2011 to submit to sure to put "Writer's Challenge Fall 2011" in the subject line. Also include which challenge!
Also this mag has little advertising which is refreshing to see so that teens are not over stimulated but rather articles concerning authors and illustrators. I loved seeing the art work of other teens and reading their works!
Wanna see a previous issue? Here ya GO!
You can subscribe to Aleghia Writing Magazine Creativity for Christian Teens by clicking HERE. Subscription is quarterly. We liked this for our writing daughter~she liked it too!
Go HERE to read what the Crew is says!
Price: $26 year
Ages: 13-19
Website: HERE!
I say: Nice for writing teens!
Alethia Writing Magazine Fall 2011 edition was received for review without monetary compensation in exchange for my opinions as part of the TOS CREW. My opinions are my own.
We got a full color beautiful magazine of quality production from the USPS. I gave this magazine to my writing daughter who said, "This is nice!" And so we began pouring through it. Inside you will find well written short stories and poetry from teenagers who are writing with a Christian worldview point. This is so refreshing! There is encouragement for writing teens as well in a Writer's Challenge with a biblical proverb and a picture of which the teen can chose to write either a poem or a story that shows the proverb as true. This edition's proverb is Proverbs 11:8. Submission deadline is Oct 15, 2011 to submit to sure to put "Writer's Challenge Fall 2011" in the subject line. Also include which challenge!
Also this mag has little advertising which is refreshing to see so that teens are not over stimulated but rather articles concerning authors and illustrators. I loved seeing the art work of other teens and reading their works!
Wanna see a previous issue? Here ya GO!
You can subscribe to Aleghia Writing Magazine Creativity for Christian Teens by clicking HERE. Subscription is quarterly. We liked this for our writing daughter~she liked it too!
Go HERE to read what the Crew is says!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
GiveAway & Review: Carmex NEW Flavors~whoot!
I received a great package from Carmex in exchange for my honest opinions~and WE LOVE CARMEX! In fact, my mother and daughter grabbed up the tubes before I got to even hardly get it opened. My mom~retired senior of our home said, "it's really smooth and makes your lips feel great!" Mom liked the Lime and my daughter loved the vanilla~we also received a picnic blanket which is a cool blanket with POCKETS that folds up in a cool way~just right for summer time fun, which is just what we did with it! It's pretty with bright pretty stripes with the Carmex logo. Pretty NEAT!
Now the cool thing is that I get to give one of you this cool kit consisting of
It's THAT EASY! TY so much! THIS IS A QUICKIE and WILL END Wed, Sept 14 11:59PM EST!
Hugs, SisterT
Now the cool thing is that I get to give one of you this cool kit consisting of
- 1 Carmex Lime Twist click stick
- 1 Carmex Vanilla click stick
- 1 Certified Awesome Picnic blanket* (it's really cute)
- 1 Carmex Moisture Plus® clear satin gloss finish
It's THAT EASY! TY so much! THIS IS A QUICKIE and WILL END Wed, Sept 14 11:59PM EST!
Hugs, SisterT
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
TY so much for coming by! Here WE ARE~finally! MORE to post up, so keep looking!
EMAIL me ( your offer (with contact info).
At the end of the SALE PERIOD I will notify my best offer to arrange payment and shipping.
BE SURE to leave me a way to contact you!
I will describe the item and condition as best I can/I've included ISBN where I've thought to look~you can google many of these~
Teaching Text Books Alg I Student Work Text and Test/Answer Key BRAND NEW in shrink wrap NEVER opened~
Mystery of History I Used with shelf wear and writing. This is the first edition and no audio.
Mystery of History II Used with shelf wear and writing. This is the first edition and no audio.
TruthQuest History Study Guides Middle Ages (500-1400) c.2004 USED but in very good condition. Minimal shelf wear and very clean with just a few pages of ink writing (my notes.) Newer blue teal green cover as per current web view.
TruthQuest History Study Guides Age of Revolution II (1800-1865) Never used, but minimal shelf wear/no writing.
TruthQuest History Study Guides Age of Revolution III (1865-2000) Never used, but minimal shelf wear/no writing,
TruthQuest History Study Guides American History For Young Students II (1800-1865) USED some writing/highlighting (light yellow~minimal) with back cover missing. ALL pages present and minimal shelf wear
TruthQuest History Study Guides American History For Young Students III (1865-2000) USED some pencil writing (tiny bit) with minimal shelf wear
Streams of Civilization Volume I hardcover Christian Liberty Press Very good condition. Minimal shelf wear
Geneive Foster World books~Augustus Caesar's World used.
What Life Was Like When... Time Life hardcover books: I'd like to sell these as a set also~if not let me know ;-))
Foundlings (Review copy) Like new soft cover
Language Arts Today (McGraw Hill) hard cover 5-6th grade all inclusive language arts student text.
Veritas Press: Middle Ages, Reneiassance and Reformation Teacher's Manual (goes with teaching cards) Softcover USED Minimal shelf wear and could have some writing (my notes)
Sojorner Truth by W. Terry Whalin softcover (Young Christian Library Readers) (222pages good condition)
Paul by Dan Larsen (Young Christian Library Readers) (218 pages good condition)
The Human Body by Gallimard Jeunesse And Sylvaine Perols Schoolastic First Discovery Book hard cover/spirial bound (very good condition wipe pages w/ transluents you can do overlays of body systems)
Go With Christian by Alan and Linda Parry Pilgrim Progress for Young Children (pop up and pull out) (ISBN 084991305-5) Like New condition
The Best Book of Ancient Rome by Deborah Murrell (ISBN 0753457563) Like New condition 29 pages hard cover
Whole Language Theme Unit: My Body Grades 3-4 softcover (ISBN 1568220138) USED
Grammar and Compostion IV (ISBN 76252002)softcover USED
PreAlgebra Basic Arithmetics II 2nd Ed Teacher Key (ISBN # 25771006) USED some writing and notes 462 pgs0
Algebra I Solution KEY (ISBN#6681809) USED Binding tight with some shelf wear 434pgs
Algebra I Solution KEY (ISBN#26248009) USED Binding tight with some shelf wear 439pgs
Alg I Video Test/Quiz Solution Key (ISBN#61646001)USED 38pgs
Alg I Test Booklet Teacher Key Test Booklet (ISBN#37583010) USED46 pgs
Alg I Student Quiz Booklet Teacher Key, Quiz Booklet (ISBN#42331009) USED 113 pgs
Skills & Review Consumer Mathematics 2nd ED (ISBN#2662 006) USED 184pgs
Skills & Review Consumer Mathematics 2nd ED (ISBN#2662 006) USED 184pgs
Consumer Mathematics 2nd Ed TEACHER KEY & SOLUTIONS (ISBN#2663007) USED 299 pgs
Consumer Mathematics 2ne Ed Tests & Quizes (ISBN#26654007) USED 136 pgs
Business Mathematics 2nd Ed Work Test (ISBN#67946006) USED 510pgs some writing in pencil
Business Mathetics Tests/Quizes (ISBN#67970003) USED 149pgs
Business Mathematics Work Text Teacher Ed (ISBN#67954003) 559pgs
CIVICS Activity Book National, State and Local Studies (ISBN# 35459008) USED with some pencil writing but easily usable. Minimal shelf wear.
Our American Heritage 3rd Ed. Abeka Book 58246009 Soft Cover USED shelf wear bent pages some writing (3rd Grade History American History from Columbus forward...)
Coloring Books (I used these when my kids were younger as activities to illustrate the readings as we studied.)
Treasure Island Coloring Book (clean and old~nothing used in it/some bent pages) USED during oral reading for coloring activity.
An Education Read & Color Book of:
(these are 3 by Spizziri Press Inc~well drawn and loads of other resources from this pub~love his work! It says Museum Quality/Currator Approved (and in fact, I got them at some Indian mounds in TN) USED with minimal shelf wear and no marks
1. Southwest Indians ISBN 0-86545-075-7 31 pages
2. Northeast Indians ISBN 0-86545-040-4 31 pages
3. Southeast Indians ISBN 0-86545-065-x 31 pages
DOVER Coloring Books:
A.G. Smith Abraham Lincoln Coloring Book ISBN 0-486-25361-9 48 pages USED with minimal shelf wear and no marks
Old-Fashioned Farm Life Coloring book Nineteenth-Cdentury Activites of the Firestone Farm at Greenfield Village by A.G. Smith ISBN 0-486-26148-4 Minimal shelf wear and no marks
Setting Up Stones A Parent's Guide to Making Your House a Place of Worship by Martha and Greg Singleton ISBN 1-59669-219-7 156 pages Like New
If You Lived In Colonial Times by Ann McGovern (Schoolastic) ISBN 0-590-45160-x USED bent edges/shelf wear (2 pages with one word each marker writing)
Pecos Bill A Tall Tale Retold and Illustrated by Steven Kellogg ISBN 0-688-09924-6 USED minimal shelf wear
...if you grew up with Abraham Lincoln by Ann McGovern (Schoolastic) No ISBN (classic softcover book with minimal shelf wear. Orig price is .45 cents so you know it's older) pages are yellowed fair but very usable condition USED 79 pgs b/w sketch drawn illustrations
Great Tales Johnny Appleseed ISBN 77031-08191-9 USED no marks but has paint or something on the cover at the bottom near the author's name. Large colorful pictures shelf wear
Davy Crocket Young Pioneer by Laurence Santry (Troll Pub) ISBN 0-89375-848-5 USED shelf wear yellowed pages but very usable with no marks Good b/w sketched pictures
Early American History A Literature Approach by Rea C. Berg (for grades K-3rd) c 1992 Beautiful Feet Books (self published by author) 33 pgs USED with writing and heavy shelf wear.
Stider by Beverly Cleary (Sequel to Dear Mr. Henshaw) (Schoolastic) ISBN 0-439-14804-9 152 pages New with shelf wear~never read binding not broken in at all.
The Dead Tree by Alvin Tresselt USED hardcover children's book with beautiful illustrations. From the 1970s shelf wear but in good condition considering age. Clean with no marks
The Little Rascals Storybook (Schoolastic) 1994 ISBN 0-590-48851-1 Soft cover USED 32 pgs no writing shelf wear pics are from the movie
Hellen Keller by Margaret Davidson (Schoolastic) 95 pages older 60 cents soft cover/cover edges are cracket and bent in two places. Book is slightly yellowing due to age but clean with no marks. Shelf wear is present. B/W/red illustrations
Finding the Titanic (Schoolastic Hello Reader Gr 2/3 Level 4) by Robert D. Ballard ISBN 0-590-47230-5
softcover shelf ware with no writing illustrations are photos from movie/historic
Prairie School by Lois Lenski hardcover ISBN 0-397-30194-4 c. 1951 Minimal shelf wear/very slight yellowing not much at all~hand drawn b/w illustrations 196 pgs
Poetry for Young People William Shakespear (Schoolastic) 0-439-35771-3 slightly USED with min shelf wear~gorgeous full color illustrations 48pgs
Abe Lincoln The Young Years (Troll Assciates) 0-89375-751-9 USED shelf wear slightly yellowed no writing/clean b/w drawn illustrations 48 pgs
Heaven Your Real Home by Joni Eareckson Tada ISBN 0-310-50140-7 Hardcover USED minimal shelf wear/dust jacket 215 pgs
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson (Newbery Award) 0-590-13200-8 softcover like new minimal shelf wear b/w illustrations chapter book 128 pgs
Shoebag by Mary James (Schoolastic) 0-590-43030-0 softcover like new with shelf wear~GOTTA TELL YOU: this is a book about a COCKROACH who turns into a little boy...LOL.... 135 pgs
A Shooting Star A Novel About Annie Oakley by Sheila Soloman Klass 0-440-41493-8 softcover like new with some minor shelf wear 173 pages
We Hold These Truths A Documentary History of the United States c.1960 softcover USED with shelf wear and yellowed pages 376 pgs first page has tear.These are 68 documents with commentary that shaped the US.
Susanna Wesley Servant of God by Sandy Dengler 0-8024-8414-x USED cover has imperfections and shelf wear/pages yellowed. 207 pgs
History Channel Presents: Modern Marvels: Inventions That Rocked the World (Schoolastic) 0-439-55707-0 Softcover USED 74pgs Shelf wear
Voices from the Fields Children of Migrant Farmworkers Tell Their Stories by S. Beth Atkin (Schoolastic) 0-439-27054-5 Softcover minimal shelf wear but like new illustrations are photos and this is a biography of these children. 96 pgs
A Memoir Barbara Bush ISBN 0-02-519635-9 Hardcover with jacket USED clean and min shelf wear 575 pgs Biography
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling (Schoolastic) 0-439-36213-x USED paperback some shelf wear
All About the States Search A Word Puzzles 0-486-29400-5 Softcover USED shelf wear present/few pages with min writing(found only one and it's in highlighter (one word circled))
Shiloh Season 2nd Book in the Shiloh Trilogy by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor 0-689-80646-9 BC USED Cover worn with shelf wear and inside cover with name/clean/back inside cover damaged
American Diaries: Nell Dunne~Ellis Island 1904 by Kathleen Duey 0-689-83555-8 Softcover USED shelf wear OLD library book with stickers and stamps of library.
American Diaries: Janey G. Blue~Pearl Harbor 1941 by Kathleen Duey 0-689-84404-2 Softcover USED shelf wear OLD library book with stickers and stamps of library.
My Prayer Book ~The Lord's Prayer /The Lord is My Shepherd (padded board book) gold leaf edges clean with minimal shelf wear/some light light indents on cover~multi cultural children ;-))
Souvenir book: Indians of America Full color Illustrations of the Indians of America ~older paperback book about 30-50 pages gorgeous photos on Native Amer in full ceremonial dress/has map and sign language~USED with some shelf wear no marks.
Indians c.1973 softcover about 30-50 pgs with full color gorgeous illustrations of Native Amer in full ceremonial dress~similar book to the Souvenir book, but smaller size. USED shelf wear no marks
Enrichment Reading Level 6 Take Tenn Publication is literature readings with comprehension questions. Self published (Amer history supplemental reading~has vocab as well) USED shelf wear no marks 75 pgs
...If you Lived At the Time of the Civil War by Kay Moore (Schoolastic) 0-590-45422-6 softcover USED some shelf wear
...If You Traveled on The Underground Railroad by Ellen Levine (Schoolastic) 0-590-45156-1 softcover USED some shelf wear
Moses God's Helper by William E. Young Hardcover Broadman Press c.1976 shelf wear and clean
High School Biology in Your Home by Bridget Ardion - Student Manual -(loose leaf pages for binder)
United States US State Map - tablet - Apprx 25 - left - used - unused somewhat bent
Science Weekly - composting - level Pr A, A, B, C, D, E & teaching notes
[one copy each]
Treasury of Illustrated Classics - The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi
Treasury of Illustrated Classics - Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
A Dalmatian Press Children's Classic - Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
VocabAhead - One Thousand Sat Vocabulary Videos and Mp3s - The Entertaining and Effortless Vocabulary Building Solution CD
Web Design for Kids (...And Curious Grown-Ups!) - Fundamental DVD instruction on learning Basic HTMlL to create web pages and websites - New
Math 7 - A teaching Texbook by Gren Sabouri and Shawn Sabouri with automated grading
(3 out of 4 solution CD-roms included)
A Child's Story of America - Second edition
Our America - Geography and History - 1986 edition
Handbook of Grammar & Composition - fourth edition by James A. Chapman
The Write Foundation - Essay Writing Instructions - Step by Step Lesson Plans Examples, Checklists, Grading System and More by Rebecca Celsor (softcover spiral bound)
The Write Foundation - Sentence to Paragraph Writing Instructions - Step by Step Lesson Plans Examples, Checklists, Grading System and More by Rebecca Celsor (softcover spiral bound)
Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation with General Science - 2nd edition - Wile softcover
Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra - Answer Key & Test Bank, Solutions CDs, Test Solutions CD, Lecture and Practice
Business Mathematics - In Christian Perspective - Work-Text
Business Mathmatics Tests/Quizzes
Business Mathematics - In Christian Perspective - Work-text
Mind Benders - Deductive Thinking Skills - A1 by Anita Harnadek softcover
In the Hands of a Child - project pack - CD rom - Hocpp1249 the Holocaust
Music for Today's Children by Butler-Kirkland-Leach-Adams hardcover older book with cloth cover used and worn
High School Biology in Your Home - Text - by Bridget Adroin softcover spiral bound
Exploring Creation With General Science 2nd edition - Wile hardcover
The World Past and Present - The World Around Us - Blackline Masters - Plays - Demeter & Persephoni - The Sword in the Stone softcover
Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 - Answer Key and Test Bank
Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1 - Solutions CD
Abeka Paul's Missionary Journeys - Flannel Map Study Series - Teacher Key
Abeka Algebra 1 - Test Booklet - Teacher key, Test Booklet
Abeka Algebra 1 Video Test/Quiz Solution Key
Abeka Algebra 1 - Solution Key
Abeka Algebra 1 - Solution Key
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective - Skills and Review Exercises - Second Edition
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective - Skills and Review Exercises - Second Edition
Abeka Algebra 1 - Student Quiz Booklet - Teacher Key, Quiz Booklet
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective - Skills and Review Exercises - Second Edition
Abeka Pre-Algebra Basic Mathematics II - Second Edition - Teacher Key - Traditional Math Work-Text
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective - Test/Quiz Key
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective Teacher Ed 2nd Ed
Abeka Pre Alg Basic Math 2 Test and Quizes Test/ Quiz Key
Abeka Alg I Test/Quiz Key
Abeka Solution Key to Alg II Tests/ Quizes
Abeka Alg 2 TEXT c.1987
Abeka PreAlg Solution Key Traditional Math Work Text
Abeka Business Math Solution Key
Abeka Consumer Math in Christian Perspective Solution/Answer key
Abeka Alg 2 Test Key
Abeka Alg 1 2nd Ed. (TEXT)
Abeka Alg 1 TEXT
Abeka Alg 2 Text Solution Key
Abeka Consumer Math in Christian Perspective 2nd Ed
Abeka Basic Math 1 Traditional Work Text for Christian School Teacher Test/Quiz Key
Abeka Our Solar System Facts, Stories Activities by Ian Grahan softcover ISBN 059047622X Schoolastics
Abeka Matter and Motion in God's Universe (TEXT) ISBN 25836008 (softcover)
The Handy Science Answer Book (softcover) 2nd ed ISBN 157859099X (Carnagie Library of Pittsburg)
Abeka Let's Be Healthy (TEXT) ISBN 1561X010 softcover
Rocks and Fossils by Chris Pellant ISBN 0753456192 hardcover
Totally Amazing Spiders (softcover) ISBN 0307201600
Totally Amazing Plants (softcover) ISBN 03072011678
Totally Amazing Rainforests (softcover) ISBN 0307201635
Totally Amazing Natural Disasters (softcover) ISBN 0307201651
Eyewitness Books Universe (softcover) ISBN 0756603846
Dinosaurs Eye to Eye ~The Predator's Prey ISBN 1577556757 (softcover)
Abeka Grammar and Composition 2 by James A Chapman Teacher Key spiral softcover
Memoria Press Christian Studies Book 1 (softcover) ISBN 1930953909 (Teacher Manual)
Memoria Press Christian Studies Book 1 softcover (student book) ISBN 1930953895
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome by John Haren ISBN 1930953 softcover
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome Student Guide ISBN 1930953801 softcover
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome Teacher Guide ISBN 193085381X softcover
Dinosaurs to DoDos ~Encyclopedia of Extent Animals by Don Lessem hard cover ISBN 0590316842
Explore America Tours of Discovery Through Our Magnificent Country by AAA (hardcover) ISBN 1550011405
Abeka Health in Christian Perspective Test/Quiz Key softcover
Abeka Choosing Good Health Answer Key softcover
Abeka Choosing Good Health Teacher Key, Student Test and Study Booklet softcover
Abeka Observing God's World ISBN 15172011 (text)
Abeka Observing God's World Answer Key
Abeka Observing God's World Quiz Booklet Key
Abeka Observing God's World Test Booklet Key
Mammoth Cave softcover by John Wagoner ISBN 093647808X
Birds in Your Backyard by Barbara Herkert ISBN 1584690259 softcover
A Dorling Kindersley Book~How Children Lived~A First Book of History ISBN 1564588769 hardcover
Young Christian Library Readers: paperback readers good condition (most are like new/some shelf wear)
Ruth ISBN 1557481733
Mirrium ISBN 1557483507
David Livingston ISBN 1557482594
David ISBN 1577486021
Noah, Builder of the Ark ISBN 1577486544
Samuel ISBN 1577485165
My Book of Devotions~the Guide for Parents and Kids About Self Control ISBN 1416915788 paperback
The Frontiersman~The Real Life and Many Legends of Davy Crockett by Mark Derr hardcover with jacket
ISBN 0688096565
Totally Bizzare~Exploring the World of Unsolved Mysteries paperback ISBN 1588650928
Understand Revelation in One Day by Roger Miller, MD ISBN 159684096X softcover
The Song of the Three Holy Children hardcover by Pauline Baynes ISBN 0805001344
Viking Adventure by Clyde Robert Bulla hardcover cloth covered older book library of congress 639208
Abeka Rosa by Elaine Cunningham softcover ISBN 59668001 (5th gr reader)
Abeka Of America 2 softcover ISBN 18473010 (5th gr)
Abeka United Kingdom Kings of Israel A Student Study Outline A ISBN 22055008
Abeka Themes in Literature Book 3 softcover ISBN 17000011
Children of Bible Days hardcover by Florence Hearn (hardcover from church library older book~decent condition) Broadman Press
Abeka Choosing Good Health ISBN 18635010 softcover
Blood and Guts A Working Guide to Your Insides by Linda Allison ISBN 0316034436 softcover
The St Martin's Handbook 2nd Ed by Andrea Lunsford and Robert Conners ISBN 0312053673 hardcover
Youth On Mission Accept the Challenge Vol 9 ISBN 1563096544 softcover
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Summer 2009
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Spring 2010
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Summer 2010
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Winter 2009
Answers Magazine from Answers in Genesis Vol 5 No 1 Jan-Mar 2010
Answers Magazine Vol 5 No2 April-June 2010
Homeschool Enrichment Mag Issue 47 Sept-Oct 2010
Homeschool Enrichment Mag Issue 44 Mar-Apr 2010
Homeschool Digest Quarterly Journal For Family Discipline Vol 19 No 2 (Wisdom's Gate) 2009
NATHHAN/CHASK National Challenged Homeschoolers/Christian Homes and Special Kids Fall/Winter 09-10
The X-Ray Picture Book of Incredible Creatures by Schoolastics ISBN 0531186385 softcover
The Human Body Systems place mat with muscles and skeleton, five sense and circulatory, respiratory, digestive systems shown by Painless Learning Placemats
Young Musicians ISBN 005174615 (Lifeway)
Music Makers 5.2 Lifeway ISBN 005174611
Cassette Album: Heritage of Our Country Character Building Famous Characters Vol 4: Traveling Tunes, Bicycle & Kites, The Ugly Ducking of Baseball, The Disappearing Light, Yankee Woman, Persecuted and Betrayed Album is cracked but tapes are good.
Genesis Finding Our Roots by Ruth Beechick hardcover like new ISBN 094031911X
Who is God and Can I Really Know Him by Hay & Webb ISBN 9781935495079 Apologia Press LIKE NEW
Songs For Music Time Vol 2 Lifeway softcover ISBN 0767393465 spiral bound music for preschoolers
Teaching Textbooks Math 7 Answer Booklet ISBN 9780974903675
Abeka Grammar & Compostion 3 Teacher Key spiral book used
Abeka Primary Bible Reader Selected KJV Passages for Young Readers ISBN 53694006 softcover
Abeka Genesis First Things 11-12 ISBN 59358008
Abeka Genesis First Things 11-12 Test Key
Abeka Themes in Literature Test/Quiz Key ISBN 25631011
Abeka Divided Kingdom Kings of Israel B Teacher Key ISBN 32298007
Abeka Grammar and Composition 3 Test/Quiz Key ISBN 71803002
Young People of the Bible hardcover older book (stories of children in Bible)
The Nature of Life Earth, plants, Animals, Man and Their Effect on Each Other by Lorus & Marjorie Millne Library of Congress # 72130316 hardcover older book w/jacket
This is the United Nations by M. Lasek hardcover older (children's book) ISBN 6812093
Exploring KY Copy Masters and Teaching Guide Heath Social Studies softcover book on the state of KY used
The American Pageant by Thomas A. Bailey ISBN 0618103538 USED college Amer history book
Let's Travel in France by Darlene Geis hardcover ISBN 6420807 USED
Young People's Story of the Americas Canada, Mexico, and South America hardcover USED
Human Body Revealed (DK book) ISBN 0789488825 hardback very good condition
The Bridge to the Latin Road partially USED binder with materials
Abeka State and Local Government ISBN 63665006
Abkea Science Order and Reality ISBN 25909010
Teaching Students With Special Needs in Inclusive Settings IDEA 2004 softcover ISBN 0205470327
Foundations First Sentences and Paragraphs With Readings by Kirszner-Mandell Instructor's Annotated Edition ISBN 0312394233
Story of the Middle Ages by McHugh (Christian Liberty Press) softcover ISBN 1930367775 USED good condition
Egypt by McDonald hardcover ISBN 0382061128 Used older book with loads of pics
Prince of Egypt by Dreamworks hardcover USED book illustrations based on film
The Western Heritage Vol 2 Since 1648 USED softcover college text book
In A Class of Her Own ISBN 1419032127 like new softcover
The Three Musketeers by A. Dumas hardcover children's classic illustrated w/larger print
World Civilizations 6th Ed Study Guide Vol 1 ISBN 0393951030 USED work text
Voices of Ancient Egypt by Kay Winters hardcover w/ jacket very good condition
EMAIL me ( your offer (with contact info).
At the end of the SALE PERIOD I will notify my best offer to arrange payment and shipping.
I know you won't blame me for trying to get the most possible for my wares, but also realize I am going to purge these bookcases and basement!Thanks so much~
BE SURE to leave me a way to contact you!
I will describe the item and condition as best I can/I've included ISBN where I've thought to look~you can google many of these~
TruthQuest History Study Guides Ancient Egypt & Ancient Greece by Michelle Miller: c 2003 USED and older white cover with spiral binding. Ink scribble on cover and some highlighting in text. Overall clean but shelf wear.
TruthQuest History Study Guides Middle Ages (500-1400) c.2004 USED but in very good condition. Minimal shelf wear and very clean with just a few pages of ink writing (my notes.) Newer blue teal green cover as per current web view.
TruthQuest History Study Guides Age of Revolution II (1800-1865) Never used, but minimal shelf wear/no writing.
TruthQuest History Study Guides Age of Revolution III (1865-2000) Never used, but minimal shelf wear/no writing,
TruthQuest History Study Guides American History For Young Students I (Exploration-1800) USED some writing and creased pages/little shelf wear.
What Life Was Like:
At the Dawn of Democracy
In the Age of Chivalry
When Longships Sailed
When Rome Ruled the World
Hard covers with jackets like new.Veritas Press: Middle Ages, Reneiassance and Reformation Teacher's Manual (goes with teaching cards) Softcover USED Minimal shelf wear and could have some writing (my notes)
Sojorner Truth by W. Terry Whalin softcover (Young Christian Library Readers) (222pages good condition)
Paul by Dan Larsen (Young Christian Library Readers) (218 pages good condition)
The Human Body by Gallimard Jeunesse And Sylvaine Perols Schoolastic First Discovery Book hard cover/spirial bound (very good condition wipe pages w/ transluents you can do overlays of body systems)
Go With Christian by Alan and Linda Parry Pilgrim Progress for Young Children (pop up and pull out) (ISBN 084991305-5) Like New condition
The Best Book of Ancient Rome by Deborah Murrell (ISBN 0753457563) Like New condition 29 pages hard cover
Whole Language Theme Unit: My Body Grades 3-4 softcover (ISBN 1568220138) USED
Grammar and Compostion IV (ISBN 76252002)softcover USED
Alg I Video Test/Quiz Solution Key (ISBN#61646001)USED 38pgs
Alg I Student Quiz Booklet Teacher Key, Quiz Booklet (ISBN#42331009) USED 113 pgs
Skills & Review Consumer Mathematics 2nd ED (ISBN#2662 006) USED 184pgs
Consumer Mathematics 2ne Ed Tests & Quizes (ISBN#26654007) USED 136 pgs
CIVICS Activity Book National, State and Local Studies (ISBN# 35459008) USED with some pencil writing but easily usable. Minimal shelf wear.
Our American Heritage 3rd Ed. Abeka Book 58246009 Soft Cover USED shelf wear bent pages some writing (3rd Grade History American History from Columbus forward...)
Coloring Books (I used these when my kids were younger as activities to illustrate the readings as we studied.)
Treasure Island Coloring Book (clean and old~nothing used in it/some bent pages) USED during oral reading for coloring activity.
An Education Read & Color Book of:
(these are 3 by Spizziri Press Inc~well drawn and loads of other resources from this pub~love his work! It says Museum Quality/Currator Approved (and in fact, I got them at some Indian mounds in TN) USED with minimal shelf wear and no marks
1. Southwest Indians ISBN 0-86545-075-7 31 pages
2. Northeast Indians ISBN 0-86545-040-4 31 pages
3. Southeast Indians ISBN 0-86545-065-x 31 pages
DOVER Coloring Books:
A.G. Smith Abraham Lincoln Coloring Book ISBN 0-486-25361-9 48 pages USED with minimal shelf wear and no marks
Old-Fashioned Farm Life Coloring book Nineteenth-Cdentury Activites of the Firestone Farm at Greenfield Village by A.G. Smith ISBN 0-486-26148-4 Minimal shelf wear and no marks
Setting Up Stones A Parent's Guide to Making Your House a Place of Worship by Martha and Greg Singleton ISBN 1-59669-219-7 156 pages Like New
If You Lived In Colonial Times by Ann McGovern (Schoolastic) ISBN 0-590-45160-x USED bent edges/shelf wear (2 pages with one word each marker writing)
...if you grew up with Abraham Lincoln by Ann McGovern (Schoolastic) No ISBN (classic softcover book with minimal shelf wear. Orig price is .45 cents so you know it's older) pages are yellowed fair but very usable condition USED 79 pgs b/w sketch drawn illustrations
Great Tales Johnny Appleseed ISBN 77031-08191-9 USED no marks but has paint or something on the cover at the bottom near the author's name. Large colorful pictures shelf wear
Davy Crocket Young Pioneer by Laurence Santry (Troll Pub) ISBN 0-89375-848-5 USED shelf wear yellowed pages but very usable with no marks Good b/w sketched pictures
Stider by Beverly Cleary (Sequel to Dear Mr. Henshaw) (Schoolastic) ISBN 0-439-14804-9 152 pages New with shelf wear~never read binding not broken in at all.
The Dead Tree by Alvin Tresselt USED hardcover children's book with beautiful illustrations. From the 1970s shelf wear but in good condition considering age. Clean with no marks
The Little Rascals Storybook (Schoolastic) 1994 ISBN 0-590-48851-1 Soft cover USED 32 pgs no writing shelf wear pics are from the movie
Hellen Keller by Margaret Davidson (Schoolastic) 95 pages older 60 cents soft cover/cover edges are cracket and bent in two places. Book is slightly yellowing due to age but clean with no marks. Shelf wear is present. B/W/red illustrations
softcover shelf ware with no writing illustrations are photos from movie/historic
Prairie School by Lois Lenski hardcover ISBN 0-397-30194-4 c. 1951 Minimal shelf wear/very slight yellowing not much at all~hand drawn b/w illustrations 196 pgs
Poetry for Young People William Shakespear (Schoolastic) 0-439-35771-3 slightly USED with min shelf wear~gorgeous full color illustrations 48pgs
Abe Lincoln The Young Years (Troll Assciates) 0-89375-751-9 USED shelf wear slightly yellowed no writing/clean b/w drawn illustrations 48 pgs
Heaven Your Real Home by Joni Eareckson Tada ISBN 0-310-50140-7 Hardcover USED minimal shelf wear/dust jacket 215 pgs
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson (Newbery Award) 0-590-13200-8 softcover like new minimal shelf wear b/w illustrations chapter book 128 pgs
Shoebag by Mary James (Schoolastic) 0-590-43030-0 softcover like new with shelf wear~GOTTA TELL YOU: this is a book about a COCKROACH who turns into a little boy...LOL.... 135 pgs
A Shooting Star A Novel About Annie Oakley by Sheila Soloman Klass 0-440-41493-8 softcover like new with some minor shelf wear 173 pages
We Hold These Truths A Documentary History of the United States c.1960 softcover USED with shelf wear and yellowed pages 376 pgs first page has tear.These are 68 documents with commentary that shaped the US.
A Memoir Barbara Bush ISBN 0-02-519635-9 Hardcover with jacket USED clean and min shelf wear 575 pgs Biography
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling (Schoolastic) 0-439-36213-x USED paperback some shelf wear
All About the States Search A Word Puzzles 0-486-29400-5 Softcover USED shelf wear present/few pages with min writing(found only one and it's in highlighter (one word circled))
Shiloh Season 2nd Book in the Shiloh Trilogy by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor 0-689-80646-9 BC USED Cover worn with shelf wear and inside cover with name/clean/back inside cover damaged
American Diaries: Nell Dunne~Ellis Island 1904 by Kathleen Duey 0-689-83555-8 Softcover USED shelf wear OLD library book with stickers and stamps of library.
American Diaries: Janey G. Blue~Pearl Harbor 1941 by Kathleen Duey 0-689-84404-2 Softcover USED shelf wear OLD library book with stickers and stamps of library.
My Prayer Book ~The Lord's Prayer /The Lord is My Shepherd (padded board book) gold leaf edges clean with minimal shelf wear/some light light indents on cover~multi cultural children ;-))
Souvenir book: Indians of America Full color Illustrations of the Indians of America ~older paperback book about 30-50 pages gorgeous photos on Native Amer in full ceremonial dress/has map and sign language~USED with some shelf wear no marks.
Indians c.1973 softcover about 30-50 pgs with full color gorgeous illustrations of Native Amer in full ceremonial dress~similar book to the Souvenir book, but smaller size. USED shelf wear no marks
Enrichment Reading Level 6 Take Tenn Publication is literature readings with comprehension questions. Self published (Amer history supplemental reading~has vocab as well) USED shelf wear no marks 75 pgs
...If you Lived At the Time of the Civil War by Kay Moore (Schoolastic) 0-590-45422-6 softcover USED some shelf wear
...If You Traveled on The Underground Railroad by Ellen Levine (Schoolastic) 0-590-45156-1 softcover USED some shelf wear
Moses God's Helper by William E. Young Hardcover Broadman Press c.1976 shelf wear and clean
United States US State Map - tablet - Apprx 25 - left - used - unused somewhat bent
Science Weekly - composting - level Pr A, A, B, C, D, E & teaching notes
[one copy each]
Treasury of Illustrated Classics - The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi
Treasury of Illustrated Classics - Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
A Dalmatian Press Children's Classic - Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
VocabAhead - One Thousand Sat Vocabulary Videos and Mp3s - The Entertaining and Effortless Vocabulary Building Solution CD
Web Design for Kids (...And Curious Grown-Ups!) - Fundamental DVD instruction on learning Basic HTMlL to create web pages and websites - New
Math 7 - A teaching Texbook by Gren Sabouri and Shawn Sabouri with automated grading
(3 out of 4 solution CD-roms included)
A Child's Story of America - Second edition
Our America - Geography and History - 1986 edition
Handbook of Grammar & Composition - fourth edition by James A. Chapman
The Write Foundation - Essay Writing Instructions - Step by Step Lesson Plans Examples, Checklists, Grading System and More by Rebecca Celsor (softcover spiral bound)
The Write Foundation - Sentence to Paragraph Writing Instructions - Step by Step Lesson Plans Examples, Checklists, Grading System and More by Rebecca Celsor (softcover spiral bound)
Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation with General Science - 2nd edition - Wile softcover
Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra - Answer Key & Test Bank, Solutions CDs, Test Solutions CD, Lecture and Practice
Business Mathematics - In Christian Perspective - Work-Text
Business Mathmatics Tests/Quizzes
Business Mathematics - In Christian Perspective - Work-text
Mind Benders - Deductive Thinking Skills - A1 by Anita Harnadek softcover
In the Hands of a Child - project pack - CD rom - Hocpp1249 the Holocaust
Music for Today's Children by Butler-Kirkland-Leach-Adams hardcover older book with cloth cover used and worn
High School Biology in Your Home - Text - by Bridget Adroin softcover spiral bound
Exploring Creation With General Science 2nd edition - Wile hardcover
The World Past and Present - The World Around Us - Blackline Masters - Plays - Demeter & Persephoni - The Sword in the Stone softcover
Abeka Paul's Missionary Journeys - Flannel Map Study Series - Teacher Key
Abeka Algebra 1 - Test Booklet - Teacher key, Test Booklet
Abeka Algebra 1 Video Test/Quiz Solution Key
Abeka Algebra 1 - Solution Key
Abeka Algebra 1 - Solution Key
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective - Skills and Review Exercises - Second Edition
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective - Skills and Review Exercises - Second Edition
Abeka Algebra 1 - Student Quiz Booklet - Teacher Key, Quiz Booklet
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective - Skills and Review Exercises - Second Edition
Abeka Pre-Algebra Basic Mathematics II - Second Edition - Teacher Key - Traditional Math Work-Text
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective - Test/Quiz Key
Abeka Consumer Mathematics in Christian Perspective Teacher Ed 2nd Ed
Abeka Pre Alg Basic Math 2 Test and Quizes Test/ Quiz Key
Abeka Alg I Test/Quiz Key
Abeka Solution Key to Alg II Tests/ Quizes
Abeka Alg 2 TEXT c.1987
Abeka PreAlg Solution Key Traditional Math Work Text
Abeka Business Math Solution Key
Abeka Consumer Math in Christian Perspective Solution/Answer key
Abeka Alg 2 Test Key
Abeka Alg 1 2nd Ed. (TEXT)
Abeka Alg 1 TEXT
Abeka Alg 2 Text Solution Key
Abeka Consumer Math in Christian Perspective 2nd Ed
Abeka Basic Math 1 Traditional Work Text for Christian School Teacher Test/Quiz Key
Abeka Our Solar System Facts, Stories Activities by Ian Grahan softcover ISBN 059047622X Schoolastics
Abeka Matter and Motion in God's Universe (TEXT) ISBN 25836008 (softcover)
The Handy Science Answer Book (softcover) 2nd ed ISBN 157859099X (Carnagie Library of Pittsburg)
Abeka Let's Be Healthy (TEXT) ISBN 1561X010 softcover
Rocks and Fossils by Chris Pellant ISBN 0753456192 hardcover
Totally Amazing Spiders (softcover) ISBN 0307201600
Totally Amazing Plants (softcover) ISBN 03072011678
Totally Amazing Rainforests (softcover) ISBN 0307201635
Totally Amazing Natural Disasters (softcover) ISBN 0307201651
Eyewitness Books Universe (softcover) ISBN 0756603846
Dinosaurs Eye to Eye ~The Predator's Prey ISBN 1577556757 (softcover)
Abeka Grammar and Composition 2 by James A Chapman Teacher Key spiral softcover
Memoria Press Christian Studies Book 1 (softcover) ISBN 1930953909 (Teacher Manual)
Memoria Press Christian Studies Book 1 softcover (student book) ISBN 1930953895
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome by John Haren ISBN 1930953 softcover
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome Student Guide ISBN 1930953801 softcover
Memoria Press Famous Men of Rome Teacher Guide ISBN 193085381X softcover
Dinosaurs to DoDos ~Encyclopedia of Extent Animals by Don Lessem hard cover ISBN 0590316842
Explore America Tours of Discovery Through Our Magnificent Country by AAA (hardcover) ISBN 1550011405
Abeka Health in Christian Perspective Test/Quiz Key softcover
Abeka Choosing Good Health Answer Key softcover
Abeka Choosing Good Health Teacher Key, Student Test and Study Booklet softcover
Abeka Observing God's World ISBN 15172011 (text)
Abeka Observing God's World Answer Key
Abeka Observing God's World Quiz Booklet Key
Abeka Observing God's World Test Booklet Key
Mammoth Cave softcover by John Wagoner ISBN 093647808X
Birds in Your Backyard by Barbara Herkert ISBN 1584690259 softcover
A Dorling Kindersley Book~How Children Lived~A First Book of History ISBN 1564588769 hardcover
Young Christian Library Readers: paperback readers good condition (most are like new/some shelf wear)
Ruth ISBN 1557481733
Mirrium ISBN 1557483507
David Livingston ISBN 1557482594
David ISBN 1577486021
Noah, Builder of the Ark ISBN 1577486544
Samuel ISBN 1577485165
My Book of Devotions~the Guide for Parents and Kids About Self Control ISBN 1416915788 paperback
The Frontiersman~The Real Life and Many Legends of Davy Crockett by Mark Derr hardcover with jacket
ISBN 0688096565
Totally Bizzare~Exploring the World of Unsolved Mysteries paperback ISBN 1588650928
Understand Revelation in One Day by Roger Miller, MD ISBN 159684096X softcover
The Song of the Three Holy Children hardcover by Pauline Baynes ISBN 0805001344
Viking Adventure by Clyde Robert Bulla hardcover cloth covered older book library of congress 639208
Abeka Rosa by Elaine Cunningham softcover ISBN 59668001 (5th gr reader)
Abeka Of America 2 softcover ISBN 18473010 (5th gr)
Abeka United Kingdom Kings of Israel A Student Study Outline A ISBN 22055008
Abeka Themes in Literature Book 3 softcover ISBN 17000011
Children of Bible Days hardcover by Florence Hearn (hardcover from church library older book~decent condition) Broadman Press
Abeka Choosing Good Health ISBN 18635010 softcover
Blood and Guts A Working Guide to Your Insides by Linda Allison ISBN 0316034436 softcover
The St Martin's Handbook 2nd Ed by Andrea Lunsford and Robert Conners ISBN 0312053673 hardcover
Youth On Mission Accept the Challenge Vol 9 ISBN 1563096544 softcover
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Summer 2009
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Spring 2010
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Summer 2010
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Winter 2009
Answers Magazine from Answers in Genesis Vol 5 No 1 Jan-Mar 2010
Answers Magazine Vol 5 No2 April-June 2010
Homeschool Enrichment Mag Issue 47 Sept-Oct 2010
Homeschool Enrichment Mag Issue 44 Mar-Apr 2010
Homeschool Digest Quarterly Journal For Family Discipline Vol 19 No 2 (Wisdom's Gate) 2009
NATHHAN/CHASK National Challenged Homeschoolers/Christian Homes and Special Kids Fall/Winter 09-10
The X-Ray Picture Book of Incredible Creatures by Schoolastics ISBN 0531186385 softcover
The Human Body Systems place mat with muscles and skeleton, five sense and circulatory, respiratory, digestive systems shown by Painless Learning Placemats
Young Musicians ISBN 005174615 (Lifeway)
Music Makers 5.2 Lifeway ISBN 005174611
Cassette Album: Heritage of Our Country Character Building Famous Characters Vol 4: Traveling Tunes, Bicycle & Kites, The Ugly Ducking of Baseball, The Disappearing Light, Yankee Woman, Persecuted and Betrayed Album is cracked but tapes are good.
Genesis Finding Our Roots by Ruth Beechick hardcover like new ISBN 094031911X
Songs For Music Time Vol 2 Lifeway softcover ISBN 0767393465 spiral bound music for preschoolers
Teaching Textbooks Math 7 Answer Booklet ISBN 9780974903675
Abeka Grammar & Compostion 3 Teacher Key spiral book used
Abeka Primary Bible Reader Selected KJV Passages for Young Readers ISBN 53694006 softcover
Abeka Genesis First Things 11-12 ISBN 59358008
Abeka Genesis First Things 11-12 Test Key
Abeka Themes in Literature Test/Quiz Key ISBN 25631011
Abeka Divided Kingdom Kings of Israel B Teacher Key ISBN 32298007
Abeka Grammar and Composition 3 Test/Quiz Key ISBN 71803002
Young People of the Bible hardcover older book (stories of children in Bible)
The Nature of Life Earth, plants, Animals, Man and Their Effect on Each Other by Lorus & Marjorie Millne Library of Congress # 72130316 hardcover older book w/jacket
This is the United Nations by M. Lasek hardcover older (children's book) ISBN 6812093
Exploring KY Copy Masters and Teaching Guide Heath Social Studies softcover book on the state of KY used
The American Pageant by Thomas A. Bailey ISBN 0618103538 USED college Amer history book
Let's Travel in France by Darlene Geis hardcover ISBN 6420807 USED
Young People's Story of the Americas Canada, Mexico, and South America hardcover USED
Human Body Revealed (DK book) ISBN 0789488825 hardback very good condition
The Bridge to the Latin Road partially USED binder with materials
Abeka State and Local Government ISBN 63665006
Abkea Science Order and Reality ISBN 25909010
Teaching Students With Special Needs in Inclusive Settings IDEA 2004 softcover ISBN 0205470327
Foundations First Sentences and Paragraphs With Readings by Kirszner-Mandell Instructor's Annotated Edition ISBN 0312394233
Story of the Middle Ages by McHugh (Christian Liberty Press) softcover ISBN 1930367775 USED good condition
Egypt by McDonald hardcover ISBN 0382061128 Used older book with loads of pics
Prince of Egypt by Dreamworks hardcover USED book illustrations based on film
The Western Heritage Vol 2 Since 1648 USED softcover college text book
In A Class of Her Own ISBN 1419032127 like new softcover
The Three Musketeers by A. Dumas hardcover children's classic illustrated w/larger print
World Civilizations 6th Ed Study Guide Vol 1 ISBN 0393951030 USED work text
Voices of Ancient Egypt by Kay Winters hardcover w/ jacket very good condition
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Well, since I last posted, I've been worried about my eating plan. Worried that I've eaten too much overall. I have the kinds of foods down pat~I don't eat a lot of things, but more important I eat really good things overall, but my concern was portions. I'm a FOOD ADDICT! Wish I could candy coat it, but I can't. I laugh these days and say that "I got fat eating celery; I'm such a food addict!" Well, in fact, we all know celery won't make a person fat, but large portions will...and so it's my story. I've eaten way way too much for way way too long...and in my process/progress, I've been cutting down as well as changing up the kinds of foods I consume. Today I am really eating less than I was a year ago, but I'm not where I believe I will need to be to become the healthy woman I hope is in my future. HOPE...oh yes, that wonderful word of life...HOPE thou in God...yes, I can hope in Him! I'm thankful...
And having just this morning done a weigh in, I'm at my lowest body weight in nearly 20 years!! Praise God! AND the crazy thing is how I worried that I was not releasing my weight but somehow overeating~I guess my capacity for volume has decreased b/c I feel sooo stuffed sometimes. I will be addressing this~AM addressing this! And this must be a new leg of my journey~less IS definitely more!
Sooo my totals are now down 83#s since April 2010...totaling 147 since this mo 8 yrs ago! Praise the Lord! I am so blessed and feel very thankful. I'm FIVE pants sizes down...
But...THIS IS NOT my life's focus~if you can understand that...I'm still a wife and MOM...I do other things besides obsess over my body or the fat I carry. THIS IS just my shell, for goodness sakes, right?? Okay, soo with this said, I don't weigh frequently, but generally just when I have doctor appointments. I leave the numbers to them and with them~MOSTLY...except when I worry! But let me say, that climbing on that scale this morning was something done out of resolve to know TRUTH...that scale, while it's definitely NOT the measure of my success~it's an indicator of my total program...For me: wt releasing at about 1-2#s a week is where I want to go...ANY FASTER~I GET CRAZY!! And a big fat crazy woman is not sane! I FEEL all kinds of deprevation and hunger when I don't eat enough that I lose faster than this and soooo b/c of all that emotion I EAT AND EAT AND EAT...OR QUIT! NO GOOD! I can't go that way...First, it's unhealthy for my mind, but also I end up eating and gaining wt in the end...NO GOOD! Soo here I am plugging along with a long term solution~slow and steady...turtle speed, anybody?? Oh yes, I'd like to be a gorgeous DIVA T O M O R R OW! Who wouldn't wanna be THAT? But the life lessons are so valuable in untying these knots...gotta be...NO INSTANT FIX for me....My brother died after WLS...I see that it would never fix my mind/soul issues. I need to know that it's not just my body that's corrected, b/c if it is just my body, it seems that the compulsion to EAT would not be dealt with adequately. I need more. Anybody out there like me?? I fear I'm not alone. In this I seek support~but I know ultimately what I eat and HOW MUCH is my affair and nobody else. But how much sweeter this journey having you go along with me...soo come on! Let's get going toward greater health benefits!
I've been food preserving these past two weeks. WHAT A BOON! I love canning! Sat a week ago we were blessed to have come across what I call, THE DEAL OF THE DAY! And what a deal~a huge pressure canner complete for $5! I can preserve meats now..and even green beans! WHAT A BLESSING!
But so far my canning has been dill pickles, sweet (splenda) pickle relish, pepper jelly (splenda) AND zucchini jam! WHOOHOO! I'm waiting on my tomatoes to come in~praying that they's been a horrible summer for lack of rain and the incredible heat! This morning after the harvesting, I have some work to do again~looks like more jam and maybe dill pickles~ooowwwweee! YUM!
It's my prayer that we all continue on the road to health and happiness in this coming week~how are you progressing? I'm still waiting on the doc's approval for exercise~I know it's coming..coming...coming...Let me know you were here! ;-))
And having just this morning done a weigh in, I'm at my lowest body weight in nearly 20 years!! Praise God! AND the crazy thing is how I worried that I was not releasing my weight but somehow overeating~I guess my capacity for volume has decreased b/c I feel sooo stuffed sometimes. I will be addressing this~AM addressing this! And this must be a new leg of my journey~less IS definitely more!
Sooo my totals are now down 83#s since April 2010...totaling 147 since this mo 8 yrs ago! Praise the Lord! I am so blessed and feel very thankful. I'm FIVE pants sizes down...
But...THIS IS NOT my life's focus~if you can understand that...I'm still a wife and MOM...I do other things besides obsess over my body or the fat I carry. THIS IS just my shell, for goodness sakes, right?? Okay, soo with this said, I don't weigh frequently, but generally just when I have doctor appointments. I leave the numbers to them and with them~MOSTLY...except when I worry! But let me say, that climbing on that scale this morning was something done out of resolve to know TRUTH...that scale, while it's definitely NOT the measure of my success~it's an indicator of my total program...For me: wt releasing at about 1-2#s a week is where I want to go...ANY FASTER~I GET CRAZY!! And a big fat crazy woman is not sane! I FEEL all kinds of deprevation and hunger when I don't eat enough that I lose faster than this and soooo b/c of all that emotion I EAT AND EAT AND EAT...OR QUIT! NO GOOD! I can't go that way...First, it's unhealthy for my mind, but also I end up eating and gaining wt in the end...NO GOOD! Soo here I am plugging along with a long term solution~slow and steady...turtle speed, anybody?? Oh yes, I'd like to be a gorgeous DIVA T O M O R R OW! Who wouldn't wanna be THAT? But the life lessons are so valuable in untying these knots...gotta be...NO INSTANT FIX for me....My brother died after WLS...I see that it would never fix my mind/soul issues. I need to know that it's not just my body that's corrected, b/c if it is just my body, it seems that the compulsion to EAT would not be dealt with adequately. I need more. Anybody out there like me?? I fear I'm not alone. In this I seek support~but I know ultimately what I eat and HOW MUCH is my affair and nobody else. But how much sweeter this journey having you go along with me...soo come on! Let's get going toward greater health benefits!
I've been food preserving these past two weeks. WHAT A BOON! I love canning! Sat a week ago we were blessed to have come across what I call, THE DEAL OF THE DAY! And what a deal~a huge pressure canner complete for $5! I can preserve meats now..and even green beans! WHAT A BLESSING!
But so far my canning has been dill pickles, sweet (splenda) pickle relish, pepper jelly (splenda) AND zucchini jam! WHOOHOO! I'm waiting on my tomatoes to come in~praying that they's been a horrible summer for lack of rain and the incredible heat! This morning after the harvesting, I have some work to do again~looks like more jam and maybe dill pickles~ooowwwweee! YUM!
It's my prayer that we all continue on the road to health and happiness in this coming week~how are you progressing? I'm still waiting on the doc's approval for exercise~I know it's coming..coming...coming...Let me know you were here! ;-))
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Family Movie Night~WHO IS Simon Miller?
DO NOT MISS this suspenseful family friendly film~the teens will like this one! It's a little intense for the young child, but right up a kid's ally who is a tween or older FOR SURE! There's some fighting and violence, but no gory stuff for sure!
TONIGHT NBC 8/7central!
I got a sneak peak of this neat film from Propeller Marketing in exchange for my honest opinions w/o monetary compensation. My views are my own.
BE SURE to catch this one!
TONIGHT NBC 8/7central!
I got a sneak peak of this neat film from Propeller Marketing in exchange for my honest opinions w/o monetary compensation. My views are my own.
BE SURE to catch this one!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Heath: Secrets REVEALED...Canning W/Sugar Free ...
I have a few secrets that aren't so secretive if you know me on how I'm working on my health these days. Since I've been SUGAR FREE now for just a little bit over 10 mos, I have worked to develop or FIND truly sugar free alternatives to the sugaring sweet tasty foods I've given up~such as jams and jellies~peanut butter~tomato catsup and more...also bread and butter pickles...we make them! Well, not the peanut butter, although I do know WHERE I can get freshly ground roasted peanut butter made..oh yes I do, but so far, I've just found a good sugar free wholesome brand at the local health store~yeah, it's pricey~but I'm worth it, right? NO PRICE on health, really...
But I am making up bread and butter pickle relish with grated cucumbers/onions/peppers and canning it~for winter use. It tastes so much better I think..but remember, I've not have sugar in 10 mos, so this Splenda version will taste VERY good to me...I say when someone tells me, 'it's not sweet' OR "I can taste the Splenda" I remind them that they ARE still eating sugar...since I don't~THIS STUFF is delish!
Okay, I've also been making up some zucchini jam ~divine STUFF!! oh yes!!
I was looking to see if I can waterbath can the stuff, but while this site Many Zucchini Jam Recipies here! has several that say I can waterbath can it, I am NOT sure...most say FREEZE...which is what I'm gonna do. But I am thankful that there are variations on this recipe which means ALL the neato ideas I've had about adding some of this or that to the mix COULD VERY WELL work out fab! I was thinking of using some apple juice in it and a few grated know, for the fridge~dunno how freezing would do...Do you make this? Do you have an alternative recipe? What's your fave??
Okay, jumping off here~so NOW YA know my secrets for eating healthy without losing the taste and variety...
But I am making up bread and butter pickle relish with grated cucumbers/onions/peppers and canning it~for winter use. It tastes so much better I think..but remember, I've not have sugar in 10 mos, so this Splenda version will taste VERY good to me...I say when someone tells me, 'it's not sweet' OR "I can taste the Splenda" I remind them that they ARE still eating sugar...since I don't~THIS STUFF is delish!
Okay, I've also been making up some zucchini jam ~divine STUFF!! oh yes!!
I was looking to see if I can waterbath can the stuff, but while this site Many Zucchini Jam Recipies here! has several that say I can waterbath can it, I am NOT sure...most say FREEZE...which is what I'm gonna do. But I am thankful that there are variations on this recipe which means ALL the neato ideas I've had about adding some of this or that to the mix COULD VERY WELL work out fab! I was thinking of using some apple juice in it and a few grated know, for the fridge~dunno how freezing would do...Do you make this? Do you have an alternative recipe? What's your fave??
Okay, jumping off here~so NOW YA know my secrets for eating healthy without losing the taste and variety...
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Slim Down Sunday~Week 3 Had to BACK IT DOWN...
I'm joining up over at Heartfelt Homeschooling for Slim Down Sunday as an accountability for my weight/health program.
Here's my week: I have been under some stress and stuff going on, and it's been difficult NOT to want to EAT DOWN the house~but I've not done it; however, I did find my plate becoming fuller with higher calorie foods than I KNOW will do what I need it to do which is create a slow weight release and keep my nutrition in balance~Sooooo I have back down those amounts again to something near reasonable and increased my veggie consumption again. Having good FRESH garden grown cucumbers picked right from the patch is such a help too! Also my fave grocery had celery 99 cents a bunch! WHOOHOO! What's NOT to LIKE about that?? (Unless, of *hate* LOL..celery!) ...LOL...
Okay, so I'm still on the exercise restriction, BUT I did go to the lake with my family on Thursday and swam two hours in the BAKING HOT HOT HOT get cooked with a nasty sunburn~OUCH! But sooo far, I'm not blistering or looking like I might~I'm a big believer in aloe vera so that $3 gel was a good deal at Dollar General, huh??? LOL....I've been slathering that stuff on liberally! Also I have continued my level of activity~but nothing strenuous...just...STRESSuous...LOL...but I'm working on giving this to the Lord. Only HE can fix it...only HE...
I won't be at the doc for a few mo weeks, so we shall have to wait to see how my weigh in is coming along...THIS IS A GOOD plan for me b/c I am not NOT not scale 'obsessed' but in fact, I do deal more with a phobia...HOWEVER, the SCALE IS NOT the measure of my success~it's every bite that goes into my mouth. Today, I did not eat at our church social where there would be foods triggering me into overeating. I did eat a Subway sub though that was fixed like I needed it to be for my health. Also yesterday I celebrated 10 mos of NO WHITE sugars or flours in my diet...Praise the Lord!
Thanks for stopping by~Are you addressing your health? Don't wait too long like I have until it's a HUGE mountain to climb~whatcha gonna do?? Won't you join me??
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
REVIEW & GiveAway: I'm ALLL IN! Contemp Christian Music CD
Go hear Robert's 'Light the Way' contemporary praise song FREE and...enter up for a copy of his NEW CD~I'm All In! What's not to like? This is a young man who is a teen on a mission~I am a f/b fan too so I know he's busy (MAYBE maybe coming to your town!) out spreading the GOOD NEWS! What's NOT to like?? Head to F/B and *like* Robert's MINISTRY!!!~he's out of Orlando, FL!!
CK HIM OUT~Anybody besides this (ole rocker) Christian Mama think he looks a wee bit like Elvis??? HUH??? You will so love his sound and his uplifting message~GOT TEENS? Pass this one..NO! WAIT...KEEP IT for yourself Moms...LET the KIDS enjoy it W/YOU!!
ENTER UP for your OWN COPY~FREE! Leave me a message~1 entry...grab my button 2 entries...OR if you aren't MY friend..and BECOME ONE~3 entries...(BE SURE to leave your comments with each entry!)
Contest will END 7/31/11 11:59PM EST...woot!! Thanks so much!!
CK HIM OUT~Anybody besides this (ole rocker) Christian Mama think he looks a wee bit like Elvis??? HUH??? You will so love his sound and his uplifting message~GOT TEENS? Pass this one..NO! WAIT...KEEP IT for yourself Moms...LET the KIDS enjoy it W/YOU!!
ENTER UP for your OWN COPY~FREE! Leave me a message~1 entry...grab my button 2 entries...OR if you aren't MY friend..and BECOME ONE~3 entries...(BE SURE to leave your comments with each entry!)
Contest will END 7/31/11 11:59PM EST...woot!! Thanks so much!!
“Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services
mentioned above for free from Propeller Marketing in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255:
“Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Monday, July 25, 2011
LIFE: When In Doubt...
I am maxed out right now with all kinds of stressors. My dryer is putting 'black marks' on our clothes and a whole slew of other struggles, but mostly I'm eaten up with indecision about some important things in my life...
One friend has essentially left her blogging life behind, and I so get that~I am struggling with WHAT to say to you all...even on a very infrequent basis right now. Have I said ALLL I need to say or have a voice to say? I do know that my life is rapidly changing, and my interests are following in quick pursuit! Soo the bigger question is~
WHAT DO I have to contribute to you all on this blog? AM I WORTH reading and being kept up with?
Let's get REAL~not much~ I'm guessing...and prob not. So what purpose will my blog serve YOU and me?
Can I preserve this medium for the occasional review now that we're not traditionally homeschooling and should I have something pertinent to say? Or should I just consider this adventure done and over, moving on to different but less 'virtual' activities in my life? I can't even find myself purging the old texts/homeschooling books of these past several years right now...
I'm in life is changing so fast that my head is spinning...Oh I know it's an age and a stage of life, but it's NO fun~mostly, no fun...and I don't think I can even stand to tare out the WALL to fix the dryer by plumbing for the new one~just can't hardly *think* of the mess this will create in my life and the amount of work involved...knowing hub is not able to finish it in one fowl swoop (have I EVER said HOW MUCH I hate UNFINISHED projects???)...oh brother! I definitely need a dryer, but in Summer, the clothesline is preferred by me anyway~FOR COST...uh...when in doubt...
Hub's in no mood to hear me on this either, but I am so way worn out...
What about attacking this MESS in a few weeks when he can dedicate the time to FINISH~also, DO IT RIGHT??
Thanks for listening to me vent this morning~What are you up to these days? Getting ready for back to school? What does THAT look like in your household? Let me know you came by! ;-))
One friend has essentially left her blogging life behind, and I so get that~I am struggling with WHAT to say to you all...even on a very infrequent basis right now. Have I said ALLL I need to say or have a voice to say? I do know that my life is rapidly changing, and my interests are following in quick pursuit! Soo the bigger question is~
WHAT DO I have to contribute to you all on this blog? AM I WORTH reading and being kept up with?
Let's get REAL~not much~ I'm guessing...and prob not. So what purpose will my blog serve YOU and me?
Can I preserve this medium for the occasional review now that we're not traditionally homeschooling and should I have something pertinent to say? Or should I just consider this adventure done and over, moving on to different but less 'virtual' activities in my life? I can't even find myself purging the old texts/homeschooling books of these past several years right now...
I'm in life is changing so fast that my head is spinning...Oh I know it's an age and a stage of life, but it's NO fun~mostly, no fun...and I don't think I can even stand to tare out the WALL to fix the dryer by plumbing for the new one~just can't hardly *think* of the mess this will create in my life and the amount of work involved...knowing hub is not able to finish it in one fowl swoop (have I EVER said HOW MUCH I hate UNFINISHED projects???)...oh brother! I definitely need a dryer, but in Summer, the clothesline is preferred by me anyway~FOR COST...uh...when in doubt...
Hub's in no mood to hear me on this either, but I am so way worn out...
What about attacking this MESS in a few weeks when he can dedicate the time to FINISH~also, DO IT RIGHT??
Thanks for listening to me vent this morning~What are you up to these days? Getting ready for back to school? What does THAT look like in your household? Let me know you came by! ;-))
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Slim Down Sunday~Week 2 ALL ABOUT CHOICES...

I'm still on my health path since last year with 75 PLUS pounds GONE! PTL! I haven't weighed in a few weeks so I don't know my progress as of late, but I'm still 'shrinking' so I feel confident the scale will reflect a conservative weight release. I'm so thankful!
One thing going on is that all kinds of ppl who know me are noticing that I'm shrinking. It makes me feel good, but I also don't want to become complacent so that I CELEBRATE sooo big that I eat over it...FOOD IS NOT my celebration any longer! But I am enjoying that my body is becoming more's all good!
My choices this week are something I consider very important when it comes to my food. It's not just the amount of calories, but the kinds and combinations that I am working with to find the path to health. For me, I'm eating over 2K calories a day which is just low enough to cause about a 1-2lb weight loss per week, and also I eat no white flour or sugars...AT ALL and have done this now for almost 10 months...PTL! Also I am eating more fresh (from the garden!! woot!!) healthy foods leaving off most breads and pastas..(all white pasta is a NO NO!) I have picked up more protein in my diet as it builds muscle and does not turn to sugar to increase the blood sugar/insulin response in the's generally VERY lean protein as I eat NO pork or pork products...generally no hot dogs or link sausages UNLESS they are the (expensive) healthy ones~and only occasionally. Much of what I am eating is very very balanced. I eat fruit (generally fresh), just 1 sometimes 2 servings per meal and if I get that second one it~it's not eaten at the following meal...
For instance:
2 eggs poached in cooking spray (salt & pepper)
1 banana (I find the smallest non gourmet banana bunch they sell that week and eat the smallest one I can find!)
1 6OZ container of Kroger Carb Master Vanilla Yogurt (60 cal/4GM carbs/9GM protein)
This is the usual meal plan for my am meal... and I drink water...
Oh not as much as I should, but I do drink water!
I KNOW it should be more...we even distill our water ourselves and have a water cooler with the jugs of our distilled water...I just don't...LOL...
But then I'm also researching food and my choices~
Here's the Spark People diabetic info on food:
Eating Well With Type 2 Diabets
I am now a brand new diabetic who is controlling my blood sugars with diet and also one medication per's my prayer that I can come off of it at some point and find myself living a healthier lifestyle...
The doctor as told me to hold off and do nothing stressful as of late. I am hoping for a clearance to hit the gym with a trainer soon!! (I am in process for having medical testing so hopefully I will know pretty quick!)
As for eating out:
I am a big time believer in eating a HOME, which is a HUGE behavior mod thing for me. In the past, it was an EVENT, PARTY, CELEBRATION and all kinds of LIFE to hit the restaurants~but no mo! Today, I prefer
my OWN FOOD to that of the restaurant chef, but there are times I find it essential to eat out b/c of time constraints and travel...soo where do I eat??
I like Subway. You can find one in almost any community AND they're consistently GOOD~my fave is the veggie 6" whole wheat sub. I eat ALL the veggies except the dill pickles, jalapeneos, spinnich, and green peppers~I usually get EXTRA CHEESE! I like pepper jack! I also like the roast turkey. On occasion, I will order the apple slices with water.
IF NO SUBWAY, I like Arby's. Arby's has Market Fresh bread which is the nut grain bread and soo good. They also NOW have a whole grain wrap which is DIVINE!! REMEMBER: I haven't had sugar in MONTHS, so these things are soo good to me!! But what I like to get is the Market Fresh UNTOASTED roast turkey sandwhich (hold the honey mustard) w/mayo only and the fixings just like it comes...OR OR OR...the chicken salad wrap~oh my goodness! THIS IS DIVINE!! The chicken salad has apple, walnuts, mayo, celery, mayo and chicken. YUM!! and the wrap with dark green curly leaf lettuce on that wrap! Oh my! AND there's loads of protein along with veggies and FRUIT~they make it daily...I LIKE that~and feel it's pretty healthy!! I tried a beef sandwhich in the wrap and didn't like it as much...
CHINESE~We have ONE oriental restaurant we like to go to that has a Mongolian Grill~it's the REASON we go there...the BAR stuff MOSTLY has sugar or pork~also white flour products...I don't do any of these, but I can pick out some DIVINE fresh food and have it lightly cooked, and it's so good! I also make up my own sauce with soysauce, garlic and red pepper paste which is very good~and has no sugars like the premade 'brown sauce.'
You might ask me HOW I know it all has sugar?? Well, after NOT eating it~and being GLAD b/c I feel so much better NOT eating it~I can taste it...I know what mushrooms in brown sauce taste like when I KNOW every ingredient..and they aren't supposed to have a sweetness, but the ones on the buffet DO...sooo...TASTE can tell me OR if IN DOUBT, I don't...
Okay, I'm in for the LONG HAUL~ THIS IS A LIFESTYLE change. I am so thankful to God for showing me how to live and nourish my body. I pray to continue as He gives me the ability.
Thanks for coming by~I'm looking at this next week and praying I can get moving a little bit more...Are you working on your health?? Where are you with it?? Any progress??
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
HEALTH~Stayn' IN the Groove!
HOW in the world CAN I do such a long term thing in my life as losing so much weight and LITERALLY revamping my life? It's NOT easy, but in breaking it down to itty bitty baby steps and staying motivated, I am making more progress than I've ever dreamed. You see, morbid obesity is like a huge mill stone tied ever so tightly around my neck and for many with this like me, escape is nearly impossible~but REMEMBER I've said, nearly...NOT totally. It IS possible. It is...I have to believe this!
I have loads of obstacles, too. Just like anybody I have STUFF that comes up and washes over my resolve, and removes me from my ACTION in a moments time...but does it effect my progress? NO. Why? Because I NEVER allow that stuff to change my firmly established good routines that so far have continued to 'work for me' this past year. Believe me, I had to establish routines to support my NEW healthy eating amounts, kinds and times of food. Routines that without them, I'd be facing continued failures along the path of this DREAM for a revamped LIFE....
My routines have definitely changed. For one, I eat breakfast EVERYDAY unless there is medical reasoning such as a procedure or test that I am undergoing...and then I just arrange IF I CAN to have three meals a little delayed~as the body, MINE INCLUDED, is jump started with a routine of nutrition and available sources of energy~yeah, this is WHAT FOOD IS anyway~ENERGY! Nothing more, and nothing less. To chase this for a second, I've changed my thinking to remind myself a good deal that FOOD IS NOT my friend, comfort, play pal, fun or's simply FUEL...and who parties down at the GAS STATION? Uh....way too many who I've now left behind...and hence my life is changing! Breakfast is very important to me, and I get really hungry and KNOW I need it by the way I feel physically before the appointed usual time.
I eat three balanced meals so that each meal is solidly adding up to include almost something from EVERY food group: protein, milk (usually 60 cal yogurt), fruit and on two of the meals, I have a bread serving or two that NEVER exceed three servings a day. Yesterday, I had one for breakfast and two in the form of a sandwich for lunch and NONE for supper. Today, I am not sure, but for breakfast I will have one as I always do and then it might be one on lunch and supper, or it could be one lunch and none supper. I look at that particular category as pretty flexible and also that it makes my available choices a little broader. I NEVER eat starchy veggies along with actual bread or pasta (always whole grain varieties!) b/c then my carb servings would exceed my limit of three per day. I generally don't eat preprepared box cereal as the carb count is VERY high for the 1/2-1 cup's not that I don't love the stuff, either! It's totally looking at a limit of generally consuming NO foods that contain more than about 21 carbs per serving...and I am a much bigger eater than just a once cup serving of cereal and 1/2 to 1 cu of milk for THAT amount of carbs..make sense? My breakfast which I have consumed in some variety for now a total of over nine and half months generally consists of eggs or cheese, bread, yogurt and fruit. It's also been comprised of sugar free peanut butter and a slice of bread...I've even allowed myself the pleasure of occasional whole wheat raisin bread as long as sugar is fifth ingredient down...I REALLY READ all those labels now..and KEEP UP with those 'food totals' EVERYDAY as I GO surprises for me...
And I don't let myself get too totally hungry. I eat about 3-6 or 7 hours apart BUT...I am ALWAYS sure to eat generally way before the upper end of that time! Yesterday, it was getting too long and I was beginning to feel bad. I don't like that. It's not good for me either, so I try really hard to avoid this kind of situation. I don't snack~meaning I literally eat three squares a day with NOTHING in between UNLESS I am HONESTLY between a rock and a hard place...and it's about 1-2 times a month where I will have a protein/fruit snack of some kind...usually a piece of FRESH fruit and a serving of protein...I spend three nights a week out late in going to my church OR also another activity, so my supper is often very late on those nights. I leave well before supper time so if I eat on the early side of it, I am famished way before breakfast and in risk of binging or 'snacking' in my vulnerability in the night...nights are risky, so I avoid eating as much as possible after certain times and definitely in certain places...
I eat at my places, either at our counter in the kitchen OR at my place at the dining table. I used to eat in the livingroom and den~NOT anymore. My food is fixed on my plate and carried to either place for my MEAL. I eat and then either leave it for the cleanup by my son or daughter who I'm thankful handle this chore almost daily OR I carry the dishes back and leave them after ALL food has been put away~I'm a "POT PICKER" and to avoid this behavior relieves me of dealing in loads of EXTRA calories that I am NOT working diligently to get rid of~FOREVER!
When I leave the kitchen or food storage areas which are in our home, our kitchen and then we have a pantry area in our basement, I LEAVE THEM...til breakfast. SOMETIMES I feel a pull to go back mentally and emotionally, but I busy myself in my den or if it's time to go to bed, I go there...I will use that feeling too to drink water or other healthful beverage~NEVER sugary stuff...b/c I have placed that item in the den or bedside. I NEVER drink juice b/c it's totally a FAST SHOT of sugar that has little fiber and drives UP blood sugars...I don't need FAST, but rather the fiber of fresh whole fruit metabolize on the slow...and make for more consistent energy...I NEED so many ways....
So change has been something that as I've gone along, has helped me to stay motivated in my efforts...sometimes my 'results' are elusive...I don't weigh daily or even once a week. I don't need anything to pull my attention OFF the process and plan. I must stay focused on the every BITE concerns and counts, rather than the eventual goals of normal weight numbers and improved health~these are just BY PRODUCTS of my solid healthy eating that will be consistent over the long haul...and this is the secret~or just a key, b/c the REAL secret is my spiritual journey.
The Lord has sustained me in all sorts of situations where I consciously refrain from turning into the food for my life~all those things food can be that brink on the negativity to destroy me. FOOD MUST stay in it's rightful place in my life...and I don't tolerate it rearing up it's ugly head to try to move into more prominence. NO WAY! I refuse to allow people or events to change what's tossing about like a ship tossed in a storm...I believe with God's help, I must stay firmly affixed to the task of making sure that I am nourished properly each and every changes here, for me.
I don't allow myself BREAKS from my food plan. I stay with it, no matter the reason OR the season. Birthdays, holidays, events, celebrations,...or whatever...NO MATTER. FOOD IS FUEL and nothing more! I really don't even desire 'special' foods on these days, but truly desire the solid stable routines I've established. Unfortunately I have ppl in my life that without FOOD celebrations would and do feel LACKING...they don't feel the GREAT way I do b/c they consistently change from no or little sugars to gobs of sugars and so their metabolism is constantly under attack...not so for me...after deciding over 9 mos ago to give up the toxins of over processed sugars or fast metabolizing sugars and starches, I FEEL GREAT! Albeit that right now it's way way to early in the morning for breakfast and b/c I'm awake, my 'guts are growly!' LOL...oh boy, better wrap this up and drift back off to a more acceptable time near my routine. Falling asleep in my recliner has its challenges too.
I also attept every night to GO to bed and also go at a reasonable time. . . THIS IS ANOTHER change for me...I could go on and on...but I will go on now, and get myself settled back down for a few more zzz's's way too early...LOL...
HOW do you stay on the course long term? Are you? GOT changes you need to make? I'm still praying over mine...and I am 'evolving' all the time! Give me a shout out!
SisterT ;-))
I have loads of obstacles, too. Just like anybody I have STUFF that comes up and washes over my resolve, and removes me from my ACTION in a moments time...but does it effect my progress? NO. Why? Because I NEVER allow that stuff to change my firmly established good routines that so far have continued to 'work for me' this past year. Believe me, I had to establish routines to support my NEW healthy eating amounts, kinds and times of food. Routines that without them, I'd be facing continued failures along the path of this DREAM for a revamped LIFE....
My routines have definitely changed. For one, I eat breakfast EVERYDAY unless there is medical reasoning such as a procedure or test that I am undergoing...and then I just arrange IF I CAN to have three meals a little delayed~as the body, MINE INCLUDED, is jump started with a routine of nutrition and available sources of energy~yeah, this is WHAT FOOD IS anyway~ENERGY! Nothing more, and nothing less. To chase this for a second, I've changed my thinking to remind myself a good deal that FOOD IS NOT my friend, comfort, play pal, fun or's simply FUEL...and who parties down at the GAS STATION? Uh....way too many who I've now left behind...and hence my life is changing! Breakfast is very important to me, and I get really hungry and KNOW I need it by the way I feel physically before the appointed usual time.
I eat three balanced meals so that each meal is solidly adding up to include almost something from EVERY food group: protein, milk (usually 60 cal yogurt), fruit and on two of the meals, I have a bread serving or two that NEVER exceed three servings a day. Yesterday, I had one for breakfast and two in the form of a sandwich for lunch and NONE for supper. Today, I am not sure, but for breakfast I will have one as I always do and then it might be one on lunch and supper, or it could be one lunch and none supper. I look at that particular category as pretty flexible and also that it makes my available choices a little broader. I NEVER eat starchy veggies along with actual bread or pasta (always whole grain varieties!) b/c then my carb servings would exceed my limit of three per day. I generally don't eat preprepared box cereal as the carb count is VERY high for the 1/2-1 cup's not that I don't love the stuff, either! It's totally looking at a limit of generally consuming NO foods that contain more than about 21 carbs per serving...and I am a much bigger eater than just a once cup serving of cereal and 1/2 to 1 cu of milk for THAT amount of carbs..make sense? My breakfast which I have consumed in some variety for now a total of over nine and half months generally consists of eggs or cheese, bread, yogurt and fruit. It's also been comprised of sugar free peanut butter and a slice of bread...I've even allowed myself the pleasure of occasional whole wheat raisin bread as long as sugar is fifth ingredient down...I REALLY READ all those labels now..and KEEP UP with those 'food totals' EVERYDAY as I GO surprises for me...
And I don't let myself get too totally hungry. I eat about 3-6 or 7 hours apart BUT...I am ALWAYS sure to eat generally way before the upper end of that time! Yesterday, it was getting too long and I was beginning to feel bad. I don't like that. It's not good for me either, so I try really hard to avoid this kind of situation. I don't snack~meaning I literally eat three squares a day with NOTHING in between UNLESS I am HONESTLY between a rock and a hard place...and it's about 1-2 times a month where I will have a protein/fruit snack of some kind...usually a piece of FRESH fruit and a serving of protein...I spend three nights a week out late in going to my church OR also another activity, so my supper is often very late on those nights. I leave well before supper time so if I eat on the early side of it, I am famished way before breakfast and in risk of binging or 'snacking' in my vulnerability in the night...nights are risky, so I avoid eating as much as possible after certain times and definitely in certain places...
I eat at my places, either at our counter in the kitchen OR at my place at the dining table. I used to eat in the livingroom and den~NOT anymore. My food is fixed on my plate and carried to either place for my MEAL. I eat and then either leave it for the cleanup by my son or daughter who I'm thankful handle this chore almost daily OR I carry the dishes back and leave them after ALL food has been put away~I'm a "POT PICKER" and to avoid this behavior relieves me of dealing in loads of EXTRA calories that I am NOT working diligently to get rid of~FOREVER!
When I leave the kitchen or food storage areas which are in our home, our kitchen and then we have a pantry area in our basement, I LEAVE THEM...til breakfast. SOMETIMES I feel a pull to go back mentally and emotionally, but I busy myself in my den or if it's time to go to bed, I go there...I will use that feeling too to drink water or other healthful beverage~NEVER sugary stuff...b/c I have placed that item in the den or bedside. I NEVER drink juice b/c it's totally a FAST SHOT of sugar that has little fiber and drives UP blood sugars...I don't need FAST, but rather the fiber of fresh whole fruit metabolize on the slow...and make for more consistent energy...I NEED so many ways....
So change has been something that as I've gone along, has helped me to stay motivated in my efforts...sometimes my 'results' are elusive...I don't weigh daily or even once a week. I don't need anything to pull my attention OFF the process and plan. I must stay focused on the every BITE concerns and counts, rather than the eventual goals of normal weight numbers and improved health~these are just BY PRODUCTS of my solid healthy eating that will be consistent over the long haul...and this is the secret~or just a key, b/c the REAL secret is my spiritual journey.
The Lord has sustained me in all sorts of situations where I consciously refrain from turning into the food for my life~all those things food can be that brink on the negativity to destroy me. FOOD MUST stay in it's rightful place in my life...and I don't tolerate it rearing up it's ugly head to try to move into more prominence. NO WAY! I refuse to allow people or events to change what's tossing about like a ship tossed in a storm...I believe with God's help, I must stay firmly affixed to the task of making sure that I am nourished properly each and every changes here, for me.
I don't allow myself BREAKS from my food plan. I stay with it, no matter the reason OR the season. Birthdays, holidays, events, celebrations,...or whatever...NO MATTER. FOOD IS FUEL and nothing more! I really don't even desire 'special' foods on these days, but truly desire the solid stable routines I've established. Unfortunately I have ppl in my life that without FOOD celebrations would and do feel LACKING...they don't feel the GREAT way I do b/c they consistently change from no or little sugars to gobs of sugars and so their metabolism is constantly under attack...not so for me...after deciding over 9 mos ago to give up the toxins of over processed sugars or fast metabolizing sugars and starches, I FEEL GREAT! Albeit that right now it's way way to early in the morning for breakfast and b/c I'm awake, my 'guts are growly!' LOL...oh boy, better wrap this up and drift back off to a more acceptable time near my routine. Falling asleep in my recliner has its challenges too.
I also attept every night to GO to bed and also go at a reasonable time. . . THIS IS ANOTHER change for me...I could go on and on...but I will go on now, and get myself settled back down for a few more zzz's's way too early...LOL...
HOW do you stay on the course long term? Are you? GOT changes you need to make? I'm still praying over mine...and I am 'evolving' all the time! Give me a shout out!
SisterT ;-))
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
View From MY Dashboard~Old Cannon
Recently on a trip into town and hitting a few yard sales there we saw a cool sight!
Which war ya think??? Pretty cool!
Monday, July 4, 2011
HEALTH~ME In Pics From the YR!
I'm so excited to be 75#s down and so I wanna show off my progress in pics~here's ME throughout the year!
This was taken last night at church, July 3, 2011. Not all fixed up, but the REAL ME LOL!
Taken at the park on a blustery day May 2011 ;-))
This was taken Feb 2011~you can't see my whole DOUBLE CHIN in this one!
You can in this one~whole family ;-))
Another one from Feb 2011 with my Mama ;-))
Christmas pic with the kiddos in early Dec 2010
Nov 29, 2010 w/hub!
Nov 2010!
Aug 2010 with a friend ;-))
This was taken last night at church, July 3, 2011. Not all fixed up, but the REAL ME LOL!
Taken at the park on a blustery day May 2011 ;-))
This was taken Feb 2011~you can't see my whole DOUBLE CHIN in this one!
You can in this one~whole family ;-))
Another one from Feb 2011 with my Mama ;-))
Christmas pic with the kiddos in early Dec 2010
Nov 29, 2010 w/hub!
Nov 2010!
Aug 2010 with a friend ;-))
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Taken in July 2010 |
Where it all began in April 2010~75lbs ago!
Vintage~Yeah, I LOVE OLE STUFF
I don't know WHY I've been fighting fact, I can't really say I've been doing that much b/c my life is so full of the oldie but goodie kinds of things! The younger ppl now call me, "OLD SCHOOL" LOL...and that's fine with me. I am OLD SCHOOL...even to the point of homeschooling the ole schooling way~and it worked for generations as well as it has worked for mine~PTL! But, my taste is ole too...I love the old, used, vintage, rough, rugged, and repurposed. Lord knows, I'd never know HOW to shop a mall~have never been in ours and my trips to the local 'wally world' average about 3-4 a year..I know, I know...but what do I do you might be asking? I shop the 'secondary market' for most of what I want, and I have some other thrifty places where I buy the bulk of our food~plus we grow a good bit of it too...soo ya see, I have no need or little need to go 'there.' LOL...
Okay, so I will post up a few pics today~one in particular is for a bloggy bud who is into vintage and has a frame she's trying to repurpose~Ck out her post and pic here ! I thought she'd like to see what I've done with an ole frame and some needle art as well as show you all too~I'm pretty proud of my garage sale FIND and how with some board mount charges from Hobby Lobby~yeah, I could have done this myself, but I have tried mounting (stretching and affixing to a 'board') myself to have it come out pretty rumpled looking and not so nice...hence that little charge~$20. I also paid FIFTY cents for this piece..and the frame? Add in another dollar from a previous garage sale~I took the pic and mat out as it wasn't all that pretty imho! Total~$21.50 for a pretty piece...and I'm just amazed at all the work some dear soul invested in it~prob 1970s by the colors..but I love it!
What do you think?
Yeah, it's a little 70s, but I love the workmanship and colors! I have loads of the green in my home so this works on a few levels ;-))
Okay, here's a pic frame with a mirror we use in the bathroom~yeah, the bathroom is awful~remember that we are TOTALLY remodeling this ole house...goes with the OLE HOUSE style I have LOL..ya know, REMODELING?? LOL..I guess I'll need a new HOBBY once all the house is done...LOL...but you know, it's such a while off that I'm just gonna ENJOY while I can LOL!
Soo don't mind where I began peeling the nasty wall paper~DID THAT til hub says, don't do it b/c the WHOLE WALL is coming down LOL! so hey, why waste my energy?? LOL!
Also a new pic from last night of where we're busting out old narrrrrly stairs in front and planning new siding!
Stairs and the TWO front doors you see are GOING AWAY~there's the TRUE front door on the side of the enclosed mud room that you can't see from this view~it's staying! LOL...Don't NEED three front doors! LOL...Okay, so you see, WE ARE a work in progress!
Thanks for stopping by~
Okay, so I will post up a few pics today~one in particular is for a bloggy bud who is into vintage and has a frame she's trying to repurpose~Ck out her post and pic here ! I thought she'd like to see what I've done with an ole frame and some needle art as well as show you all too~I'm pretty proud of my garage sale FIND and how with some board mount charges from Hobby Lobby~yeah, I could have done this myself, but I have tried mounting (stretching and affixing to a 'board') myself to have it come out pretty rumpled looking and not so nice...hence that little charge~$20. I also paid FIFTY cents for this piece..and the frame? Add in another dollar from a previous garage sale~I took the pic and mat out as it wasn't all that pretty imho! Total~$21.50 for a pretty piece...and I'm just amazed at all the work some dear soul invested in it~prob 1970s by the colors..but I love it!
What do you think?
Yeah, it's a little 70s, but I love the workmanship and colors! I have loads of the green in my home so this works on a few levels ;-))
Okay, here's a pic frame with a mirror we use in the bathroom~yeah, the bathroom is awful~remember that we are TOTALLY remodeling this ole house...goes with the OLE HOUSE style I have LOL..ya know, REMODELING?? LOL..I guess I'll need a new HOBBY once all the house is done...LOL...but you know, it's such a while off that I'm just gonna ENJOY while I can LOL!
Soo don't mind where I began peeling the nasty wall paper~DID THAT til hub says, don't do it b/c the WHOLE WALL is coming down LOL! so hey, why waste my energy?? LOL!
Also a new pic from last night of where we're busting out old narrrrrly stairs in front and planning new siding!
Stairs and the TWO front doors you see are GOING AWAY~there's the TRUE front door on the side of the enclosed mud room that you can't see from this view~it's staying! LOL...Don't NEED three front doors! LOL...Okay, so you see, WE ARE a work in progress!
Thanks for stopping by~
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