Thursday, April 15, 2010

For The Teenage Years!

As a Mom of teenagers, I find myself amazed, amused and annoyed.  Ha!

I am amazed we've gotten this far.  Nine years AND counting of homeschooling blows my mind! I am thankful and thrilled to see what they know and how they are becoming people of God.

It's amusing to see them in the stages where LIFE is ssoooo serious, and things are sooo complex. I REMEMBER these times as very difficult, and the wars in my heart raged as a teen, but instead of being totally embroiled in it WITH THEM, I can be amused that THIS TOO, SOON SHALL PASS! I am not taking all the drama quite as serious as they are at times, so that I can stay focused and not embitter them against me.

I do get annoyed at times.  But WHAT Mom doesn't.  Teenage HOOD is just another stage not unlike the terrible twos, the sweet kindergarten stage or then that pre-puberty bud...WE WILL GET OVER IT~all!!

I love my teenagers, and it's a joy to see them growing and changing each day.  We are in the middle of CRUNCH time for drama club.  Girl Thing One is an actress (on stage, LOL) and Boy Thing One is a crew mate this time in set design.  With performance just a little less than a week away, they are busy polishing off what needs to be done to garner a great performance of The Phantom Tollbooth.  I am truly excited, and this extra-curricular is hard pressed to be beaten.  With friends and a huge project they are working hard to make it happen!

This is Thursday's Talk'n About Teenagers!  You can join me with other Moms of Teenagers at Plans4You  to read all the perspectives this week.

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