Friday, November 13, 2009

HOW Did We Get Here and NOW WHAT?

Homeschooling is one of the journeys a family undertakes in life that has many dips and bends in the road.  I KNOW this.  I know it in my head and heart, but sometimes it's good to take a good hard look and make some evaluations about where we are, where we've been and most importantly WHERE we are going. 

I have had three conversations, yeah, I do get to talk to adults ;-)) this week where the discussion has been homeschooling our kids and our paths we are on.  I have some wonderful friends who like me have felt the call from God to train their own children in the Lord and home educate.  Could it be this time of year that has us ALL looking at what's working and what isn't in our lives? Is there something about November that causes self introspection and examination of a sorts to bring homeschooling moms into a thinking process about directions?  I suppose that Thanksgiving and the season of looking at our blessings could have an impact, but more importantly it could be that we all have our finger on the heartbeat of our homes and our children...

I discussed one of our kids with hubby today.  The child who I struggle most to educate.  The summation of the discussion is this: HE WILL MAKE IT! This is such a relief to me...oh what a burden I bare when thinking of his future and the path of educating him~the trials and victories we have shared-both child and I.  Along with this same vein came the discussion with my friend who is struggling with her much younger son in areas we have and continue to struggle.  NOT that I am happy she is struggling, but in the sharing, I can see that our problems are not all that unique. WE ARE NOT ALONE in them either. . .someone else is in this trench! I praise God for knowing of His presence and that I have a friend who understands too~even if it's both of us struggling~we can encourage each other! She said, "God knew we could handle it!" Love you, sister in the Lord for such ample encouragment.  I will engrave this on my heart for the moment of despair when the war is raging!

Then the phone rang with the call from a mother whose child is yet so young whose heart is called to train in the ways of the Lord.  Oh what a joy to find a "like-minded" soul who is praying and preparing now for her later homeschool journey. 

My girlfriend who I've known forever is also in a place of self acessment.  She is looking at what is working and what isn't in her homeschooling and life right now too! Plans are being made and formulated for changes.  You know, homeschooling is a fluid thing, right? We can make adjustments as needed. We should make adjustments as needed! WE MUST make adjustments as needed! 

When looking at my own home and family, hubby and I had some disussion.  It's important to know how we got where we are first.  Sometimes it's hard figuring this out.  Asking ourselves some questions can help though.  We are looking deep into our minds, hearts and circumstances to acess our path in our journey with God and homeschooling.  Hmmm....

AND in this process of looking at the HOW~we are looking for the WHAT NEXT? Where and WHAT does God want from us as a couple and family. 

Thanksgiving is a time of assessment with each of us with our finger on the heartbeat of our family's hearts.  Being thankful makes what we have enough! This is the quote off my girlfriend's email signature, AND it's oh soo true! Thankful first in the journey as we move onward and upward...

So I ask you, how did you get here, and where are you headed? NOW WHAT?
In Thanksgiving,

1 comment:

jwiggins said...

The most difficult part of this first year of home schooling for me has been money. I think of all the things I could pay or do for my children if I worked outside of the home. But I am reminded that I can never get these years back. Those bills can wait. Thanks for this blog <3 me some sister T!