Walmart and P&G (Proctor and Gamble) have once again teamed up for a great movie that is family friendly~Set in the mid west, Zach Taylor is a promising game designer who has won a chance to make it big...but his values are tested~HOW WILL Zach pull it all together? Will he be able to be true to his family AND his team??...This film will appeal to boys who are into computer games as well as girls. It's totally family friendly with a great plot and outcome. It's set to air Friday, Dec 2nd 8/7c on NBC~You will want to have the whole family gather for this one~
I really enjoyed Game of Your Life, but I couldn't get my almost 16 yr old boy interested. After viewing it, I believe he will really want to watch it b/c he's such a gamer. Maybe he'll tune in on the second~I think it's GREAT and most kids will like it.
I received a sneak peak in exchange for this review from Propeller for my honest opinions without monetary compensation. My opinions are my own.
Thanks so much~ENJOY the trailor and catch it on NBC, Friday Dec 2nd 8/7c~;-))
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
HURRY~LAST DAY to ENTER for Christmas Film: Christmas Lodge
This is ending 11-16-11 12MN and hey, looks like low entries..shhhh....I WANNA WIN!! WOOT!
Gotta LOVE the Cow Queen!
Gotta LOVE the Cow Queen!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
YEP, life is a continuum and it's always changing. And just when I'm thinking oh this is GREAT or this is ROTTEN, life throws something else and there I am...DIFFERENT from that former thought...oh yes! Sooo TODAY, DAY 3 I am thankful for CHANGE..yeah, I said that ugly~uncomfortable~almost nasty little word that represents mayhem and peace, wonder, excitement, pain and purpose...ALL of every little bit of life is propelled around in CHANGES...and One Day At a Time, which truly equals milliseconds for me~CHANGE IS HERE..permanently! Soo I will be grateful to God for bringing these to me~even in the sadness or gladness...ONE THING ISSSSSSSSS for sure..there is ALWAYS CHANGE!
I'm embracing this little word~Are you?? Got any good/bad changes happening you wanna share??
Link up and go ck out the Grat Challenge (CLICK the button below)~we're real THANK FULL!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

1. RENEWED sense of self. I feel so much better about me. I'm still a great big fat woman (no way to deny this any longer or cover it up~BUT I am looking but more importantly FEELING MO LIKE ME! WOOT!)
2. NEW vigor and energy. I'd like to say I'm ready to run the marathon I hope to at least power walk one day if not RUN~BUT no! It will be a while...however, it's amazing HOW BAD I felt and honestly I feel so good I really didn't KNOW HOW BAD I was kidding...(hey, and HOW MUCH better WILLL I feel??? Oh yeah! ;-)) THIS IS exciting!
3. I can BUY CLOTHES. For you gals out there who haven't been in the shape I've been in ~you won't 'get' this...but, I couldn't go in a store and pick out a thing even in the great big fat shops...NOPE. I couldn't. I don't wear tight clothing or other ill fitting duds, so I was relegated to catalog shopping or sewing my think THAT was fun? Oh, it did the job, and I was clothed and I looked as 'nice' as was possible...nothing WORSE imho than ill-fitting clothing on a person...but anyway, I am blessed! YOU SHOULD SEEEEE the 90 gal tub of clothes I can NO LONGER WEAR that are leaving my life~TY Lord! And then, there's the JOY~SHEER JOY of going into the local walmart and while it's not ideal~BEING ABLE to buy an article IF I WANT TO...PTL! I'm like a kid in a candy store and honestly don't know WHAT I WANT...options are a good thing! OH YES!
4. LESS MIND CLUTTER. I am looking with HOPE to my future. HOPE...ever been sick and tired and had no HOPE? Well, even in a faith based life~LIFE can seem difficult to reach...BEEN THERE-DONE THAT and thanks to the Lord, I'm on the up-swing! I'm cleaning out and clearing out...might even get rid of things I'd NEVER dreamed of with a renewed sense of 'less is definitely MO!'...
5. BUSY and MO busy. I'm not bored nor overwhelmed. LIFE IS feeling pretty right. I'm on a spiritual/mental and emotional journey that I won't graduate from~oh no! I'm here...FOR't ask me about my DIEt...this is NOT it at all..and never worked for me...I'm on the 12 step recovery~spiritual healing to fix what ails this mind and body kind of LIFER program One Day At a Time...and you know what? I'm working it daily and everyday~MULTIPLE times a day...So yep, I'm busy...but it's all good!
Thanks for stopping in to SEE MY PROGRESS~I'll post up a post of some of my changes IN me...I think all but a more recent pic~let's see....Yup, HERE it is...
Hey, join on up and count your blessings day by day this November and really DO some THANKS GIVING! CLICK that button up top! woot!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yeah, you read THAT RIGHT. I'm THANK FULLLLLLLLLLLLL for dirty dishes in my sink, on my counter, on the stove and STILLLLL on the table! Yup~b/c this means my ppl~my precious family have had plenty to eat/we had money to buy the food/and that I have a job (okay, just kidding bout that part! LOL) But seriously, I love that poem about the dirty dishes having a tale to tell~that our family eats so well...oh yeah! Well, it's not a bad bad thing when I see impoverished children from the world sipping out wooden hulled bowls with something that looks like gruel..NOT too appetizing I'm afraid, but I'm sure it's healthful~I HOPE...
So I'm thankful for DIRTY DISHES...
and then...ALL THE JUNK AND CLUTTER...OH MY! SisterT is just WAY TOO BLESSED...weeding out..and STILL toooooooooooo blessed...God has provided an abundance of everything I've needed and MOST of all I've wanted..yeah, sisters-BEWARE of WHAT YOU ASK FOR...for you may surely get it! HA! I'm praising God I got junk and dirty dishes...b/c NOW...
I gotta JUMP OFF HERE~and FLING myself to go spruce it all up for the next round of hungry participants who really enjoy this wonderful bounty God is providing!
Thanks for coming by and to Brenda for this THANKS GIVING opportunity!
SisterT ;-))
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