Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2010 Gratitude Challenge: Day 17 A GOOD Day for Remembering

Today is a very special day.  For eight and a half years, this day has particularly been hard, but even more special than it ever was in my life.  Today is my brother's birthday who died in 2002.  You see, it was an untimely death which was quite unnecessary.  He was in a hospital receiving medical care and suffered a medical mistake that cost him his life as his providers didn't catch it~no one did, but the coroner's office.  But not to 'go BACK there,' I prefer to remember him on his birthday as I've done each year since he became my little brother.

Russell was born Nov 17, 1966, and I am his big sister.  There were only two of us, and I can't say that we always got along.  In fact, it was a sweet and sour relationship in many ways, but one thing I knew for certain was that he was MY little brother~even as the hulking 6'3" huge man he was~he was smart: had a masters degree in education; he was funny~oh my goodness!  He was wild~he had a side to him that defied gravity LOL; and HE WAS my brother. I miss him.  I love him.  And one day~the HOPE I have is to see him again.

Right after he died, so unexpectedly, I went into appreciable shock. But as grief set in~there was fear and doubt (in the wake of funeral and pastor wife duties..go figure!)...but the realization that OUR HOPE is IN GOD~it's really ALL anyone who's lost someone has got~HOPE in the hereafter and HOPE in the future.  I remember saying to myself and sometimes I will even say it today,  "Hope thou in God..." and "Lord, help Thou, mine unbelief..." knowing that HE IS ALL HOPE~of a day to come when death and sorrow will be wiped away~all joy in Jesus will defeat this enemy and God will reign! But until that day, the day of the Lord when we shall be with Him forever, I am HERE~left to do God's will and walk worthy of the calling He's called me to's my now ya know, HOW SisterT ticks a bit~and WHY I am grateful for my brother today~more than any, but always.

Have a very blessed day today...and remember to hug your brother...for me.

This is a very special meme of talking about our reasons for thanksGIVING each day this month~and  you can join up OR just read~either way, you'll BE BLESSED...I know, I have! Go HERE!

This is another SHAMELESS plug~head over to my Carmex Skin Care GiveAway HERE ENDS 11/18 11:30 PM EST~whoot!


Blossom Barden (NorthLaurel) said...

Thank you for sharing your memories about your brother. You just about made me cry (I'm tough though and stubborn so the tears would not fall). I do not have brothers that I 'know'- I have two that are 10 and 8 years older than I am but have never met them. I have sisters though and I love them dearly and appreciate them. Not always, though. Thank you for posting this. Life is precious and uncertain.
You've made me think again of how precious my siblings are.
And my children. I don't have a brother but I have a son (who is a brother) so I will give him a huge hug in memory of your brother (and because I love my guy!).

Shannon said...

It's tough to miss the ones we love, especially when they leave us unexpectedly. Thank you for sharing your brother with us... I wish I had known him, he sounds like he was a wonderful man... and I like funny people! LOL!
Blessings and enjoy your day of remembering...

Prairiemaid said...

Sweet post. Sorry, for the loss of your brother.

HOPE is a beautiful, tangible, thing and like you said, sometimes that is all we have, but it is enough.

May you be blessed today in special ways and may your memories be ones of JOY!

Jennifer said...

I know that loss still hurts. You are right, there IS hope!

Jen U. said...

I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother but so very thankful for the Hope that you have in the Lord during these moments of remembrance and brief. This was a beautiful tribute/post to your brother.

I will pray for you today that you will feel God's blessings and presence in an incredibly deep way as you remember. ((Hugs))

Unknown said...

Thank you for trusting us enough to share your day of remembering!


Our Homeschool Reviews said...

I can't imagine. I'm sorry for your loss but thanks for sharing his memory with us.

Catherine said...

I'm so sorry to read this, *hug* It's so hard to be left behind. Especially when it's such a sudden and unexpected loss. That's how it was when my father died, and I had such a difficult time. I'm like you. I alwayscelebrate his birthday. I invite everyone ot join me for icecream and we talk about what a gift he was in our lives. Thank you for telling us about your brother. All I have is a glass of water, but I raise it in his honor.

Jill said...

Thank you for sharing your brother. I am praying for your continued peace and comfort as this day draws to a close. Thank you for the reminder that our Hope is in God and God alone.

Lynn said...

oh.. my heart goes out to you today as you remember your wonderful brother on his bday. I am so glad that you can take this day and treasure your time you had with him and to know that you will see him in heaven. Thanks for sharing this my good friend. I'm thinking of you!

Vickie said...

A great tribute to your brother. Rest assured you'll see him again. To God the glory.

Sheri said...

I am so sorry you and your family had to go thru this sad situation! What a tragic loss. At least we have the knowledge of heaven and so you do have that to hold on to. Hugs to you dear lady.

Hey-I have 3 brothers and I am willing to lend a few-heck all 3 to ya if ya want em-I do have a disclaimer tho and there are no give-backsies allowed! :0)

Dawn said...

Thank you for sharing! Sorry for your loss...but wonderful to remember the good. Have a wonderfully blessed day! (Oh, and I think I'll head over to your giveaway...thanks for the reminder!)